Einblatt! December 2008


Advance Warning

Minn-StF Meetings - Jan 3: probably cancelled; Jan 17; Feb 14: Pool Party & 1st Board Nominations; Feb 28: 2nd Board Nominations; Mar 28 Board Election.


This issue is the last free Dead Tree version of Einblatt. If you want to continue to receive a Dead Tree version, it will be available by subscription at $10/year. You may pay by check mailed to the Minn-StF PO Box, check or cash hand-delivered to Your Faithful Einblatt Editor, Scott Raun or PayPal to webmaster@minicon.org. The various electronic versions will continue to be free. Note: the PDF version is configured to print nicely on 8.5x11 paper.

If you received the December Dead Tree Einblatt, it included a new Dead Tree Minn-StF Directory. If you are not included and want to be in the next version, please fill out the form at http://www.mnstf.org/einblatt/directory_form.pdf. Note: additions will only be accepted using this form, other submissions will be accepted only for corrections or deletions. Scott Raun is currently accepting additions, corrections, etc.


2: Martin McClure; 3: Lynn Anderson; 4: Jerry Corwin, Felicia Herman, Anne Gay; 9: Larry Sanderson; 10: Laura Krentz; 11: Reen Brust, Ken Fletcher, David Wilford; 12: Joan Marie Verba; 13: Emma Bull; 15: Scott Raun; 23: Dean Gahlon; 24: Karen Johnson; 25: Eric Forste; 31: Jan Appelbaum, Erik Emery

Publishing News:

Michael Merriam's short story "All the Leaves your Bed" appears in the November issues of the Australian YA magazine Shiny. He also sold his short story "At the Edge of Twilight, Melissa Remembers Flight" to The Morrigan for their debut issue.

Ruth Berman has a short-short story, "Dreaming a Cartoon," in Dreams and Nightmares #81, September 2008.

Terry A. Garey was interviewed about home winemaking ("Pro vs. Amateur Winemaking") in issue 2 of a new online wine magazine, Spezzatino (www.spezzatino.com). Her Joy of Home Winemaking book was also just cited in an article in v.15 of Human Ecology Review.

Local publisher Llewellyn has published The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction (tp, 2008); most or all of the stories are of sf/f interest.

Neil Gaiman, "The Witch's Headstone," reprinted in Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: vol. 2 (NightShade tp, 2008, ed. Jonathan Strahan)

Ex-local Steven Brust's Jhegaala was #5 hc on the November Locus Bestsellers list.

Neil Gaiman's American Gods and Fragile Things were #2 and #3 tp bestsellers for Barnes and Noble/B. Dalton listed in November Locus.

Action Alert! by Joan Marie Verba, the latest novel in the Thunderbirds series, is now available from FTL Publications. FFI: http://www.ftlpublications.com

pb=mass market paperback. hc=hardcover. tp=trade paperback nf=nonfiction. coll=collection. anth=anthology. r=reissue


Feb 19-22, 2009. Camp Capricon 29, Wheeling, IL. GoH: Sharon Shinn, Gary Lippincott, Christian McGuire. (Pre-reg deadlines: Dec 31, Jan 31) http://www.capricon.org/

Apr 10-12, 2009. Minicon 44. Bloomington, MN. GoHs: Karl Schroeder, Stephan Martiniere, Seth Shostak. Atnd: $44, Student: $25, Kid: $20, Support: $15. (Pre-reg deadlines: Nov 15, Mar 15). http://www.mnstf.org/minicon44/

Apr 24-26, 2009. Odyssey Con 9, Madison, WI. GoH: Emma Bull. $35 to 4/10, $45, ATD, more rates on web site. http://www.oddcon.com/about.php

Jun 19-21, 2009. Fourth Street Fantasy Con, Mpls, MN. GoH: Cory Doctorow. http://www.4thstreetfantasy.com/

Aug 6-10, 2009. Anticipation/Worldcon 67, Montréal, QB, CA. GoH: Neil Gaiman, Elisabeth Vonarburg, Taral Wayne, David G. Hartwell, Tom Doherty, Ralph Bakshi. (Pre-reg deadline: July 31) http://www.anticipationsf.ca/English/Home

Ongoing Information

Board of Directors: Kevin Austin, Lisa Freitag, Dean Gahlon, Scott Raun & Matt Strait. Email board@mnstf.org. Mn-STF meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Saturday every month, Board meeting minutes are posted at http://www.mnstf.org/records/board-minutes/, check there or on the events mailing list for the next board meeting.

Minn-STF web site at: www.mnstf.org/. Minicon web site at: www.mnstf.org/minicon/.

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 612-827-3228.

Filk Circle: open to all who like to participate in music with f/sf lyrics. 4th Saturday at 5pm. FFI: Rich Brown, 651-646-2159, rab@freemars.com

Artists and Writers: Get your art and thoughts in print in Stipple-Apa, small-and-cozy general-interest publication. FFI: Jeanne Mealy 651-771-7226

Einblatt is posted on Usenet groups rec.arts.sf.fandom, rec.arts.sf.announce and mn.sf // Einblatt from July 95 to date is on the web at www.mnstf.org/einblatt/. Einblatt is distributed via e-mailing-list - sign up at the website (here).

This Einblatt was edited by Scott Raun with the assistance of Denny Lien (publishing news) and Kevin Austin(conventions).

Einblatt is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local SF community. E-mail same to einblatt@mnstf.org, or send to Scott Raun, 3928 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407; or call him at 612-822-0451. Email submissions most preferred, no phone calls after 10pm. // Next Einblatt! Deadline: 11:59PM December 25th, 2008 sharp!