Minicon 30 - Friday Programming

Artists in a Bunch

Several artists demo their technicaues. Artists in all media are welcome.
Jody Lee, Erin McKee, Dee Willis, Giovanna Fregni, Darlene P. Coltrain, Faun Bonewitz

Artists' Jam

Several artists together work on 3 to 5 pieces which will be auctioned off for charity during the art auction.
Jody Lee, Jim Groat, Ishtar, Dee Willis, Fran Bonewitz

The Fine Art of SF&F

Multiple artist slide show.
Erin McKee, David Egge, Giovanna Fregni, Beth Hansen

Aliens Among Us I

One of the ways to write alien cultures is to talk to people in cultures outside the mainstream.
Rabbi Gershom Jane Strauss, Steve Deyo, Brooks Peck, Amy Thomson

Aliens Among Us II

An encounter with "aliens," i.e. fans with dual citizenship in mainstream society and other subcultures. Communication, not marginalization, is the goal.
Steven Vincent Johnson, Dierdre Murphy, Katie Clapham

Alternate Sexuality Themes in SF&F

How well does SF&F serve as a vehicle for exploring "alternative" sexual interests? What sorts of imaginary alternatives have been or are being written?
Pam Keesey, Sybil Smith, Jan Wolter

Babylon Five: Lord of the Rings Retold?

The coming of shadows...the great war...Where have we read this before? Are the similarities deliberate or just the result of good writing?
Brin Willis, Joe Agee, Victory Starbourne, Glen Cook

Battlefield Electronics in the 21st Century

Electronics have proven their worth in the modern battlefield. The Navy and Air Force have lots of electronics, but what does the Army have? Find out what the digital soldier is wearing.
Don Bailey, Vernor Vinge, Hewitt Schaefer

Bedtime Stories with Puppets and Props - CANCELLED

Best of SF&F in Children's Novels

Finding the perfect SF&F novel for your niece or nephew.
Jody Lee, Jane Yolen, Laura Krentz

Best of SF&F Picture Books

Yes, Virginia, there are friendly monsters and nice witches.
Michael Levy, Laura Krentz, Jane Yolen

Best of SF&F Teen Novels

Are they only living on the Serrated Edge ?
Mark Shepherd, Jane Yolen, Laura Krentz

Books as Bricks

Huge, thick books seem to be much more popular in the past few years. Is it due to consumer demand or insufficient editing? What's the attraction?
Vernor Vinge, Allen Steele, James Frankel, Steven Brust

The Care and Feeding of the Creative Process

What sort of actions and environments are most conducive to getting and staying productive? How does a writer or artist distinguish being blocked from being too tired?
Mark Shepherd, Mark W. Tiedemann, Sandy Swanson, Darlene P. Coltrain, Steve Mudd

Celebrity Picture Book Reading

Dramatic readings of picture book favorites for children and adults.
Jane Yolen, Laura Krentz, Emma Bull, Pat Wrede, Elise Mattheson


A play about elves, for the Thorin Tatge Radio Hour
Thorin Tatge, Amber Tatge, Aliera Brust, Dan Lowin, Steve Zalar

Clashing Symbols

How can writers preven conflicts between symbols in a story and those in mainstream culture. Should they?
Danith McPherson, Mark W. Tiedemann

Con-Going with Kids

Or, "It's 4 a.m. Do you know where your parents are?" The trials, tribulations and challenges of con-going for the "post partum" parent.
Jane Strauss, Felicia Herman

Costuming on a Budget

For people who can't sew.
Elizabeth Sloan, Scott Ross, Jo Bramwell, Ann Chancellor

The Creation of Magic

How do construct a magic system appropriate to the culture and technology level? Who's done it right?
Mark Shepherd, Peg Kerr, Steve Deyo, Katie Clapham, Kara Dalkey

Dangerous Visions Revisited

What topics and themes are too controversial for current SF&F? What are the taboos? What should be done about this? Joyce Scrivner, Peg Kerr, Mark W. Tiedemann

Don't Give Up Your Day Job

For freelancers of all sorts (not just writers), when is the time right to make the transition? If it isn't yet, how do you balance writing with the job? Why stay employed?
Glen Cook, Allen Steele, Steve Mudd, Janith McPherson, Sandy Swanson

Ethics on the Information Super-Highway

Are computers changing the answers to ethical questions...the nature of the questions...the way we look at past answers to questions?
Les Roth, Steven Vincent, Brian Hurt, Lynda Sherman, Amy Thompson

