
by Larry Sanderson

Registration will be located in the Coat Room on the Third Floor of the Hilton.

Hours are:


10am - 10pm


10am - 2pm

If you have to register after hours, please go to the Bridge.

We understand procrastination and the temptation to put off registering. If you have not registered by now, you have become successful at it. We're now past the MarsCon room-party rate, and preregistration is closed. You just heard about the Flash Girls playing? You can register for the full at-the-door rate of:

$70 for an adult


$30 for a child

Child rates are for those 12 and under who use con services; babes in arms (staying with their parents) are free.

If you are still searching for a lower registration rate, you can ask if anyone has registrations to sell for Minicon 37 and (if you're a member of them) post to:

Registration is closed until Minicon. To register, please see us on Friday or Saturday at Minicon.

If you are preregistered and willing to help with setup at Minicon, come and see us Thursday evening. (We'll be hiding in the coatroom.)

A fannish use-name is OK so long as it only contains ASCII characters. Yes, your badge name can be Galadriel, but no, it can't be Galadriel in Elvish.

Memberships are transferable but not refundable.