Minicon Committee Meeting 01/05/2003


Some ConCom e-mails may have been lost because of server problems. We need to check with DDB about whether we can get accessible archives.


Rachel reported that she had not heard from Sue Mason. With the holidays over she will be more aggressive trying to reach Sue. We need to have places for GOH's to to stay if they will be around beyond when we have the Hotal. Lisa has space but lives quite far out. Larry has a guest room. The Rauns _may_ have some space.


General Preregistration rate cut-off will be March 17. There will be a special rate for Marscon ($35 vs. $45).


Mia reported that Steve MacD will do the formatting for his chapbooks. Arrangements have been made and agreed to by everybody concerned.


Progress Report 3 content is due to David S. by 1/19. Mailing party TBA, but before 2/14. Will run GOH bios (possibly new ones) and promote the Chapbooks.

Program Book

The Program Book will have event descriptions, but the actual scheduling will be in the Grid.


Geri reported that the situation was generally good. She needs the Hotel Walk Through for more information. Sandra Childress (ConJose) will be helping. The DJ for the Time Traveller's Ball called--we will need to file a report with ASCAP even if we do not used licensed music. She would also like the Storage Locker Report. Glenn will check on this. Geri also needs to know about GOH personal preferences for refreshments. What should we do with the MotherShip? Helium costs money. We could fill it with air, but then we need the floor space for it to rest.


Ribbons--yes. Buttons--no. Bill has a source for premiums. Slogans--variations on "Don't Panic Yet" were suggested.

Art Show

Volunteers are needed. A mailing has been sent.


We have 11 definite and 8 more probable dealers. This is down from 2002, which was a bad year for them. We expect about 30 total, including Glen Cook, Phil Kaveny, Bill Roper, and Felix Needleworthy.


Glenn Tenhoff and Jeff volunteered to run the Music performance space. Geri needs an MP3 capable laptop.


Laura Jean still needs information sheets from some committee members.

MISFITS called to invite us to send a team to their Trivia Bowl.

Minicon 39

Need to start looking for GOH's. Mia suggested Frank Hayes for Music GOH. Dina Krause and Christian McGuire were suggested for FAN GOH. Sharyn November or Steven Pagel for Editor GOH.