[This is a transcription of the Minicon 13 program book done in 2019. It was OCR'd by Tesseract and then hand-corrected. It may well have errors. If there are errors in the original, the intent here is to reproduce them faithfully. When we notice that we've done this, we'll add a note in square brackets like "[sic]". Other notes occur in square brackets, with none appearing in the original. We apologize for any inadvertently corrected errors. Lines filled with hyphens indicate page boundaries. Only page 16 has a page number, and it is included. Some things are underlined in the original. To avoid cluttering this transcription (the underlines don't generally seem to change the meaning), this is not noted.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minicon XIII [art by Jim Odbert] NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [art by Ken Fletcher] MINICON 13 PROGRAM BOOK is Copyright 1978 by the Minne- sota Science Fic- tion Society, Inc., publisher thereof. All rights revert to the artists and authors. Uncre- dited materials may be the respon- sibility of the Publications Staff, who consist almost entirely of the editor, who has sniffed so much rubber cement that he's forgotten his name. Write for details. MINICON 13 Committee EXECUTIVE: Jan Appelbaum - Treasurer Margie Lessinger - Registration Jim Odbert - Art Show Jerry Stearns - Party/t-shirts Dave Wixon - Hotel/Publications and the MERRY MINICON MOB: Carol Anndy - Gofers/Treasury Jim Atwood - Filthy Pictures John Bartelt - Flattery Lynn Anderson - Hauling Stuff Pam Dean - Making Everyone Else Feel Awake Bev Elmshauser - Asst. Margie Ed Emerson: Sounding Like His Bro. David Dyer-Bonnet: Restaurant Gde. Don Bailey: Computers, Quiet Joel Halpern: Computers, Other Richard Tatge: Decor Elizabeth Anne Levelle: Long Names Martin Schafer: Northfield Liaison Dean Gahlon: Asst. Clegler Karen Johnson: Token St. Paulite Doug Friauf: Damn Fool for Opening Saturday Morning Caryl Wixon: Hostess Cupcake Keith Hauer-Lowe: Rookie Annie Isenberg: Bubbles Denny Lien: Huckster Room/Role Model for Libby Joel Lessinger: Auction Rick Gellman: t-shirts/winkwink Dave Mruz: Films God Scott Imes: Audio-video-oreo Louie Spooner: t-shirts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES NAME TAGS: Because of the size of the con, and our use of expensive equipment, we are forced to require all convene- tion members to either wear their name tags or show their registration cards in order to enter any convention runes tion or meeting room. We apologize for this inconvenient but it is absolutely essential. PLEASE - WEAR YOUR NAME TAG!! COMPLAINTS, INFORMATION, etc.: If you wish to volunteer to help the convention, or if you have any queries or complaints, please go to Convention Registration, in the Minnesota Room. A message board will be in the area, for those desiring to leave messages or requests for rides or room-mates. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: can be identified by green name badges unless trying to hide in the crowd. They're willing to try to help you with any problems or requests; please re- member that they have been, and still are, very busy with this con - be patient. RUNE: is the official journal/club bulletin/fanzine put out by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc. (also known as Minn-stf or MNSTF), parent organization of this convention. Minicon members may subscribe at a special rate of $1/year. Please note that since less than the hoped-for number of RUNEs were issued dueing [sic] the last year, those who subscribed at Minicon 12 will have their subscriptions extended at no charge. Sign up in the Registration Room. GOFERS: also known as the Minnesota Gofers, these are the people who help carry out the innumerable little tasks that pop up during a con to harass the rest of the con Committee. Their contributions, generally little-no- ticed, are nonetheless essential, and are greatly ap- preciated by all of us. If you'd like to be one of this stalwart little band, trot over to the Registration Room and look for Carol Anndy, top-sergeant of the bunch. LIQUID REFRESHMENTS: Non-Minnesotans should take local liquor laws into account in their planning: the age limit is now 19; liquor stores close early, too: 8 PM on Fri- day, 10 PM on Saturday. After those hours you can only buy by the drink -- and that not for long: (From room service it'll cost you painfully....) Plan ahead! