Minicon 37 is a Science Fiction / Fantasy oriented convention, so please keep this in mind when sending your work.
Art that is not for sale may be entered in the Art Show. Walk in art is accepted. There is a $0.50 per piece hanging fee for art entered in the Art Show. Due to space limitations no artist may enter more than 20 pieces in the Art Show or use more than 50 Square feet. (That is roughly two 4'x6' panels or one and one half round, 6 foot diameter tables or two six foot rectangular tables.). A name card of no more than 3"x5" may be placed with your work free of charge. Be prepared to share panels/tables with other artists.
There will be a print shop for prints and reproductions. There is a limit of 50 prints per artist in the print shop. No more than 12 different art works (Size does not make a difference). No more than 5 copies of any one art work. No hanging fee is charged for print shop items. Print shop items are sold through direct sale, not through bid. As in the Art Show, the Print Shop is run on volunteer labor. If we run low on volunteers, the print shop will be closed.
Hanging space is available on first-come, first served basis. Artists who come help set up the Art Show get first choice of hanging space. Art Show setup is Thursday, March 28. Walk In Artists are accepted and encouraged.
There is table space for three-dimensional pieces.
One copy of a limited edition print with a run of less than 250 may be hung in the art show. Further copies may be displayed in the print shop. This must be clearly described on the Art Show and Print Shop control sheets and bid sheets.
Multiple originals, when the medium allows them, may be displayed in the art show. This must be clearly described on the Art Show and Print Shop control sheets and bid sheets.
Minicon 37 receives a 10% commission on all art sold through the Art Show, Auction, and Print Shop. Checks will be mailed to the artists (or their agents if so requested when the art is checked in/mailed in) within three weeks of the end of the convention. Partial payment on Sunday afternoon can be provided if the artist makes arrangements in writing with Head of Art Show at least two weeks in advance.
Only the artist or agent checking art in can check unsold art out again, unless otherwise stated clearly to Head of Art Show (or designated subhead) at check in. Also, art cannot be checked out of the Art Show until Sunday. Once art is hung, it is to stay hung until it goes to voice auction, is sold, or is checked out.
Mail in art should be sent to: Attn: Laura - Minicon 37 Art Show, DreamHaven Books, 912 W. Lake St, Minneapolis MN 55408. All packages must be clearly marked as artwork for the Minicon 37 Art Show. Mail in art must be sent in sturdy reusable shipping containers.
Art not sold at the convention may be picked up on Sunday of the convention for attending artists/agents. Mail in art will be mailed back Monday by UPS ground with tracking unless otherwise requested by the artist. If payment for hanging fees, postage and any shipping insurance the artist may request is not provided by the artist and is not covered by sales, then Head of Art Show will retain the art and contact the artist to make arrangements. There is no Saturday Artist Check Out.
Permission to use copyrighted characters, when required, is the responsibility of the artist, not of Minicon 37. Minicon 37 will cooperate with legitimate efforts to enforce copyrights. Security will be provided by Minicon 37 staff while the Art Show is in session and will be tended to at night. This is not a guarantee of safety, but it is a truly sincere attempt.
A copy of the Art Show Control Sheet and the print shop control sheet should accompany this rules sheet. Feel free to make more copies as needed. Further copies and answers to your questions may be acquired from Laura,
We Need You! - The Art Show and auction are run entirely by volunteer help!