Minicon 38 Guests of Hono(u)r

Robert J. Sawyer - Author Guest of Honor

by Bob Webber

Robert J. Sawyer has been deeply involved with science fiction as a fan in his local science fiction clubs and conventions and as a professional science fiction writer for over twenty years. His writing has garnered a Nebula for best novel (The Terminal Experiment) as well as five Hugo nominations. Rob's active, intelligent, and whole-hearted participation always leads him to quickly rise to the top, and we hope to show him some competition in word wrangling and story telling on the program. Rob really throws all of himself into whatever he turns himself to, and is sure to be a lot of fun in panels, parties, and dinner expeditions as we give him a warm Minicon welcome and show him our favorite city.

Carolyn Clink - Poet Guest of Honor

Carolyn Clink has published poetry in Analog, Tales of the Unanticipated, Tesseracts, On Spec, TransVersions, and many mainstream venues; she recently sold two poems to CBC Radio, as well. Her poems are collected in the chapbooks Changing Planes and Much Slower Than Light. We anticipate that the Lady Poetesses from Hell will be extending a very warm Minicon welcome to our poet Guest of Honor.

Sue Mason - Fan Guest of Honour

by Rachael Lininger

Fan Guest of Honour Sue Mason is a shy, retiring flower of fannish delicacy from Cheshire, England. There, she is a member of the sinister tomato-eating, fanzine-producing Plokta Cabal. Best known to fandom as an artist, Sue has two Hugo nominations and three Novae. She won the 2000 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by promising to spread illustrations far and wide across the deprived shores of North America. Her beautiful pyrography and other artwork can be found on her web page and in fannish homes everywhere. She's been a gamer, filker, costumer, dealer, and apahack; more importantly, she is lovely and charming, and draws fetching elf-boys.

Creative Commons License
I Want to Be a Celtic Death Goddess When I Grow Up (a chapbook) by Sue Mason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

Steve Macdonald - Musician Guest of Honor

Steve Macdonald is a systems engineer for a large telco that recently declared bankruptcy (do we really have to tell you who that was?). Steve is an award-winning singer/songwriter who has been a mainstay at Midwest SF cons for over a decade. He has five albums, and has recently begun doing performances outside of SF conventions. Steve has been a guest at conventions all across the country-- from Orycon in Portland, Oregon to Contata in New Jersey.

Revised: Tuesday, 09-Feb-2010 14:18:24 PST by Kevin G. Austin
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