Fat, Feminism, and Fandom

"Women en Large" has been out for six months now. What sort of issues have been catalyzed by its publication?
Terry Garey, Elise Mattheson

Fixing the Publishing Industry

All right, let's dream. If we were going to restructure the publishing industry in some sane manner, how would we start?
Robert Ihinger, L.A. Taylor, Dierdre Murphy, Kara Dalkey, James Frenkel

Gay and Lesbian Characters

The gay and lesbian character in modern SF & horror.
Sybil Smith, Pam Keesey, Peg Kerr, Raymond Banks, Eleanor Arnason

Gender Bending

Breaking characters out of sterotyped role models.
Jen Wolter, Mark W. Tiedemann, Sandra Lindow, Danith McPherson, Sandy Swanson

Getting the Location Right

Or, "Water doesn't freeze at 500, Mr. Niven!" Using real-world locations means that people from there are going to be watching for errors. What sort of things should you watch out for?
L.A. Taylor, Aaron Larson, David Prill, Amy Thompson

Getting Up There

Comparing the various predicted methods of getting into space to the way we actually did it.
Aaron Larson, Allen Steele, Ctein

Guilty Pleasures

Books we love even though we know we ought not to. What makes them so enjoyable, and how can you incorporate these elements into your next work?
Brooks Peck, Mark W. Tiedemann

How to be a Starship Captain

Organizing a fannish club or organization. Sponsored by SF Minnesota.
Alois Tschampl, Joan Marie Verba, Eric Heideman

How to Draw a Barbarian

Artists' tips on how to draw from real life, with costumed models.
Crystal Marvig, Erin McKee, Ann Chanceloor, Jeff Armstrong

How to Design a Costume Presentation

Even the best costume is helped by a good presentation. Tips from costumers on what you should do and should not do on stage.
Deborah Jones, Elizabeth Sloan, Scott Ross, Jo Bramwell

Illustration Workshop for Kids With coloring for younger kids

Artists help kids hone their artwork.
David Egge, Crystal Marvig, Erin McKee

The Influence of Dorothy Dunnett Upon Modern SF&F - CANCELLED

Inventions that Changed the Course of History

The invention of the horse collar was one of the major factors in the ending of slavery. What modern inventions might be considered equally influential a hundred years from now?
Aaron Larson, Earl Joseph, George Kurbik, Brian Toren, Hank Lederer

Is the Space Program Going to Fade Out...

...with all of us still stuck here? Can it be saved or is it too late?
David Egge, L.A. Taylor, Aaron Larson, David Perlman

The Language of Literary Criticism

A panel at another convention bogged down in discussing a book's "hidden mass" because it meant too many different things to different people. Does the language to go beyond "I Like It" exist?
Michael Levy, Eric Heideman, Russell Letson, Pamela Dean, Amanda Elg

Making Up Klingons is Hard to Do

Watch normal (well...) humans get into ridges. A guide for the forehead challenged. Sponsored by IKV Rakehell.
Bill Hedrich, Jennifer Peck, Doug Nowlan

Men: Can't Live With Them, Can't Get a New Operating System

Do men and women really think differently? Are we at the mercy of our genetic programming? Is the political correctness movement making things better or worse?
Sandra Lindow, L.A. Taylor, David Perlman, Sandy Swanson, Joyce Scrivner

The Message is a Mess

How do you write from a particular background or agenda without preaching or writing a polemic?
Aaron Larson, Vernor Vinge, David Perlman

Multi-cultural Diversity as Demonstrated in Star Trek

Who are the most Jewish? What other cultures can be seen in Star Trek's aliens?
Rabbi Gershom, David Perlman

My Sense of Wonder Just Got Run Over

How does a writer of contemporary fiction sustain the fantasy elements when the work is set in something resembling the real world?
Peg Kerr, Mark Shepherd, Kara Dalkey

The Myth of Myth

From the Epic of Gilgamesh to the Poodle in the Microwave, what cultural needs do myths satisfy?
Erin McKee, Deirdre Murphy, Jane Yolen, Dara Dalkey, John M. Ford

The Nature of Evil in SF&F

From "the Quest for Power" to "the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number" to "I just like to hear people scream," what makes a villain real and believable?
Steve Mudd, Vernor Vinge, Robert Cornett

Obscure British TV Shows

Blake's 7, Tomorrow People, The Avengers, Red Dwarf, Triffid, and others.
Sybil Smith, Ann Chancellor, Kurk Marston