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Two-page spread advertisement for Home from the Shore by Gordy Dickson from Sunridge Press] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPUTER GAMING: If the gods are smiling on us, this year the Minicon will feature a room set aside for you computer-game enthusiasts. Under the benevolent dic- tatorship of Don Bailey and Joel Halpern, there may be as many as half-a-dozen terminals set up in Room 339. Prospective players will be required to sign up in ad- vance for playing slots. The machines, which will in- clude several Plato units, will be in Operation at the following times: Friday -- 3-11; Saturday -- 10-9; Sunday -- 11-3. PROGRAMING NOTE: This year we have been immensely aided by the kind services of members of the Minnesota Soci- ety for Parapsychological Research, an organization for exploration and education in all phases of psychic re- search and development. MSER is a non-profit organizes tion associated with the U of M. You can give them a call at 376-1445 for more information. They are repre- sented here by: Benny Phares, education director and psychic investigator; Anne Fand, a psychic lecturer in- terested in the practical aspects of ESP; Rose Alem- ander, a psychic; Jim Luger, public relations director of MSPR and communications consultant Universal Products. Also present is Dr. Harvey Sarles, who will function as moderator; he is a professor of anthropo- logy at the U of M, and is not a member of MSPR, but an interested observer. [art: King-Kong-esque, on left] BANQUET: A buffet-style, all-you-can- eat dinner, with choice of ham and turkey, will cost you $9.50. This also guarantees you a good spot for the speeches afterward. As we must inform the hotel in ad- vance as to how many will be at the banquet, we will have to cut off sale of the tickets at 7 PM on Friday. Wine will be available at the banquet for an extra charge - choice of Rose or Chablis: ask your waitress. CHECK-OUT TIME: has been ex- tended to 5 PM on Sunday, for our members. THIS CON RATED: "T" for Trufan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for Otterburn Associates] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ introducing the Guest of Honor [art, including word bubble "where do we go from here, creature?"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAMUEL R. DELANY by a fan who knows him - Rick Gellman Many of you know Samuel R. Delany the writer; you've met him in print -- if you haven't, he probably would not be opposed to you buying some of his books and doing so. But since he's never been to a Minicon before, I thought I'd introduce you to Chip Delany -- fan, pro, nice guy, and decadent. I met Chip at my first con: Cleveland, 1966; I promptly inserted my foot into my mouth -- up to my thigh. A few months before, EMPIRE STAR had blown me away. Now I had just found another Delany book in the huckster room, and had it in hand as I spied a group of writers talking in the lobby. I was too new to know them, so I started trying to read name-tags, without being too gauche about it. I read a name-tag and burbled: "You're Samuel R. Delany! I just discovered you! I mean as a writer....." It was funny. Chip smiled gently and thanked me for the attempted compliment. He also autographed my copy of THE BALLAD 0F BETA-2: "To Rick, glad you discovered me." More: when the rest of the pros there left for the bar, Chip took the time to excuse himself to the 12-year old fan he'd been talking to, explaining gently that he had to go, was sorry to cut the dialogue short, and would be happy to resume it later. It was obvious that he had saved the kid's feelings from being crushed. Before you choke on the sugar content of the above, let me tell you about the decadent Chip Delany. He was GoH at Anonycon, in Buffalo in '76; Monday morning his door was open, and a number of us shared a breakfast of cake and champaign.... This may not seem decadent to ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW freaks; let me assure you: there are levels of de- cadence. That morning was decadent; subtle, and with a naive charm. Eating rich foods and (especially) drink- ing champaign -- on a weekday morning when society tells you you should be at work -- is an experience! Afterwards, he accepted a ride to the airport in the rear of a van so decrepit that he had to sit on the floor in back.