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Postmortem Notes from the Group of the Black Dot

said notes having been taken by Derrick Dasenbrock, who didn't write down who facilitated his group, and I can't remember


What Needed Improvement?

Never got anything after the first mailing. There were 3 names listed, but everything cam in one person's name.

The name badges were not in sync with registration.

The mailing was far too early. Nobody proofed the first mailing.

Registration lost stuff.

The dance should be reconsidered, it is an extension of the masquerade. The dance needed a live band. There are two large mixers at Minicon, the dance and the drum jam. Without these mixers, the con digresses into people attending only small room parties.

Cabana suites not being used to their fullest. There were no banners, closed doors, rooms dark for noticeable amounts of time.

Need more and better coffee, and more espresso machines.

There were 4 refrigerators ordered, but only one was used. People didn't know what they had requested.

Need to do an inventory of the storage lockers.

Need to keep notes about what people ordered.

Format of child care has to change. Parents that showed up were willing to work, but we didn't have enough at some periods. We had too many volunteers at other times. There was low attendance, though this is due to promotion that there wasn't gong to be child care for so long.

The smoking area in the garden court was not well defined. This was due, in part, to only 1/2 of the smoking / non-smoking signs being deployed. The garden court and the north tower were two problem areas, and would have benefited from clearer signage.

Child care had shortage of volunteers during peak programming periods.

Volunteers needed more people.

Is there any way to make the Dark Star music room bigger? Maybe program Lojo into mainstage space?

What Worked Well?

The second pocket program worked

Jumpstart worked.

Hotel, making the request, getting the room, getting into the room, all went smoother this year.

Easier time finding people and having fun.

Could not get from place to place without running into people I knew.

Three M worked well.

The overall feel was good

More relaxed, more considerate this year.

Liked being able to get from place to place.

Brief Interlude:

It is extremely important to be able to communicate with other departments -- directly, succinctly, and immediately.

Going to engineering in the hotel is pointless, they have no string, they have no tape.

Name One Thing You Would Change:

Better internal communication. Keep track of responsibilities.

The consuite is darker, less mature, less interesting, not as fannish. It is more like bars in Uptown. Fewer people "inside the consuite "hangout" but nothing to draw people there.

There is not enough help for first time people running departments.

Live band with dance, feel that it is an integral part of con, and one of two mixers.

Show major appreciation for volunteers both through the year and at the con, from the badgers through to the exec.

Minicon needs resource or troubleshooting team to help when departments overextend themselves. They need to be able to step in to provide relief, or fix it if necessary.

Needs to be a phone list for people and new off-line dispatch.

Would like an after hours art show/dealers room for those of us who work all the live long day.

What Should Never Change?

Keep variety, keep Minicon open to geologists, scientists, people other than SF book fans.

Keep the music, performances, Dark Star acts.

Intolerance is not to be tolerated. Don't get into peoples faces unless they are totally outrageous. Open-mindedness.

A volunteer run convention — We do this because it's fun!

Spandex is a privilege, not a right.

People's ability to help make the fun happen. No such thing as a small part in Minicon.