Potato Science Experiments

Making a battery...putting a straw through a spud...bring your favorite demo. (No sledgehammers, Gallagher!)
Katie Clapham

Pros, Cons and Fans on the Information Super-Highway

The Internet, GEnie, Fidonet, and AOL are providing new ways for readers and writers to meet. Is this replacing or augmenting fanzines and conventions, or is it something completely different?
Joyce Scrivner, Amy Thomson, John Johnson, Ctein

Prozac is Our Friend

The legal mind-altering drugs of fandom: what are they, what do they do, and why should we take them?
Mark Shepherd, Don Bailey, Richard Cronk, Shirley Carlson

The Quest for Literary Respectability

Should we redecorate the ghetto or try to move into a higher class neighborhood? Is the mainstream red-lined?
Mark W. Tiedemann, Steve Deyo, Robert Cornett

Raising Children in Fandom

Morals, manners, and family: using Mr. Spock instead of Dr. Spock. Do we really raise our children differently or are they just born that way?
Jane Strauss, Jeanette Roth, Robert Cornett

Real Life and High Fantasy

Is it totally irrelevant to the plot that there are no latrines in all of Tolkein? Is this the nature of the subgenre? If not, how can real-life issues be dealt with appropriately?
Glen Cook, Steve Deyo, Kara Dalkey, Robert Cornett, David S. Cargo

Reincarnation and Literature

A mystic view of reincarnation, and a discussion of it as a plot device.
Rabbi Gershom, Dierdre Murphy

The Right Stuff

Artists discuss the best tools and materials for the job. Brushes, paints, paper, sculpting tools, etc.
Erin McKee, Crystal Marvig, Darlene P. Coltrain

Running a Small Convention

A how-to guide by people who have been there, done that, and sold the T-shirt.
Star, Jen Wolter, Sandra Lindow, Joan Marie Verba, Giovanna Fregni

Script Writing for Fannish Audiences

Tips for kits and plays to be performed at cons by writers and performers who have done it.
Jeanette Roth, Jerry Stearns, Les Roth

Self Publishing: From Desktop to Vanity Press

What are the advantages and disadvantages? How do you go about it? Why would anyone want to? L.A. Taylor, Steven Vincent Johnson, Joyce Scrivner, John Rezmerski

Small Press: Alive & Kicking, or Suicidal?

There are a number of small press operations in the SF&F field. How do they operate?
Eric Heideman, Steven Vincent Johnson, Aaron Larson

So I Wrote the Book, So What?

Treat authors just like real people. Authors get to tell their favorite "Misery" stories.

L.A. Taylor, Allen Steele

Someday My Prints Will Come

Following the long, sometimes tortuous trail from artist's original to print, be that limited edition, lithograph, seriograph, photo, or offset print. How are they made? What are the differences? Should the buyer really care?
Ctein, Crystal Marvig, Erin McKee, Ishtar, Steven Vincent Johnson

Star Trek Technology

A discussion of all the technology in the Star Trek Universe: Romulan, Klingon, Borg, Cardassian, Federation, Bajor, and Gamma Quadrant.
Larry Lura, Sarah Seigel

Style vs. Style

Different people prefer different sorts of prose style. Readers and writers talk about what they like and what they hate about different kinds of writing.
Jane Yolen, Jen Wolter, Mark W. Tiedemann, Dierdre Murphy, Amanda Elg

Taping Your Convention

How to make a good tape for your con (and maybe get it shown on Network '73 next year). Prerequisites: "Intro to Video" and "CamCorder Operation Basics."
Rick Lancaster, Network '73

Tattoo One: Body Art in Fiction and Real Life

Is tattooing, piercing, etc. really more popular or just less marginalized? What are the attractions?
Ishtar, Star

Tattoo Too: Aquiring Body Art

How to get your tattoos and piercings safely and keep them. Does is really hurt more on your ankle?
Ishtar, Star, Doug Nowlan

True Lies

SF&F is a lie that can effectively convey truths about our culture. How does this happen? Which writers are best/worst at this?
Marhsall Willis, Danith McPherson, James Frankel, Mark W. Tiedemann, Chris Bender

UFOs and Government Conspiracy

What are they hiding?
Keith Spears, Jim Groat, Steven Vincent Johnson, David Perlman, Joel Henry