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, if you see Chip at the con, don't be afraid to go up to him, to say hello, tell him what you think, or ask questions. You will like this man; he's easy to talk to. And don't hang back if you didn't make it all the way through DHALGREN; I asked Chip once about his reaction to everyone else's reactions to the book -- he told me it didn't bother him if some people didn't like it, as long as they reacted to it in some fashion. A writer likes his work to reach an audience and affect them; Chip stays open and friendly in either case. SAMUEL R. DELANY by a fan who's never met him. Yet! -- Dave Wixon I'm not sure just what I expect. 0n the one hand, I've heard the stories of Chip Delany the fan; I've even talked to him on the phone, and I know he sounds gracious -- indeed, eager! - about being our Guest. So are we eager to have him. But that other Delany -- Samuel R. -- should not be forgotten, for the writer was the first aspect of this man that most of us ever encountered. Delany the writer doesn't always sit well with the readers; but whether they liked it or not, few who have read his work can ignore it. As Rick says above, that's fine with Samuel R. Delany. Samuel R. Delany has won four Nebula awards, bestowed by his fellow writers, and a Hugo. His novels include THE EINSTEIN INTERSECTION and BABEL-17, both award- winners; and NOVA, TRITON, and DHALGREN. (The latter novel is surely the most controversial piece of sf in several decades, if one can judge by fanzine reactions; everyone seems to have reacted to it, and that ought to sit well with the author.) In addition, Samuel Delany has recently had published a collection of essays in sf criticism, THE JEWEL-HINGED JAN, from Dragon Press. They make it apparent that Chip Delany has staked out as distinctive a place in criti- cism as he has in his fiction. [fillo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for Winnipeg in '94, which I'll arbitrarily include in full:] Winnipeg in '94 It's more than just a hoax Paid non-political announcement by the Winnipeg in '94 Worldcon Bid- ding Committee. 616-415 Edison Ave.Wpg.,ManitobaCanada R2G OM3 Just a short life time away @1978:Winnipeg in '94 Bidding Committee & Large Bros. Graphix FUNCON ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for del Rey] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for Castle Anthrax] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ introducing [art by Ken Fletcher with word balloons "What? No zeppelins?", "Don't you like sciencefiction?"] the Fan Guest of Honor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIDER ROBINSON: WHEN IS A FAN AN ARACHNID? by Ben Bova The problem before the group this week-end touches on aspects of zoology, anthropology, and that peculiar sub- branch of sociopoliticomythogenesis known as Science Fiction. Simply stated, the problem is this: How can a profes- sional science fiction writer, a winner of awards, a taker of money (see Ec 1, Prof. Galbraith), be invited to Minicon 13 as Fan Guest of Honor? At first thought, such a situation seems akin to in- viting Andres Segovia to a hootenanny, or Reggie Jackson to a stickball game, or Gordon R. Dickson to a WCTU meeting. Yet, upon closer scrutiny, the idea has surprising complications and perhaps even some merit. Despite his chosen cognomen, Spider Robinson is not an Arachnid. The fact that he has only two arms, two legs and four eyes definitely removes him from classi- fication among the arachnidae. In fact, although there are some minority opinions that deny it, the evidence points strongly to the conclusion that Spider Robinson is a member of genus Homo, species sapiens. But which subspecies? That is the crucial question. After a superficial examination of his artifacts, the inexperienced student might be tempted to place him in subspecies H. sciencefictionus professionalis. And it is certainly true that his artifacts include literary works of sufficient merit to earn him a Hugo, a Campbell, and other plaudits. He has accepted money for many of these artifacts. He has also composed, played, and sung music -- showing some rudimentary esthetic [sic] sensibilities. This, despite the fact that his home territory is in the frozen wasteland of Nova Scotia. (Some workers insist that he was born and reared elsewhere, in Civilization, and moved to Nova Scotia voluntarily!) But