Two versions of these minutes follow. First an abbreviated version, which is all what we had up on the web through 2020. It may have been what was printed in RUNE. Second, the full official minutes. They are separated from each other and this meta-information by lines of equal signs. The full minutes were typed up in 2020 by Matt Strait from a paper copy. No OCR was involved. Original errors, if any, are lovingly retained, and marked with [sic] when I noticed them. Other content in square brackets are likewise transcription notes. Additional errors may have been introduced. Original errors may have been inadvertently corrected. The original was typed/printed with a fixed-width font and this rendition preserves the formatting precisely in most cases. Underlining is indicated by surrounding words with underscores, since ASCII is more primitive than daisy-wheels (but HTML is too fragile for words). ================================================================================ _April 30 Board Meeting_ _TotU_ (_Tales of the Unanticipated_, the club's fanfiction/poetry magazine) discussed -- its budget mostly. The panel on _Rune_ at Minicon was discussed, as well as many aspects of the zine (such as readership, requirements). Materials presented/examined: David Cargo's _Rune Manifesto_ (his personal ideas on what's important); Luke McGuff's Editorship Proposal; Dave Romm/Jeanne Mealy's Editorship Philosopy Statement/Fannish Resumes. A _Rune_ _Jamboree_ gathering date is set for May 12 to help determine "Whither _Rune_?" by interested locals. Officers were mentioned, along with Lienish descriptions of duties; Treasurer Joel Halpern ('he does things with money'), VP David Dyer-Bennet, Recording Secretary Denny Lien ('does things like this'), Assistant Treasurer Don Bailey, Corresponding Secretary Kay Drache, Membership Secretary Scott Raun, (Madame) President David Cummer. 'Other Officer-Like Beings' (described such by Denny): Hotline Editor: David E Romm. Keeper of the One True Mailing List: David Cargo. Editor of _Tales of the Unanticipated_: Eric Heideman. Editor of Einblatt (monthly newsletter): Karen Schaffer and Assistant Editor, Terry Garey. Mpls. in '73 Bidding Committee Chair: Geri Sullivan ================================================================================ [handwritten: ] A # 1 Minn-STF Board of Directors -- minutes -- meeting of 30 April 1987 at Toad Hall Present: Board--Don Bailey, David Cargo, Rob Ihinger, Karen Johnson, Geri Sullivan Officers: David Cummer (President), Kay Drache (Corresponding Secretary), Denny Lien (Recording Secretary), Scott Raun (Membership Secretary) Others: Leslie Bates, Eric Heideman, Scott Imes, Jeanne Mealy, Dave Romm ****************************************************************************************** The 7:30 meeting was called to order around 7:40, which was close enough. Outgoing recording secretary Karen Johnson apologized that previous minutes were not ready ("There was this Minicon") and explained the ropes to her successor: prioritize the agenda, insist on decision (looks good in the minutes), and generally "crack the whip." Agenda for discussion (not necessarily all tonight), as cobbled together from those present: RUNE: editors and goals Minn-STF Lecture series Officers' responsibilities Foundation Grants Introduction of officers _Computer_User_ Article Treasury Reform _City_Pages_ article _Tales_of_the_Unanticipated_ "Fresh Air" radio membership Philosophy of Minn-STF and money _Spindizzy_ Minicon Minn-STF Library/Librarian Fallcon, if any much of the above was cryptic, and some later became less so ****************************************************************************************** Announcements: Sullivan: Mystery Fan Fund was a success; Reed Waller is shopping for new guitar. Minneapolis in '73 money spent at Corflu, and well-spent. Drache: Has received one (1) reply to invitation in Minicon Program Book to write c/o the PO Box to contact Minn-STF: this proves that at least one person at Minicon actually read the program book. ****************************************************************************************** RUNE Handout distributed from Cargo (RUNE Manifesto), Luke McGuff (RUNE Editorship Proposal), Jeanne Mealy (Fannish Resume) and Dave Romm (Philosophy Statement of Mealy/Romm). Bailey reported on Minicon's RUNE Panel (subsequently written up in his subsequently- distributed zine RUN! IT'S GROWING): it was informal; attendees/commentators included Bailey, Heideman, McGuff, Ken Fletcher, Eric and Paula Biever, Tess Kolney, John Purcell, others. Need to decide what audience of RUNE should be; some possibilities: (a) all Minicon attendees; (b) local "fannish" community (was pointed out that large number of zines coming out locally often unknown to each other: ecological niche for focal point?); (c) broader nation-wide/world-wide fannish community. _Lots_ of work involved; should seek proposals from groups rather than seeking One Strong Fan on Horseback to ride in and take over. Need to think about what discrete jobs are involved in the