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Postmortem Comments

facilitated by Don Bailey


Topic: Programming

The pocket program was awful. It was impossible to read.

It came directly from the data base.

However, correct info was still coming in from GoH liaisons after the deadline, which contributed to people being double scheduled.

The Art auction slipped through the cracks.

The program book should have a detailed list, but the pocket program should have minor information on each panel. It should be alphabetical by title with a day/time list and a cross reference by person and subject. The Wiscon pocket program is a good model upon which to build.

We need a "personal data" database.

"How do you tell what happens when?"

Draft schedule intended by January 1. There was a lack of communication. 80% of the panel - did not realize they would be doing it? [ed. note: I don't know what this means.] There was a problem making phone calls and getting back to people.

"How much supervision/support were you given?" Answer: "More from Tom than Cat, but both helped. Victor helped back in September."

The effort made was admirable.

Send out mailing with "volunteers needed".

Krushenkos not accurately reproduced, second revised screwed it up.

Communication and Continuity

We don't write things down.

There is antagonism brought on by people criticizing rather than helping to find answers.

Perhaps we should try team building/party in mid-summer.

Volunteer Burnout

This probably happens when people are running with flame throwers.

Document, document, document. This will reduce burnout.

The people asking questions cannot get the questions to the right people.

There are a lot of petty squabbles.


Teamsters - Complaints

They were told to quit.

The teamsters were making life difficult, were antagonistic.

The teamsters did not get the perks they were promised. Why? How can we fix this?

We need responsible teamsters, and a responsible head for the teamsters.

Teamsters do not have a contract, they are volunteer only.

Greg Johnson was a good leader last year.

The animosity between different departments fed into the teamster problem.

Teamsters were willing to find people with NASA. This is good.

Teamsters always had clean up, probably Monday and Tuesday.

Started recycling and waste management added.

Drum Jam

It needs a better location. A larger space. Maybe the main stage area after Opening Ceremonies and the Masquerade.

Minicon is not Drum Jam

The drum jam takes up more space than it physically occupies.

DJ dance was/was not well attended. There were a lot of empty seats.

Maybe the drum jam could be poolside for a limited period of time.

Computer Equipment

We need more laptops per department.

Need Database continuity.

We need a computer division and a network between registration and art show.

Volunteers needs a computer.

Computers need battery back up.

Maybe the equipment could be donated?

We are using archaic applications. Software upgrade?


Darkstar was wonderful. Michael was a good host.

Ops frustration. They could not complete simple tasks. Why?

Art show, fine manager and con equipment.

Continuity of information from one con to the next is a problem. Need more apprentices. It is hard to find people to run programming.

Jump Start was good

Complaint because there was no rave.

ILM was cool. So was the live link with Johnson Space Center.

There was not enough programming with C.J. Cherryh on it.