Minicon 37 Snapshot Upload

You can upload a photo for the Minicon 37 Snapshot Album here. The file must be in jpeg format, and must be smaller than 110k (they really should be more like 25k, but we allow you some leeway). Pixel dimensions on the order of 500x700 are usually good.

I suggest using first names only in the descriptions, unless you know for sure the person being identified doesn't mind.

If you haven't worked with your photos in digital form before, and need advice, contact me privately. I'm not going to write a whole treatise on how to get film photos transferred to digital, and how to edit photos digitally. It's too big a subject. But I'll give advice in person or by email. Very briefly, you can scan prints on a flatbed scanner, you can scan negatives or slides on a film scanner, you can have negatives scanned into Photo CD or Picture Disk at the time the film is processed, and of course you can shoot with a digital camera instead of on film in the first place.

Photos and their captions must be reviewed before they become available in the public snapshot album.

The public snapshot album may be viewed here.

By uploading a photo, you give us permission to display it in this and similar Minn-StF and Minicon snapshot albums. You promise that you own the rights to the photos you upload, or have permission from the person who does have the rights.

JPEG File: required
Photographer: required
Event: Select the most specific time that your photo was taken
Description: required
May contain very simple html, like <p>, <i>, and <br>.

Last modified .
David Dyer-Bennet <>