if one examines the complete body of his work, it becomes apparent that this pseudo-arachnid is actually a prime example of the subspecies H. sciencefictionus fannus - a subspecies which is, thankfully, unendan- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ gered, despite its own tendencies toward self-destruc- tion. The evidence: Robinson loves science fiction. He writes letters to fanzines. He has been known to enjoy himself at science fiction conventions --- something that no professional his age would admit to: He has spent much time reviewing books for a magazine that seldom paid him: only a Fan would do that. He is an inveterate punster, forever surrounded by a sea of groans -- the mark of a true fan. And finally, his move from Civilization to the Wilderness cannot be interpreted as anything other than a fannish desire to Gafiate. So, group, study him closely this week-end. No matter how many comments he makes that sound as if they were coming from the lips of an H. SF profession- alis, if you stay close to him (especially after dark) and watch him eat, drink, and make merry (especially with his guitar) you will become convinced that he is actually an H. SF fannus. And an extraordinary one, at that. [Zeppelin art by Ken Fletcher] Credit THE PUBLICATIONS STAFF WISHES TO THANK: for artwork: Jim Odbert, for the cover and the goodies on pp. 6, 10, 28; Ken Fletcher, on pp. 2, 14, 16, 24; Reed Waller & Larry Brommer, on p. 8; Rich Larson, p. 32 -- and The Ar- tist GoH for pg. 22; for words: Ben Bova, Rick Gellman, David Stever, Caryl Wixon; for sticky fingers on the Pub- lications Staff: Carter's Rubber Cement. MINICON 13 is a product of Confuse-a-Con, LTD. "All in a week-end's work for Confuse-a-Con!" 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Map of the hotel, lobby level] REGISTRATION: Minnesota Room PANELS/STAGE WARS etc.: Iowa-Wisc. Rooms BANQUET, GoH SPEECHES: Michigan-Illinois Rooms MOVIES: Michigan Room ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program FRIDAY, 24 March -- 1 PM: Huckster Room Opens 2 PM: Registration opens Movie (Michigan Rm): YELIDW SUBMARINE 3 PM: Art Show opens 3:25 PM: Movie: THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL 6:30 PM: OPENING CEREMONIES (Iowa Room) 7 PM: Meet the Pros (Iowa Room) 7:45 PM: MEET THE GUESTS: Samuel R. Delany and Spider Robinson interview each other (Iowa Rm.) 8:30 PM: Huckster, Art Show Rooms close 9:30 PM: Meet the Bartenders -- ConComm Party Suite (Rms. 553-561) 10:00 PM: THE DEMON WITH THE GLASS HAND -- TV script by Harlan Ellison (Michigan Room) Registration closes 11:00 PM: Movie: HARDWARE WARS -- trailer of a Spectacu- lar Space Saga of Romance, Rebellion, and Household Appliances 11:15 PM: Movie: NO TIME LIKE THE PAST -- from "The Twilight Zone" 12:15 AM: Movie: THE MORNING SPIDER -- beautiful mime 12:35 AM: Movie: OMEGA 12:45 AM: Movie: MUSIC OF THE SPHERES 1:00 AM: Movie: MR. WONDER BIRD - a strange but enter- taining French cartoon (1 hour) SATURDAY, 25 March -- 11:00 AM: ANIMATION IN SF: a film/talk by David Mruz (Michigan Room) Huckster, Art Show, Registration Rooms open 1:00 PM: Discussion: PARAPSYCHOLOGY - Ben Phares, Anne Fand, Rose Alexander, Jim Luger, Dr. Harvey Sarles (Iowa Room) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SATURDAY (continued) - 2 PM: Discussion: THE SCIENCE FICTION/PARAPSYCHOLOGY INTERFACE -- members of the previous panel, plus Clifford D. Simak, Joe Haldeman 3 PM: The Artist GoH Earns His Keep -- Bob Tucker (Iowa Room) 3:45 PM: Discussion: WRITING, SELLING & MARKETING SF -- Gordon R: Dickson, Ben Bova, Frederik Pohl, Don Blyly 4:30 PM: Auction (Wilson Room) 6:00 PM: Registration, Art Show, Huckster Rooms close 6:30 PM: Banquet (Michigan-Illinois Rms.); followed by speeches at roughly 7:30 -- Mr. Delany will speak on SCIENCE FICTION AND LITERAEUHE 9:00 PM: STAGE WARS (Iowa-Wisconsin Rooms) 10:00 PM: Meet the Bartenders again Movie: GALAXY BEING -- the first "Outer- Limits" TV episode 11:00 PM: Movie: YELLOW SUBMARINE Midnight: Art Auction (Wilson Room) 12:30 AM: Movies: JUSTICE, from "One Step Beyond" series; 1 AM: HARDWARE WARS; 1:15 AM: MORNING SPIDER; 1:30 AM: OMEGA; 1:45 AM: MUSIC OF THE SPHERES; 2:00 AM: DEMON WITH THE GLASS HAND SUNDAY, 26 March -- 11:00 AM: Huckster, Art Show, Registration Rooms open COFFEE CLASH - open mike in the Iowa Room Auction - maybe, if it seems a good idea 12:45 PM: Slide Show - Sandra Miesel outrages the masters (Iowa Room) 1:30 PM: Registration closes Discussion: THE EARLY DAYS OF MNSTF - the founding, losting, and refunding: Jim Young, Fred Haskell, Frank Stodolka, Nate Bucklin, and Ken Fletcher; David Emerson conducts. 