PR 1 is scheduled to be in the mail before the end of June. If possible we want it to be postcard size with information on the hotel and hotel rates, Guests of Honor, registration deadlines and cost. All with emphasis on the important news we are in a new hotel.

Susan, hotel liaison will schedule a walk through and meeting with the hotel for the second week in May with the Chairs and we will begin to prepare the contract.

Information packets were passed out to the committee members who were present with a Statement of Intent, so that the committee knows what the chairs goals are for Minicon 38. Packets also included a schedule of all the Minicon meetings for the year with tentative dates for PRs, the Program Book and other major tasks. Included in these packets were contact information sheets as well as department descriptions so that each committee member knows what the chairs see as their responsibilities and if there are discrepancies they can be handled sooner rather then later. Packets will be mailed out to members who were not present.

Registration head Fred A Levy Haskell who was unable to attend sent information saying that memberships received at the convention are ready to be entered and he should have a count for us very soon. And he points out that the first membership using a downloaded and printed PDF from the web site was postmarked April 19.