Minn-StF Board Meeting, March 13 2002 Location: Scott Raun's In Attendance: Dean Gahlon, Scott Raun, Larry Sanderson, Laura Jean Fish, Sharon Kahn Minicon Books need to be closed on Minicon 36 ASAP. This means the $1000.00 for program book income must be reconciled. Larry will look into collecting information about who needs to be billed. OTML Rachael Lininger has volunteered to work on creating a design for the OTML (One True Mailing List). The board votes to approve her creating a design for a relational database that will include: * The Minicon mailing list * Einblatt * Artshow * Dealers * TOTU * Rune The Board briefly discussed what it would need to be able to do for the club: * Multiple designated persons should be able to update information, as well as retrieve information. A major advantage will be that address changes will go to one place. Dean will inform Rachael that, yes, we would like for her to work on this. Hotel Minicon 38 update: Ben Yalow will help go through the contract and offer advice. Contract to be signed ASAP. Miscellany Einblatt editor Scott Raun requests postage check for Einblatt. He estimates it's about $187 for about 5 rolls of stamps; he will email Larry to remind him. Larry Sanderson informs the board that as treasurer he has ordered more regular checks.