production and how to break down/parcel out responsibilities. Two to four issues per year considered the practical/desirable range allowable, with 3 per year seeming most workable. Romm felt that the Romm/Mealy team are in "85% agreement" with the Cargo Manifesto. Minimal feedback from minimal production of last couple years means that we don't know who our audience is. Bailey: But we need to determine who _desired_ audience is and aim at it. Mealy: Would hope to /want to make RUNE comprehensible beyond the local-reference-understanding locals. Romm: Might do tryout issue(s) with large run and large mailing and carve out audience from responses to that. Cargo: the Manifesto is his (Cargo's) opinions and is not Official anything; intended to get points addressed that he feels should be addressed. Bailey: Could start with EINBLATT mailing list, plus perhaps 100-150 out-of-area folk. Sullivan: Including all Minn-STF voting members.. Bailey: RUNE mailing list currently in 2000-2500 range; 300-400 might be size of EINBLATT plus voting members plus 100+ ooties [sic]. Sullivan: Could include response card in first issue, requesting return of said card to remain on list. Lien: Might it be cheaper to mail out a flyer with such a response card instead of doing large print run on said first issue? Romm quoted prices quoted by Kinko's: 500 copies of 24 pages (12 sheets) on goldenrod for $330 collated (no extra charge for collating); for $340 collated and stapled once; or $360 collated and stapled twice. Discussion on desirability of mimeo vs. offset vs. whatever, and desirability of having production parties to do collating/stapling/labelling/envelope stuffing/etc. (and thus give club members greater sense of involvement) vs. paying professionals to do. Sullivan: Fact that Board is looking for a new RUNE editor (Michael Butler having moved out of area and resigned as such) has not been formally publicized; McGuff and team of Mealy/Romm, who have come forward, may not be only ones interested; and McGuff could not be present this evening. She volunteers to host a **RUNE JAMBOREE** evening, open to all interested in "Whither RUNE?", to be publicized in all ways possible in people's zines in Minneapa and Stipple-Apa. (EINBLATT deadline past, so EINBLATT not useful this time unless we wished to delay decision another month.) After much discussion and rejection of possible dates, decision for Tuesday 12 May 87 at Toad Hall, circa 7 pm. Sullivan will contact McGuff to inform and to see if he can arrange to get off work to attend. "Timeline for making decision; the sooner, the quicker." "If you plan to talk a lot, bring something to drink. If you plan to convince other people a lot, bring lots for _everyone_ to drink." ****************************************************************************************** 8:50 pm INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS AND DISCUSSION OF DUTIES: Treasurer Joel Halpern not present tonight; he does things with money. V-P David Dyer-Bennet also not present; besides usual V-P spare tire duties, the V-P is one of the three people authorized to sign Minn-STF checks, any two of whom _must_ sign. Request from Steve Brust (not present) to be re-appointed Executive Vice-President in Charge of Executions. No action taken. Recording Secretary Denny Lien--does things like this. Encouraged to get summary of relevant minutes/business into EINBLATT. (It is rumored he has Connections to that zine.) Don Bailey is "Assistant Treasurer;" title invented to keep bank happy (e.g., he is person other than V-P and Treasurer who is authorized to check signature). Kay Drache is Corresponding Secretary. Duties include opening the mail. (Duties of Corresponding Secretary's housemate do _not_ include opening the mail, but ticking [sic] packages may be an exception.) Also corresponds and such. Scott Raun is Membership Secretary--in charge of sign-in book, bulletin board, records on attendance needed for voting membership, and running of the annual elections, along with production of the club address/phone number directory. David Cummer is President--holds Minn-STF business meetings, scheduled Minn-STF meetings and arranges locations, deals with people who want to talk to someone about Minn-STF and such. As outgoing V-P, bank still has Cummer's name on authorized signing list and does not yet have Dyer-Bennet's; this needs to be fixed Very Soon. Noted that only one of the three signers (insufficient to do anything) will be in area for considerable period centered around Worldcon this fall; this needs to be fixed Fairly Soon. Other Officer-Like Beings: Hotline Editor Dave Romm reports that the tape machine is dying; will need new tapes for now but will eventually need new machine. Board authorisizes [sic] up to $15 (preferably less) for "leaderless fancy answer machine tapes" as needed to keep it working. [quotation marks handwritten] Keeper of The One True Mailing List: David Cargo. Editor of _Tales_of_the_Unanticipated_: Eric Heideman Editor of _Einblatt_: Karen Schaffer, with Assistant Editor: Terry A Garey