Minicon is a totally volunteer run convention. Thanks to the following for sacrificing nights and weekends to bring it to fruition:
- General Concom: Jennifer L. Anderson (a.k.a. Seven), Greg Ketter, Erin McKee, Mark Richards, Richard Tatge, and probably others who I have forgotten
- Art Show: Pat Scaramuzza (coordinator), David Wilford
- Badges: Bill Christ
- Chairs: Keith Malgren, Matthew Strait
- Consuite/Bar/Hospitality: Beth Phillips, Joel Phillips
- Costuming: Bonnie Somdahl
- Dealers: Lisa Freitag
- Gaming: Kevin Austin
- Green Room: Karen Cooper
- Guest Liason: Andra St. Arnauld
- Kids’ Programming: Marian Turner
- Music: Chas Somdahl
- Parties: Kelly Strait
- Programming: Rachel Kronick (head), Lisa Freitag, Lydy Nickerson
- Publications: Sharon Kahn, Keith Malgren
- Registration: Peer Dudda, Carol Kennedy
- Sales/Volunteers: Marilee Layman
- Treasurer: Seth Breidbart
- Video Room: Will Pell
- Web: Ethan Sommer, Matthew Strait