2:30 PM: Closing ceremonies: outaugural doggerel Art Show closes 4 PM: Huckster Room closes//Be here for Minicon 14! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Hotel map: 2nd floor] HUCKSTERS: Jefferson-Jackson Rooms ART SHOW: Roosevelt-Taft Rooms AUCTION: Wilson-Hoover Rooms IMAGINATION UNLIMITED: Adams Room UNCLE HUGO'S: Washington Room ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for Boston in 1980 Worldcon bid] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARTIST GUEST OF HONOR [art with word balloons "Tucker can't draw flies", "You can say that again", "Tucker can't draw flies"] Wilson Bob Tucker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The SLANDER OF KANSAS, AS PERFORMED BY THE INMATES OF A 1969 CHRYSLER, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BOB TUCKER reflections thereon by Dave Wixon How we got there is two chapters in itself, but suf- fice it to say that one day late last August I found myself piloting a vehicle bound for Albuquerque, site of Bubonicon. I shared the car with 600 pounds of books and a somewhat smaller Bob Tucker, as we entered Kan- sas. "Remember," he said, "Kansas wasn't flattened in a day!" Years before I ever met another sf reader, I knew of Wilson Tucker, author of THE LINCOLN HUNTERS. Soon af- ter becoming an active fan I developed a great respect for the author of ICE AND IRON. But I was also becoming aware of the legends of Bob Tucker, Ultra-Fan. Bob Tucker is everything a fan wants to be: he goes to lots of cons, and is eagerly welcomed at all of them; he has published a fanzine that is a legend, and his articles are still desired by faneds everywhere; he I writes both sf and mysteries, and gets money for both!; the reputation of his ways with ladies and bottles is unmatched in fandom; and he is one of the most sought of convention guests, most accomplished of toastmasters. (He is also intelligent; the single aspect of fandom in which he is not involved up to his elbows, is running! conventions....) It was about noon of a hot, smelly, overcast day in Kansas City -- naturally, we'd been up late the night before, and so were starting late. Bob hadn't been out West very much, and was eagerly looking forward to a long, sunny vacation. I was just tired; he was tired but happy. He kept intoning wisely: "Remember, Kansas wasn't flattened in a day!" Fittingly enough, we'd decided on this trip the pre- vious time we'd been in Kansas -- for Totocon, in March. Now we were to spend an entire day crossing the state; it was an education for me: "Remember, Kansas wasn't flattened in a day!" Bob turned out to be one of the most amiable fellow travelers I've ever known. He was full of the expected Tucker humor, from fannish anecdotes to wry comments on the scenery, or lack thereof -- he greatly admired the deepest well in Kansas, and talked of it fer days; to- gether we speculated about the phallic water tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------ with the annex, and a sign boasting that its water was "99-44/100 % pure." Bob also proved an expert in the art of maintaining a companionable silence, a very rare thing. (But he would break the silence to remind me, once more, that "Kansas wasn't flattened in a day!") Tucker can discuss serious subjects intelligently, cogently -- have you read THE YEAR OF THE QUIET SUN? I heard him tell an audience that that was his vision of the future. But I also heard him spin off, on the spur of the moment, a history for the tiny town of Kismet, Kansas, after its name caught his fancy. He declared that he was going to retire and live there. (It's only twenty miles from the Tucker Motel....) As a Big-Name Fan, Bob is a master at putting peo- ple at their ease; as a room-mate, he's carefully con- siderate. He puts up with a lot from demanding fans, as when he let me browbeat him into doing a couple of cartoons. And Bob Tucker is not above milking an idea for all it's worth: ten days after we parted at Albuquerque I received a post-card whose only message was: "Remember, I Kansas wasn't flattened in a day!" A month later, another. And when I arrived at ICON, I found he'd gotten there ahead of