Einblatt! February 2018


Advance Warning

Minn-StF Meetings: Mar 10, Voting Meeting, Dreampark; Mar 17/24, dependent on volunteer


Rob Ihinger died at 9:15am on Friday, January 26th.

The Minn-StF Picnic will be on Saturday, 21 July, starting at 12N. It will be at the same location as last year. Bill Christ would like a couple of volunteers to help set up starting about 11am. FFI: billc@visi.com.

Minn-StF is an available charity for Amazon Smile. Search for "The Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc.".

Minicon 53 will be chaired by Kevin Austin and Emily Stewart.

The Minn-StF President is Ann Totusek. She can be reached at president@mnstf.org.

# - Minn-StF Meetings start at 2pm, but there are rarely a lot of people showing up before 4pm. The business meeting will typically be between 5-6pm.

Thanks to recent meeting hosts: Erin McKee & David Wilford, Clay & Hershey Harris, Jonathan Adams & Carol Kennedy, Irene & Scott Raun, Robin Severson, Vander Giessen & Emily Stewart, Linda Lounsbury, Sharon Kahn & Richard Tatge, Bill Christ, Aaron Ann Totusek, Blaisdell Polytechnic, Jonathan Adams & Carol Kennedy, Sharon Kahn & Richard Tatge, Mark Richards, Joel Phillips and Christine, David Cargo.


5: Faun Bonewits, Anna Dudda, Shelly Belsky; 8: Kathy Grantham; 11: Page Appelbaum; 15: Erik Biever; 16: John Stanley; 20: Dan Goodman; 23: Peter Larsen; 25: Charles Piehl; 26: Matt Strait

Publishing News

//recent or forthcoming publications by current or former locals:
Eleanor Arnason, "Stellar Harvest," reprinted online in Forever Magazine, Dec 2017
Ruth Berman, "Sunrise on the Flat Earth," new poem in Star*Line for Fall 2017
Steven Brust, Good Guys, new hc/eb novel from Tor scheduled for March
Lois McMaster Bujold is interviewed by Joy Ward in Galaxy's Edge for January 2018
Lisa Freitag, Extreme Caregiving: The Moral Work of Raising Children with Special Needs (Oxford U Press)
Neil Gaiman, "Bitter Grounds," reprinted online at Tor.com for October 31, 2017
Carolyn Ives Gilman, "Okanoggan Falls," reprinted online in Forever Magazine, Oct 2017
Kij Johnson, "The Bitey Cat," reprinted in Galaxy's Edge for January 2018
Marissa Lingen, "The Influence of the Iron Range," online in Beneath Ceaseless Skies for October 26, 2017' and "I Won at NaSuHeMo!" online at Daily Science Fiction for November 3, 2017

//from local publishers:
Coffee House Press: The Doll's Alphabet by Camilla Grudova (tp/eb coll, Oct 2017)

pb=mass market paperback. hc=hardcover. tp=trade paperback eb=ebook nf=nonfiction. coll=collection. anth=anthology. r=reissue


Mar 2-4. MarsCon 2018. Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Airport/Mall of America, Bloomington, MN. $50 Adult, $25 Child through 1/31/18. FFI: https://marscon.org/2018/index.php

Mar 30 - Apr 1. Minicon 53. DoubleTree Park Place, St Louis Park, MN. GoHs: Rachel Swirsky, Lyda Morehouse, Registration: Adult $45, Student, $20, Kid, $10, Supporting $15 through 9 Mar 2018. FFI: http://mnstf.org/minicon53/

Apr 6-8. Anime Detour. FFI: http://www.animedetour.com/

May 11-13. CONsole Room 2018. Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America, Bloomington, MN. FFI: http://console-room.com/

Jun 22-24. 4th Street Fantasy 2018. St Louis Park, MN. Doubletree by Hilton. http://www.4thstreetfantasy.com/2018/

Jul 5-8. CONvergence 2018. FFI: www.convergence-con.org/

Aug 16-20. WorldCon76. San Jose, CA. FFI: http://www.worldcon76.org/

Aug 15-19, 2019. Dublin 2019 (WorldCon), Dublin, Ireland. FFI: http://dublin2019.com/ (I think).

Ongoing Information

Board of Directors: Aaron Vander Giessen, Lydia Nickerson, Scott Raun, Matt Strait & Hershey Harris - board@mnstf.org. Mn-STF meetings are generally held the 1st and 3rd Saturday every month, Board meeting minutes are posted at http://www.mnstf.org/records/, check there for the next board meeting.

Minn-STF web site at: www.mnstf.org/. Minicon web site at: www.mnstf.org/minicon/.

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 612-827-3228.

Filk Circle: open to all who like to participate in music with f/sf lyrics. 4th Sunday at 5pm. FFI: Rich Brown, 651-646-2159, rab@freemars.org

PRINT FANDOM LIVES! Stipple-Apa is a healthy general-interest publication with members in three countries. Local collations are every six weeks. Chat with fellow fans the classic way. FFI: Jeanne Mealy, 651-771-7226

Einblatt from July 95 to date is on the web at www.mnstf.org/einblatt/. Einblatt is distributed via e-mailing-list - sign up at the website (here). The Dead-tree Einblatt is available by subscription. Cost is $10, payable by check mailed to the Minn-StF PO Box, check or cash handed to YrHumbleEinblattEd (as of December 2009, Scott Raun), or PayPal to webmaster@minicon.org.

This Einblatt was edited by Scott Raun with the assistance of Denny Lien (publishing news) and Kevin Austin(conventions).

Einblatt is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local SF community. E-mail same to einblatt@mnstf.org, or send to Scott Raun, 3928 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407; or call him at 612-822-0451. Email submissions most preferred, no phone calls after 10pm. // Next Einblatt! Deadline: 11:59PM February 22nd, 2018.