CONFelicity members
As of September 29, 2023:
- Evelyn Bogie
- Nate Bucklin
- Benjamin Cox
- David Dyer-Bennet
- Dean Gahlon
- Clayton Harris
- Hershey Harris
- George Hunt
- Nicholas Johnson
- Sharon Kahn
- Mike Kobs
- Laura Krentz
- Stacey Lam
- Michael Lee
- Gary Lynch
- Jean Mlynczak
- Roger Mlynczak
- Lesley Perg
- Richard Price
- Sharon Price
- Irene Raun
- Scott Raun
- Lisa G Sanders Bucklin
- Isaac Schneider
- Michael Schneider
- Matthew Strait
- Nora Strait
- Rebecca Strait
- Richard Tatge
- Thorin Tatge
- Ann Totusek
- John Wardale
- Scott Wyatt
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