Vampires on a Bed of Rice

The long-awaited movie has finally been released after much buildup and controversy. Discussion of the film as well as the newest book in the Vampire Chronicles
Joe Agee, Andrew Bertke, Victory Starbourne

Visions of Cyberspace

Possible incarnations of the Information Super-Highway.
Don Bailey, Steve Deyo, Vernor Vinge, Earl Joseph, George Kurbik


A discussion of the popular X-Files TV program featuring FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully and their strange, sometimes frightening, but always thought- provoking cases.
Bill Willis, Sarah Seigel, Melanie Peterson, Joelle Riley

War is Bad, Peace is Good

The nature of war varies according tot he culture and level of technology. When is war a useful adjunct to diplomacy? Can wars be necessary, even desirable? Is SF&F a useful place to explore these questions?
Marshall Willis, Mark W. Tiedemann, David Perlman

What's Wrong with the Publishing Industry

Is there anything wrong with the industry? This panel will explore the topic with reference to David Westlake's "A Likely Story."
Pat Wrede, James Frenkel, Don Blyly, Barbara J. Gislason

What an Aspiring Author Needs to Know

The ever-popular panel on how to prepare a manuscript, send a query letter, submit to agents or editors, etc. Spiced up with ways not to get published that various people have recommended or attempted.
Dierdre Murphy, Jane Yolen, David Perlman, Barbara J. Gislason

The Wheels of If Go Round and Round

Alternate history is a perennial subject for SF writers. What are the less obvious branch points and what might have come of them?
Aaron Larson, John M. Ford, Hank Lederer, Brian Toren

Why Isn't There More SF in Our SF Bookshelves?

Why is so little hard SF being produced today? Or are we looking in the wrong place?
Eleanor Arnason, Mark W. Tiedemann, L.A. Taylor, Russell Letson

Aliens in Trek: Cardassia and the Dominion

Last year it was Borg and the Bajorans, now the other side of the Bajor/Cardassia conflict. Who are the true rulers of Cardassia? Will other returnees to the Dominion find the shapeshifters as Odo did?
Joe Agee, Matt Goldmann, Sarah Seigel, Larry Lura

Christian Fandom: A Special Interest Meeting

A discussion of Christianity in SF&F.
Joan Marie Verba, Marty Helgesen

Bedtime Stories with Jane Yolen

Tales from the oral tradition for children and adults.
Jane Yolen

Build a Castle/Space Station

Constructions using milk cartons and other recycled objects. Faun Bonewitz

Children's Juggling Workshop

How many can you keep in the air? Let Ruth show you how.
Ruth Anderson

Children's Magic Workshop

Learn simple tricks to amaze your friends.
Wild Phogg

Chocolate Ceremony

A craft ritual honoring the Xocatl.
Michelle Clark

Ask Dr. Mike

He returns to answer your remaining questions.
John M. Ford

The Fantastic Art of Jody Lee

A slide show by the Artist GoH.
Jody Lee

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mars

It's time to bring to light the secrets of why we are all still bound to Planet Earth.
Victory Starbourne, Bill Willis, Matt Goldman, Sarah Seigel

Galactic Gourmet

Sample an interesting collection of delicacies rumored to be from around a galaxy. A chance to risk your taste buds (no one has died yet).
Brin Willis, Deb Nicelson

The Work of Vernor Vinge

James Frenkel talks to Vernor Vinge about his work.
James Frenkel, Vernor Vinge

Kid's Gaming

Come and play.
Michael Kauper

Toys in Space

Kids plan for L-5
Anne Shefee

Kirk is Dead! Long live Picard!

The greatest hero fo the Federation is dead. Can the Next Generation fill the shoes of the larger-than-life characters of classic Trek?
Joe Agee, Victory Starbourne, Diane Murphy, Joelle Riley

The Straightening of Hollywood

Don Kisser, Joe Agee, Sybil Smith, Robin Wylie, Eleanor Arnason

Make Your Own Puppet

Make puppets from socks and scraps, then perform with them.
Laura Krentz, Kay Marsalek

Men in Tights II

Wouldn't it be fun to watch all the men strut their stuff in opaque pantyhose? The gauntlet has been thrown. Who will brave the stage this year?
Deb Nickelson, Brin Willis, Andrew Bertke

Multi-Cultural/Multi-Species Religious Ceremony

Join us Sunday morning to celebrate differences and similarities. A presentation featuring the religious ceremonies of the diverse spectrum of human and alien kind featuring Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Mimbari, Klingon, Centari, Narn and others.
Brin Willis, Victory Starbourne, Sara Tesh

Origami Workshop

Make amazing art by folding paper.
Lynda Sherman, Elizabeth Bramwell Colter

Beth Eastman Memorial Pun-el

Pun to remember! Once again, Minicon's punsters gather to mutilate the language without fear of flying fruit.
Ed Eastman

What do I Read Next?

