Einblatt! April 2010


Advance Warning

Minn-StF Meetings: May 1, TBD; May 15, Irene & Scott Raun's.


New Officers: Board: Seven (Jennifer) Anderson, Dean Gahlon, Betsy Lundsten, Scott Raun & Matt Strait. President: Irene Raun. Vice-President: Hershey Lima. Membership Secretary: Laura Krentz. Corresponding Secretary: Jonathan Adams & Carol Kennedy. Recording Secretary: Kelly Strait. Treasurer: Carol Kennedy. Einblatt Editor: Scott Raun.

Thanks to recent meeting hosts: Irene & Scott Raun, Sharon Kahn & Richard Tatge, Linda Lounsbury, Seven Anderson & Dorf, Dean Gahlon & Laura Krentz, Erin McKee & David Wilford, Blaisdell Polytechnic, Matt+Kelly Strait, Betsy Lundsten.

Subscription expiration dates for the Dead Tree Edition are printed above your name.


1: Michael Mornard; 2: Jeffrey A. Ahlstrom; 3: Mike Dorn; 9: Julie Johnson; 13: Dave Romm; 16: Carole Vandal, 18: Shannon Leslie, Richard Tatge; 22: Steven Bond, Laurel Winter; 28: Peg Kerr Ihinger; 29: Martin Schafer

Publishing News

Eleanor Arnason, Mammoths of the Great Plains, May tp from PM Press

Ruth Berman, poems "Kitchen Deities" and "Martian Opal," both in the April/May 2010 Asimov's

Lois McMaster Bujold, Cryoburn, hc novel due in November from Baen

MaryJanice Davidson, Undead and Unwelcome pb reprint from Jove due May; new novel (with Anthony Alongi), Rise of the Poison Moon, pb from Ace due August

Neil Gaiman (and Charles Vess), children's book Instructions hc from HarperCollins due April

Ex-locals: Steven Brust, Iorich, Tor pb reprint due December; P.C. Hodgell, Seeker's Bane, Baen pb reprint due September; Will Shetterly, The Gospel of the Knife, Tor tp reprint due July

Local publisher Lleywellyn/Flux: ya tp novels My So-Called Death by Stacey Jay (March) and The Sorcerer's Apprentice by V. Briceland (April)

Latest reprint of Good Omens by Neil Gaiman (and Terry Pratchett) is #8 paperback on March Locus Bestsellers lists and #3 trade pb on the Borders/Walden list in same issue; Steven Brust's Iorich is #8 hc on the Borders/Walden list and #5 on Barnes & Noble/B. Dalton list.

Local publisher: Doubling Rate, a three-story, 24pp chapbook by Larry Niven, published by DreamHaven Books (2010).

Neil Gaiman, "Feminine Endings," and Adam Stemple (with Jane Yolen), "Little Red," both reprinted in Best Horror of the Year, vol. 2 (Night Shade tp), ed. Ellen Datlow.

Ex-local Kij Johnson, "Spar" and "The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles," both reprinted in Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy, vol. 4 (Night Shade tp), ed. Jonathan Strahan.

pb=mass market paperback. hc=hardcover. tp=trade paperback nf=nonfiction. coll=collection. anth=anthology. r=reissue


Apr 2-4 Minicon 45, Bloomington, MN. GoHs: Brandon Sanderson, Dan Dos Santos. (Pre-reg deadline: March 10) http://www.mnstf.org/minicon45/

Apr 16-18 Odyssey Con X, Madison, WI. GoHs: Harry Turtledove, Tobias Buckell, Monte Cook. http://www.oddcon.com/

Apr 23-25 Gamer's Reunion, Rochester, MN. www.gamersreunion.com

May 14-16 DemiCon 21, Des Moines, IA. GoHs: Karl Schroeder, Don Maitz, Gregg Parmentier. http://www.demicon.org/21/index.html

May 28-30 ConQuest 41, Kansas City, MO. GoH: Michael Swanwick, Toni Weisskopf, Peri Charlifu, Geri Sullivan. http://www.conquestkc.org/

May 27-31 WisCon 34, Madison, WI. GoH: Mary Anne Mohanraj, Nnedi Okorafor. (Pre-reg deadline: April 30) http://www.wiscon.info/

Jun 18-20, 2010. DucKon, Naperville, IL. GoHs: Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, Scott Raun, Talis Kimberly. http://www.duckon.org/

Jun 25-27 Fourth Street Fantasy Convention, Minneapolis, MN. http://www.4thstreetfantasy.com/

July 1-4 CONvergence, Bloomington, MN. GoHs: L. A. Banks, Jeremy Bulloch, Paul Cornell, Bridget Landry, Chuck McCann, Wally Wingert.(Pre-reg deadline: May 15) http://convergence-con.org/

Nov 5-7 Icon 35, Cedar Rapids, IA. http://www.iowa-icon.com/

Nov 19-21. SFContario. Toronto, ON, Canada. GoHs: Michael Swanwick, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Geri Sullivan, Karen Linsay. FFI: http://www.sfcontario.ca/

Aug 17-21, 2011. Renovation (69th WorldCon). Reno, NV. GoHs: Tim Powers, Ellen Asher, Boris Vallejo. FFI: www.renovationsf.org

Ongoing Information

Board of Directors: Seven (Jennifer) Anderson, Dean Gahlon, Betsy Lundsten, Scott Raun & Matt Strait. Email board@mnstf.org. Mn-STF meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Saturday every month, Board meeting minutes are posted at http://www.mnstf.org/records/board-minutes/, check there for the next board meeting.

Minn-STF web site at: www.mnstf.org/. Minicon web site at: www.mnstf.org/minicon/.

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 612-827-3228.

Filk Circle: open to all who like to participate in music with f/sf lyrics. 4th Saturday at 5pm. FFI: Rich Brown, 651-646-2159, rab@freemars.com

Artists and Writers: Get your art and thoughts in print in Stipple-Apa, small-and-cozy general-interest publication. FFI: Jeanne Mealy 651-771-7226

Einblatt is posted on Usenet groups rec.arts.sf.fandom, rec.arts.sf.announce and mn.sf // Einblatt from July 95 to date is on the web at www.mnstf.org/einblatt/. Einblatt is distributed via e-mailing-list - sign up at the website (here). The Dead-tree Einblatt is available by subscription. Cost is $10, payable by check mailed to the Minn-StF PO Box, check or cash handed to YrHumbleEinblattEd (as of December 2009, Scott Raun), or PayPal to webmaster@minicon.org.

This Einblatt was edited by Scott Raun with the assistance of Denny Lien (publishing news) and Kevin Austin(conventions).

Einblatt is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local SF community. E-mail same to einblatt@mnstf.org, or send to Scott Raun, 3928 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407; or call him at 612-822-0451. Email submissions most preferred, no phone calls after 10pm. // Next Einblatt! Deadline: 11:59PM April 22nd, 2010 sharp!