MnStf Board of Directors October 17, 1994 Attending: Dean Gahlon, Polly Peterson, Kay Drache Next Meeting: Monday November 14, 7:30pm at Kay's. Agenda: MnStf President; Minicon 31 Exec. Discussed Minicon; Exec selection, inclusiveness/exclusiveness of group, no author GoH yet.... Kay will follow up on whether Cat has contacted Alex Eisenstein re Ed Emsh. Kay called around to CARC, followup on disposal of MnStf library (Rob says not much left after Hugos and Dreamhaven bought; Rob will report on income from sales at next meeting.) Kay will also discuss with Carol Kennedy whether she still wishes to continue as treasurer, concerns about promptness in paying. Polly will get Minicon 29 stuff to her. Board approved $73.19 maximum to John Wirsig to cover Mpls in 73 party they held at ICon. Dean will have John call Carol for check. Gossip update: Charles Piehl is now an Episcopal Deacon.