Minneapolis in '73 Bidding Committee Chair: Geri Sullivan ****************************************************************************************** 9:20 pm TALES OF THE UNANTICIPATED Heideman doesn't have detailed report ("There was this Minicon, and then this workshop in New York"), but approximate report is that 445 of the 516 TotU #1 printed are gone, while about 210 of the circa 1,000 TotU #2 are sold, with more out on consignment. (New printer enabled doubling size of printrun over #1 for virtually same cost; tradeoff was saddle-stitch rather than perfect binding.) Heideman requested $500 from Board to put out TotU #3 (of a total budget of $2,000, of which he expects to raise the other $1,500, primarily from further sales plus advertising sales). This Fall issue should be out _circa_ November; while a Worldcon date would be desirable, that "would be pushing it". Questions from Board _re_ previous $200 advance made against budget for #3 to get #2 out: are we thus being asked for just $300 more (totalling $500 on paper), or are we being asked for $500 more (totalling $700 in all), or has the $200 been paid pack so that the $500 request actually means $500? Heideman: The $200 advance has been paid back; total funds requested from Board for #3 are in fact $500. Budget history: #1 totally paid for by club, as agreed #2 budgeted at $1500; $500 from club plus $1000 raised as income #3 budgeted at $2000; $500 from club plus $1500 to be raised as income (as sales, back issue sales, possibly printing/selling TotU t-shirst) Members of board discussed ongoing commitment--is TotU planned on needing $500 per issue support indefinitely, or is it aiming to become self-sufficient? Board felt plan was the latter; Editor felt that self-sufficiency not likely and felt that ongoing subsidy was assumption under which [handwritten: "he"] had been working, and was appropriate. General comments that Minn-STF's annual budget. Board OKed $500 for TotU #3, subject to confirmation by Treasurer that previous advance has been paid back; Board will consider further and request "clarification of finances" before they will contribute to budget for #4. David Cummer volunteered to sell copies of TotU at Keycon. ****************************************************************************************** 9:55 pm MISCELLANEOUS QUICK AND DIRTY AGENDA ITEMS Heideman reports that the Minn-STF Lecture Series is looking for alternative locations, and that Walker Library is a possibility. Romm is huckstering memberships in KFAI Fresh Air Radio (station on which Minn-STF's radio show, "Shockwave," appears). Do we want to be a $50 member? a $120 member? a $150- per-quarter Sponsoring member? KFAI has been supportive and helpful; has loaned expensive equipment for Minicon opening ceremonies; etc. Comment that there may be legal problems with us (a non-profit organization) donating money to them (a non-profit organization). Pledge drive season is over for the present, so urgency gone. TABLED until we can discuss with Treasurer present. There is a vague rumor someone may be considering running the Fallcon. Or maybe not. Minicon does not have a preliminary financial statement done yet. David Cargo is interesting [sic] in freelancing an article, aimed at local _Computer_User_ magazine, on use of computers in organization [handwritten: "of"] Minn-STF's mailing lists etc. Since we generally try to avoid publicity that may overload Minicon, does Board object? Since Minicon is over for now and the connection is marginally anyway, Board did not object. It was suggested he try to make us sound dull, however, to be on the safe side. No way of measuring the effect (larger-than-expected-or-desired [hyphens handwritten] Minicon attendance) of the recent _City_Pages_ article. At-the-doors were up, but so were pre-regs. Writer of the article tried hard and didn't do too bad a job, as these things go. Cummer has been asked for an interview by _Gaze_, a local gay tabloid; Minn-STF and Minicon will be involved in questions. "Try to make us sound dull." No Board objections. ************************************************* Sullivan: _Dare_to_be_Stupid_ deadline is May 15th; Cummer will announce at Minn-STF meeting; no need to make copy camera-ready (she will be editing). Minneapolis (as fronted by Fred Haskell and herself) is bidding to host 1989 Corflu and chances look good. Somebody should be holding a Minneapolis in '73 party at Keygon. Kay Drache will bring text of Minnesota Open Meeting Law to next Board meeting; we will examine to see if any possible problems. Upcoming meetings set: RUNE JAMBOREE: Tuesday, 12 May, 7 pm, at Toad Hall Minn-STF Board: next regular mee[space with handwritten marks indicating it shouldn't be there]ting-- Thursday, 21 May, 7:30 pm, at Don Bailey's Minn-STF Board: meeting to consider Minicon Exec--Thursday, 4 June, 7:30 pm at Huddling Place Board ran out of gas and ran away circa 10:30 pm minutes typed 10 May 87 by Yr Obedient Servant- [signed:] Denny Lien Denny Lien ================================================================================