Scott Imes, Michael Levy, Russell Letson

Reading by Steven Brust

Steven Brust

The Fiction of Robert Forward

Second Foundation's annual discussion of the work of a GoH.
Eric Heideman, Robert Forward, Second Foundation, Jen Wolter

SF Writing Groups: the 1995 Scene

Minnesota Imaginative Fiction Writers' Alliance Meeting. A regular meeting, only at Minicon.

Klingon Dating Game

Sponsored and Staffed by the IKV Rakehell.
Bill Hedrich, Jennifer Peck, Laura Thurston, George Richards, Mary Bertelson

Robert Forward Slide Show

Space tethers or FTL methods.
Robert Forward

Physics X

Everything you ever wanted to know about physics but were afraid to ask.
Robert Forward

Freewheeling Speculation on Minicon 31

Next year's concom answer or dodge all your questions, accept nominations for the theme, and compile a list of GoH suggestions for Minicon 32.
Glen Tenhoff, Kay Drache, Thomas Juntunen, with Kate Carey, Victor Raymond

Poetry Reading

A two-hour reading.
Terry Garey, Jane Hansen, Sandra Lindow, Jane Yolen

Filk Sing

Original and published filk songs.
Brin Willis

Star Trek News and Views

Latest news and info on Star Trek, etc.
Scott Hill

Star Trek Revival Meeting

Old Time Religion meets the 23rd Century.
Lynn Tauer

Star Trek vs. the TV Universe

Trek analysis and controversy.
Scott Hill, Joe Agee

War for the Oaks: The Movie...Status Report 3

The producers tell what's happening now.
Will Shetterly, Rob Ihinger

Investment for the Future

An investment broker suggests how to invest your money so you can continue going to cons when you retire.
Tom Ingram

Bronze Casting Slide Show

The ceramic sheel process of casting bronze sculpture.
Butch Honeck

Homoerotica in SF&F

How it affects or appeals to the reader. How did you feel when you first encountered the genre? Come share your insights, opinions, and feelings.
Brin Willis, Victory Starbourne, Joe Agee, Andrew Bertke

H.G. Wells' Time Machine

Discussion of the novel on its 100th anniversary; the text and George Pal's motion picture.
Kurk Marston, Blair Keith, Wayne McCloud, Eric Heideman

Dr. Who Regenerates

The TV show that wouldn't die...
Kurk Marston, Wayne McCloud, Greg Bakun

Is Time Travel Possible in our Lifetimes?

Einstein says no. Minkowski and others say maybe.
Kurk Marston, Celestial Affiliation of Timelords

Missing Scenes from Star Wars

Did Lucas leave something on the cutting room floor?
Eric Jon Larson

Creating Languages for Other Cultures

Or, "How to Swear in Elvish." How to you swear in cultures without Christianity? Language comes out of culture comes out of language...
Katie Clapham

Terminator: A Feminist View

Feminist panel discussion of Terminator and T2
Sara Connor

Clowning Workshop

How to make 'em laugh (by accident on purpose).
Andre Guirard

Good Writers and the People Who Don't Read Them

Why are some excellent writers not selling books? Is it failure to find a market? Or a case of lowest common denominator?
Joyce Scrivner, Russell Letson, Bob Cornett, Phil Jennings

Magic Show

Wilde Phogg performs feats of prestidigitation.
Wilde Phogg

Star Trek Fashion Show

The crews and friends of local starships present their costumes.

R.O.G. Ceremony

Relentless Outerworld Garrison (pronounced "rogue") SF Theatre awards medals to honor its outstanding officers.

Dragon Making

Artist Julie Bowman provides fabric scraps, findings, and instruction.

Dwarves/Dwarfs in Tolkein & Lewis

Discussion/meeting of the local Rivendell Group of the Mythopoeic Society.

Arabian Nights

Send your camel to bed and join the Dancers of the Desert Moon at the oasis for a performance of Middle Eastern Belly Dancing. Experience the heart-centered rythyms of a dance that emphasizes life's joyfulness. Dancers are members of the Guild of Oriental Dance.