You are reading Concom minutes, 16 Mar 2008.
In attendance: Matt Strait, Richard Tatge, Mark Richards, Bill Christ, Bonnie Somdahl, Keith Malgren, DavE Romm, Kevin Austin, Chas Somdahl, Peer Dudda, Kelly Strait, Carol Kennedy, Andra St. Arnauld, Dan Romm, Rachel Kronick, Lisa Freitag, William Ketter, Sharon Kahn, Seven (Jennifer Anderson), Marian Turner, Joel Phillips
Keith has a list of who has a room, how many rooms, how many nights, making sure the rate is right, etc.
Rooms by consuite/bar: 214 we should have Thursday; 219 (bar storage) we don’t need ’til Friday
Again, Wayne is not coming - note on website, in program book, going into BBT, obviously need to mention during Opening Ceremonies
DavE has made contact with Al (who’s leaving for the US tomorrow), who’s happy to speak
Nate wants to sing “Preposterous” at Opening Ceremonies
Chas will announce concert schedule
Rachel will talk about programming (?)
Beth/Joel about consuite/bar
I will talk about blood drive/parties
Everyone should e-mail DavE if want to say something: romm at visi dot com
E-mail Rachel and DavE list from last time; Rachel/Sharon will talk about BBT (what it is)
Lois McMaster Bujold will be trailed by a Star Tribune reporter/photographer at con - explicitly not going to mention at Opening Ceremonies
Marian: wants to collect short future predictions (aimed at kids, but anyone can do), then do Sunday edition of Daily Howler; will put cardboard box either at Reg or in consuite (by pop machines?)
Bonnie: people in costumes need to make sure to get their pictures taken; will announce winners at closing (?); do we need judges?
Announce picnic at opening (?), closing ceremonies
Closing Ceremonies: there will be sharp, pointy objects; Matt has balloons
Sharon will bring 3 blimps from her attic; Mark is NOT running blimp race, because his supplier goofed up. Will we have helium? Last year we got an offer for blimps from someone. Is that still available? We probably have room now in the locker
When Dreamhaven moves, we may need to put the art show panels in the locker
Beth is negotiating w/ TGI Friday’s re: discount w/ badge - dinner break 6:00-7:00; are they open for breakfast? Sounds like we’re going to get “$10 off $30 purchase” coupon
Bozo Bus might want to think about including something on why it’s called that, if they need filler at some point. Illustrations are always welcome for BBT
Fannish history trivia? There is already a trivia contest this year as part of programming
Keith should send font to Matt and/or Rachel for use on pocket program
The program book is going to the printer either tomorrow or Tuesday
Everyone on programming should have already received e-mail re: where/when
Rachel, if she hasn’t already, should get programming volunteer info to Marilee
Marilee will keep “unofficial” list with her, Rachel will keep official list in Green Room; will we be able to sign up in the Green Room?
We also need a volunteer to do transcription for Peer - they can use his to do this, or can bring their own; Keith/Andra’s son Kyle would probably be good at this
Rachel & Bonnie need Eve’s e-mail address
750 Hershey’s Kisses for Trivia needs to wind up in Green Room, hopefully with sign that says NOT FOR GENERAL EATING
GOH ideas for next year: Rich Burlew - Order of the Stick comic
Richard has 4 puzzles, Peer has 2 that he’ll bring - there will be puzzles both downstairs in general gaming area, plus some for big room
1973 Pennies as possible prizes for things - could bring to work party, put stickers on (?) to make them different
Question about extra memberships - nothing really seems to have been out on the lists about this - does anyone else have one that they’re not using?
Pocket Program: note about how to contact concom for con-related emergencies (also going in program book); movie schedule;
Work Party: fold pocket program (?) - hoping to get the 1st fold free; make signs for Dinner Expedition; Richard will bring “equipment” and colored markers - does anyone else need to bring markers?
Are we going to get easels from hotel? Need one in old reg spot to say “go to the new place”? We get some number of them free. Should put one outside shipside w/ concert schedule; one for Green Room?
Technically, we’re not allowed to put signs up anywhere. In practice, can put them on doors. Need to e-mail hosts and let them know that they can’t put signs anywhere BUT immediately ON your room.
Opening Ceremonies: announce Dinner Expedition
Foam core board in the locker; could make Wayne stand-up or mask to take to his programming items - or maybe just one that we all pass around the same way CONvergence does with cape, etc; or the big red alien that’s on the cover of his new book
Shawna could maybe judge costumes instead of Wayne; or all the guests of honor; Lisa is willing to help if anyone wants assistance
Went to hotel to look for outlets: there are LOTS! Ex: 18 outlets on the walls of the big room, plus 3 on the floor (these cost extra, though) We need to bring old computer for gaming
Medora is working on final room-set up list thingy that Matt wants, should have tomorrow; we may wind up paying for 2 outlets
Gaming Schedule: Kevin is planning scheduled gaming for open slots in programming schedule (plus, obviously, open gaming all the time); has stuff to give as prizes; Kevin is doing round-table 10pm Sat night re: Gary Gygax; Matt and I will bring our card tables, since hotel usually only has HUGE tables
Set-Up: Weds 4pm Storage Locker (4325 Hiawatha; E-Z MiniStorage, but name may have changed). Turn on 42nd (street just past McDonalds); on the Hiawatha side, can go through office if don’t have car. Weds 7pm Work Party at Carol’s (3328 Colfax). For other times, see website:
Tip Money: want to give money to people in charge of rooms (Joel, Beth, Karen) so can tip cleaning staff; consuite/bar got $75 ($2-$5/person per cleaning?)
M44: Stephen Martiniere confirmed!!!
Seven proposed John Lyell for music:
Brightly Colored Badges: Matt, Keith, Rachel, Kelly, Seven, Sharon. Maybe these people should also carry MNstf business cards
Opening Ceremonies: make sure we tell people that those w/ brightly colored badges can be asked questions about the con. Make sure that note about this is in program book (and pocket program)
Matt & I will bring Peeps boxes to hotel
Could we look at surveys at Saturday after-party?
Joel: will only be at Dead Dog Sunday night, then leaving on plane early Monday morning - someone else needs to be in charge of making sure clean, getting food/drinks to Dean & Laura for Dessicated Dodo, etc. Seven will be back-up.
Does sales have cash box? Does it need change? What about registration? Ask Carol on Weds. Take Visa/Mastercard via Dreamhaven (?). Maybe we’ll let people reg w/ PayPal at the door NEXT YEAR.