Minicon 30 Artist Guest of Honor: Jody Lee

This piece appeared in substantially this form in the Minicon 30 program book.

Jody Lee has been illustrating professionally in the field of fantasy and science fiction for twelve years. Her clients include DAW Books, Bantam Doubleday Dell, Tor, Warner, and others.

She has done covers for books by Mercedes Lackey, Jo Clayton, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Lloyd Alexander and Madeleine L'Engle.

Jody thinks of herself as a born-again pre-Raphaelite and admires all the usual suspects from that era and afterward, but she takes inspiration from many other sources and civilizations.

She tries to create a different and singular look for each book or series that will suit the story, the author, and the intended market. All her styles combine good design, attractive, well-drawn figures, and glowing color.

She is a member of AFSA, a member of the Graphic Arts Guild of New York, and a former chair of their Professional Practices Committee.

Jody was born in San Francisco and holds a BA in illustration from the Academy of Art College there. She and her husband Tom Ingram, a financial consultant for Merrill Lynch, now live in White Plains, New York. They race their nineteen-foot sailboat, The Pride of Yonkers.


David Dyer-Bennet <>
Last modified: Tue Jul 4 01:02:40 1995