The Minicon 43 party block is now closed. This year’s party hosts are:
- Amalgamated Spleen
- DreamHaven
- DreamHaven Books Birthday Party. We’re celebrating our 31st birthday and you’re invited. Food, drink, conversation…and FREE BOOKS. Friday 9-Midnight.
- Krushenko’s Annex
- The Krushenko’s mission was, and remains, to encourage people to talk about science fiction and fantasy at SF conventions. This floating salon is a hybrid of traditional Programming and traditional Hospitality spaces. At Minicon 43 Krushenko’s will hold panels and discussions in the daytimes and early evenings, while Krushenko’s Annex holds parties hosted by SF-related groups in the evenings. Krushenko’s is accustomed to serving Alien Guests!?
- Ladies’ Sewing Circle
- The Ladies’ Sewing Circle will meet in room 206 from 3-5 p.m. on Sunday. Sewing Circle is a chance to get together and work on sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or other crafty projects while enjoying light refreshments and pleasant conversations with people with similar interests. Hosted by Laura Krentz, with Irene Raun as host during Closing Ceremonies. Sewing Circle members are encouraged to attend the Knit Knacks panel at 2 p.m. on Sunday before moving to room 206.
- LiveJournal meetup
- Are you on LiveJournal? Would you like to see some of the faces that go with those strange LJ names? Saturday night, March 22, at 8 p.m.–or any time after that when the doors are still open!–come to rooms 205 (cakmpls) and 206 (fmsv and cowfan) to meet fellow LJers and have some refreshments.
- MarsCon
- Invasion MarsCon! The invasion forces are gathering, due to take over the planet in 2009. Prepare for their arrival by joining us in a video review of friendly incursions documented for the big and small screens. MarsCon will celebrate its 11th year on the weekend of March 6-9, 2009, at the Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington, Minnesota. Guests will include artists Scott Rosema and Suzanne Hiza-Rosema, author Jeanne Cavelos, and musician Wally Pleasant. Join the invasion!
- MCTC Science Fiction and Fantasy Club
- Come party like it’s 1999! 1999 brought us the debut of Napster, the Sega Dreamcast, Y2K preparation, the Mac iBook, the birth of the six billionth concurrently living human, the WTO protests and Stephen King’s fateful car accident. Come and reminisce, or just play some Dreamcast.
- Oddcon
- Odyssey Con is coming back for an eighth year! We return to the The Radisson Inn on Madison’s west side, April 4-6, 2008, with more great panels, dealers’ room, gaming, an art show, and new media programming. Guests include Kage Baker, George R.R. Martin, Richard S. Russell.
- Seattle in 2011
- Come back to the Emerald City for the 69th World Science Fiction Convention! Pacific Northwest fandom, under the auspices of SWOC, is bidding for the 2011 Worldcon in Seattle, to celebrate the golden anniversary of Seacon, the 1961 Worldcon. We plan to use the Washington State Convention and Trade Center and adjacent hotels.
- Trans Galactic Inter Dimensional Gourmand Society
- Once again, the Trans Galactic Inter Dimensional Gourmand Society presents evenings of food, drink and fun from around the galaxy. Open Friday and Saturday from 9PM until we shut the door. Stop in and keep the party going all night!
If you have questions about parties at Minicon, e-mail Kelly at <parties at minicon43 dot mnstf dot org>.