Minicon Meeting Minutes 7/21/2002


Laura J. Fish
Larry Sanderson
Joe Agee
Andrew Bertke
Bill Christ
Peer G. Dudda
David Dyer-Bennett
Carol Kennedy
Fred Levy Haskell
Susan Levy Haskell
Rachael Lininger
Glenn McDavid
Mia McDavid
Scott Raun
David Schroth
Beth Friedman
Lydia Nickerson

  1. Committee Group Photo retakes were done by DD-B.
  2. ConCom mailing list: Not everybody is subscribed yet. DD-B gave instructions. See below.
  3. Content is needed for PR 2. Send E-mail to Deadline is August 10.
  4. Chapbooks: These are primarily a revenue source. The GOH's get a 10% cut.
  5. GOH's: Mia has e-mailed Steve MacDonald but has not yet received a reply. We still need a liaison for our author GOH [A chair pressed a concom member to take the job. ].
  6. Picnic is Saturday, August 10. Minnehaha Park. (Wabun area up by the VA) A shelter has been reserved. "Survivor" theme. ConCom members are expected to participate.
  7. ConJose: There will be a Mpls. in '73 Party Friday night. Email Larry Sanderson if you are going and can help. We can get a car if needed for party shopping.
  8. Baby pictures: If you have not already done so, Laura Jean asks that you get them to her.
  9. A statement of Goals has been prepared.


So far we have 167 members. There was some discussion about names with bad addresses ("lost souls")-- bounces from PR 1. It was decided not to post those names on the Web site.

The Millennium Hotel has a new electronic reservation system. Susan Levy Haskell will contact ConCom members asking them to try ("beta test") it before we announce it in our publicity.

Scott Raun announced that budget information is available for all departments.

Beth Friedman report that Programming has a draft timeline.

Fred Levy Haskell can provide electronic and hard copy membership lists, sorted in various ways, as needed.

Subscription to the ConCom mailing list:

  1. Send an e-mail to If your name is not obvious from your e-mail address please include it for the Moderator's Benefit.
  2. You will receive a message asking for confirmation. Reply to it.
  3. After some delay (for the moderators to check their e-mail), you will receive a "Welcome" message. You are in.