Minicon Fortean
will be held on March 25-27, 2005
at the Sheraton Minneapolis;
in Bloomington, Minnesota

Writer Guest of Honour: Terry Pratchett
Fan Guest of Honour: James Young
Artist Guests of Honor: Fastner and Larson
More about our fabulous guests

Hotel and How To Get To Minicon


Programming Schedule

Blood Drive


Art Show

Minicon Fortean
P.O. Box 8297
Lake Street Station
Minneapolis, MN 55408

What's New?


edward4 (79K)

Minicon Fortean March 25 - 27, 2005


Minicon has been known for its spirited and thought provoking program. We also have a lot of fun. Our two major themes are "The Worlds of Terry Pratchett" and "Minicon Fortean". Current programming schedule is available at

Programming Schedule


We are fortunate to have Joel and Beth Phillips hosting our Hospitality Suite again. Expect pleny of good food, drink and conversation. If you would like to help out with hospitality, contact Joel at the convention.

Groups planning parties at Minicon Fortean include Marscon and Convergence.

Discworld Ball (featuring Folk Underground)

Discworld Ball Featuring Folk Underground - What would Minicon be without music? Local band, Folk Underground, will play at our special Discworld Ball. Their lively Irish-inspired kick-ass, gothic folk music is provided for your dancing and listening pleasure. Songs by Neil Gaiman, Stephen Merritt and others, with plenty of twisted traditional music added to the mix. "Happy little songs about going to Hell." MN Public Radio.

Costumes are encouraged and prizes will be given for the best Discworld depiction and for other categories as well.


We're bringing films back to Minicon. First up, we're showing PLANETFALL, a local feature-length film from Car School Films. Planetfall is a Sci-Fi Western done in the low-budget Troma style. And Jeremy gets killed! A panel discussion with members of the cast and crew will follow the showing. Don't miss it.

We'll also be showing "Psychotronic" type films in the evenings. Titles like Face of the Screaming Werewolf (starring Lon Chaney as a mummy who becomes a werewolf!), Bigfoot (to fit with our Fortean theme), and others too hideous to mention will be featured. Audience participation is encouraged, a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Some of these films would make Ed Wood blush with embarrasssment.

And, of course, there will be the inevitable surprises.

Writer's Workshop

The writer's workshops are now full.

artwork by Fastner and Larson Updated by Joyce Scrivner March 22, 2005