me, and primed a number of peo- ple to whisper to me the cryptic catch-phrase.... So why is Bob Tucker our Artist Guest of Honor? Because we know that living is an art form. And we know that Bob Tucker is a consummate artist. [art by Ken Fletcher] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for del Rey] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for Couleecon] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for Arkham Theatre] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ introducing the Toastmaster [art] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "WHY ME?!" About Krissy -- by David Stever Krissy probably believes that she shouldn't be here. Surely more than once during this week-end she'll ask "Why me?!" Well, Kris is here because a lot of people know her, and a lot of them really like her. They've seen her at conventions all over the Northeast, from Boskones to Disclaves, and from Philcons out here to Minicons, too. As for what she's done to deserve it -- let me remind you: Krissy's been in fandom since the olden days of the Newton South High School SF Club, and then NESFA. She made her first appearance at a Minicon in 1971, while attending Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. She returned again and again.... A member at times in APA-45, APA:NESFA, and Minneapa, she's been on the com- mittees for Noreascon, every Boskone since 1970, and the Boston in '80 bid. For fans visiting the Boston area she's either the supplier of crash space herself, or she knows who does have a spare bed. And in the real world she is a book designer at Little, Brown -- she is, in truth, a little, brown designing female. She won't believe it, even after I've related all this; you fans will have to tell her, yourself, that she well deserves the honor that the Minicon Committee has bestowed on her. Congratulations, Kris. A THANKSGIVING TO OUR KRISSY, THE FELINE DEITY O Beloved Krissy, we, adoring and fannish subjects, do give thanks to you this day for your many and varied blessings upon us. We thank you for crash space given joyfully and unselfishly to underslept and overbroke fans. We thank you for unending gallons of blog ap- pearing miraculously from plastic trash cans under your ministrations. We thank you for mothering needy fans through crises untold, both major and minor, fannish and mundane. We thank you for your sweet smile and lovely voice, laughing eyes and gentle guitaring hands that would become anything but gentle if fannish family were threatened. We thank you for caring and giving of yourself in all these ways. And we do thank you for consenting to be our Toastmaster, this Minicon 13, and giving us some small way of letting you know just how happily and appreciatively we hold you in our hearts. -- Caryl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Two-page spread advertisement for Gordy Dickson's The Far Call] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [art of a furry Darth Vader head with "minicon 13" underneath] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage Wars (0R WHO'S BIGGS?) Moebius Theatre, the Chicago SF Comedy/Theatre Troupe who put on this entertainment, first came to the atten- tion of the Minicon Committee at Windycon 4. Those of us who were there saw the premiere performance of this play -- or whatever -- and were convulsed with laughter. We resolved to ask them to come down to Minicon and do it to us again. (This was clever because (1) we can see STAGE WARS once more, and (2) we can continue the "old" Minicon tradition of presenting terrific theatre -- with- out having to work ourselves into the ground....) In case you haven't guessed by now, STAGE WARS is highly reminiscent of a certain popular sf film of re- cent vintage; it is probable you'll love both. The cast: Tim Allen Chip Bestler Leah Bestler E. Michael Blake John Jo Buckley, Jr. John Cislak Marty Coady Phil Foglio Dave Ihnat Alice Insley Angel Insley Marco Mendez Doug Price Doug Rice Thalia St. Lewis Martha Souknp Linda Struwe Karen Trego Derrick White Ben Zuhl The Minicon thanks you, gang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement for X-con '78] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blank page [it actually says "Blank page"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Back cover: Advertisement for Windycon 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------