Minicon Meeting Minutes: 03/10/02
Programming: Discussed time and set up for dance. When to have room resume to Scott and how and when we want the hotel to set it up. Discussed budget for this event. Mike von M. will let Laura Jean Know on Monday. Also discussed the sound equipment that will be needed. We will need to rent a PA which should be inexpensive.Erik and Kevin will be running the sound for the show and DJ ing afterwards. Mike will find out who else is playing with the band to help out due to Emma's injured arm, so we can provide visitor badges if needed.
Michael asked if anyone had or knew someone who has a slide projector for a power point presentation as well as a screen.
He also mentioned other special social events that will be taking place: high tea and wine tasting.
Michael will give all room resumes to Scott by mid week.
There are a number of people interested in throwing room parties. What space should be allocated to these different groups?  We talked about what space would work best. Discussed options for music party space. Decided to have a room designated for music party so there will be enough space to listen and socialize and party up by the suites. Tor will be in the Vice Presidential all weekend. They are planning on throwing a publications party on Friday and hosting music on Sat.
Liaison: Lisa Freitag
Asked about covering shipping cost for Rick Berry's art and how that will be reimbursed to him. Decided to first have him find out what it will cost and go from there.
Has nearly everything in for the program book. Much of which has already been edited and gone to layout.
Andrew had demo's ready today and would like to get the registration list by Tuesday if possible so he can get them done before he leaves town the following weekend. There are eight different designs, featuring GoH Rick Berry's art work.
Opening Ceremonies:
Discussed what will be happening at opening ceremonies. Who needs to be involved with opening and who needs to be involved with closing.