Signs of Minicon 30

Over the years I've noticed when doing travel photography that I should take more pictures of signs. They're useful in the slide show, as tailor-made labels and transitions. This Minicon, there were a lot of neat signs up, and I remembered to take more sign pictures than I usually do.

Here are some of them:

Where were we again?

A sticky, but not clinging, situation.

Assembling a large sign.

First sign picture of Minicon 30, and the one that gave me the title for this article.

By Friday we had papered the elevators with signs

Some of them were by long-time local fan artists like Ken Fletcher

Some were cleverer than others.

Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a moose out of the elevator shaft. Who did these signs, they're wonderful!

No questions.

David Dyer-Bennet <>
Last modified: Wed Mar 11 14:53:01 1998