Minicon Meeting Minutes: 10/27/2001
Location: Dream Park, home of Richard Tatge and Sharon Kahn
Minutes prepared by Sharon Kahn, November 1, 2001.
The meeting was led by Erik Baker, chair of Minicon 37. There were about 20 attendees. There was a signup sheet, but the scribe cannot locate it at this time.
Erik called the meeting to order and confirmed the rumor that his vice-chair, Corwin Brust, had been "moved to a secure location," reportedly in Las Vegas, for an undetermined period of time. The co-chair of Programming, Mike van Maltzen, accompanied the vice chair to Vegas, but is expected to return to Minneapolis momentarily. Laurel Krahn announced that she is resigning as Communications Head, but will continue to do the web page and help out as necessary with publications.
PROGRESS REPORT: Erik acknowledged that Progress Report #1 (PR1) is behind schedule. The original intent had been to get PR1 in the mail by October 1, allowing 3-4 weeks for recipients to send in the pre-reg form before the October 31 deadline. Since things are running late, the pre-reg deadline has been moved to December 15, with the PR to go out by mid-November. Geri volunteered Toad Hall as a location for the mailing party, preferably early in the week of November 5. There was much discussion of the steps that need to be taken to bring the registration database up to date so it can be used to generate mailing labels. Fred Haskell has the database, and by now (one week after the meeting) should also have the at-the-door info from last year and the pre-reg info for the coming year. As for content - Erik had completed a first draft of the PR. PR1 will be bare-bones, with a longer PR2 planned for early January. Information still needed for PR1 included hotel rates, GOH blurbs, and contact info for all departments.
HOTEL: We have no hotel for 2003. Scott Raun will head up a hotel search, but would like help making phone calls. Sharon Kahn and Kevin Austin offered to help. Additional volunteers would be appreciated. Geri Sullivan suggested contacting Ben Yalow, who knows more than one might expect about hotels in Minneapolis.
MISC: Capricon (Chicago area, Feb) would really really like a Minicon party.
PR1 mailing party: probably November 5, 6, or 7
Next Minicon Meeting: Nov 18 at the downtown Hilton (con hotel) at 2:00 p.m.
Pool Party: probably December 1, location tbd
PreReg Deadline #1 ($30): December 15
PR2 mailing: early January 2002
final PreReg deadline: February 14, 2002
Minicon: March 29-31, 2001
Erik Baker: H: (612) 870-7797 Cell: (612) 387-9627 email:
Laura Jean Fish now has email: