October 17, 1996 Lynn Litterer recording Attending: Polly, Kay, Lynn, Dean and Martin at Polly's. We started by sorting MNStf mail. Kate Carey had not picked up the Minicon mail, so Polly got it because the box was full. Several problems were noted with the long distance VPDP. ReinConation used the wrong return address, they still mostly got to us. Martin will talk to Kate about an interim solution. 1. Minicon Flyers These are still a problem. Kay and Dean are both registered and haven't been getting flyers. Lynn got hers, but they were announcing meetings that had already occured. None of us has gotten meeting minutes. Lynn got one e-mail set that was badly garbled. They also are not sending the Minicon meeting attendance list to Laura [Krentz] (the membership secretary). We decided that if the Exec does not make sure that we are getting both the general info flyers and the meeting minutes in a timely fashion, the Exec will have to show up and communicate in person at every other Board meeting. 2. Accountant Meeting Lynn went over the meeting with the accountant. She gave us along list of suggestions and a set of sample categories. Our current records are not sufficient to get us through an audit. We are mostly doing the right things, but need to write them down and print reports regularly. We need to have receipts for everything, and be able to produce them. 3. Presentation by Jerry Stearns: Minicon Audio SF Award No one anywhere is doing anything with science fiction audio recognition. Minicon is a good venue to do this. People will send tape entries to the audio award committee. Publicity by Minicon, on Jerry's Web page and in the industry. (See Jerry for details). He would like $600 from MNStf to help start this up. We are in favor of this but don't know if we have the money. Dean will tell Julie and Martin will tell Mark Richards to provide current financial statements -- where we are at for money -- as of the last week of October. Get them to the next Board meeting. Once we know where we're at we will let Jerry know. 4. Storage Locker Update Current cost is $88/month for 100 sq. feet. The same location on Minnehaha [Ave.] has other sizes available unheated for the same or less money. The preferred solution is to get a larger locker for the same money. Getting rid of the child care supplies would free up one third to one half the space. Check with the Exec on the status of child care. 5. Liability Rob Ihinger called and said he has not yet checked on current Minnesota liability law for non-profits. He will have a report for us by next meeting.