MN-StF Board Meeting 17 May 1993 Persons present: Leif Pihl, Joyce Scrivner, Eric Heideman, Margo Bratton, Polly Jo Peterson, Dean Gahlon, Martin Schafer, Mitch Pockrandt, Kay Drache, David S Cargo MN-StF Board Minutes Joyce has had help inputting about half of the data she needs to enter from Minicon and hopes to get the other half done soon. She (Joyce) would like to host a Mpls in 73 party at Confrancisco since Geri is not going. The board decided to table the discussion until the June meeting when they hope to have final Minicon 28 profit figures. Eric checked in with the board to make sure that the previously agreed upon schedule of getting a Tales of the Unanticipated out this August in time for Confrancisco was still okay and it was (is). Eric and Jennifer also came to report the amount that Diversicon raised from other fan organizations which the board agreed to match one for two. (I forgot to write down the actual figure. Sorry. PJP) They were instructed to get a check from Carol. They also want to borrow a coffee pot from Minicon parties and some of the art show panels. They were instructed to contact Dave Romm (quartermaster) and Giovanna or Ellen (Art show experts) for these items. Rental on the art show panels is $10 and it is BYOCT (bring your own cable ties). They also checked in about the ad in the Diversicon Program Book to which MN-StF is entitled. Charles is supposed to be creating this and Dean will make sure that he is. Dean will also check in with Charles regarding a cryptic letter from US West and the Yellow Pages Joyce asked if we were interested in being listed (free) in a Fan Directory and the board said that this would be okay. The MN-StF Copier for the corresponding secretary has not been purchased because David and Carol have not been able to get together. The board would like to get a treasurer's report so that they can rough out a budget for the year. There was a general discussion of between-Minicon issues including keeping track of people who repeatedly bounce checks off of Minicon, and getting people from the Minicon registration data base to the OTML without losing them. Martin passed out a treatise on problems with Minicon which board members were supposed to read and send him comments upon by the end of the month. Leif came and brought up concerns about the MN-StF Camel (the computer). Did we want to update to DOS 6 and get a Foxbase upgrade? The board decided that we should perhaps wait until they work the bugs out of 6 before we purchase it and that we should not upgrade the Foxbase unless the upgrade had features that we need. The manuals and original diskettes are missing. After discussion they decided that the upkeep of the camel is the responsibility of the VPDP (upgrades, documentation and source diskettes) and the person who has possession of the machine (back-ups). Mitch will call Scott and DDB to find out where the responsibility has been and where the documentation is. Next meeting will be Monday June 21, 1993 at Mitch's (3739 Pillsbury Ave in South Mpls.) Quote of the day: "Kay is not stupid, she is just ignorant". Respectfully submitted by Polly Jo Peterson