MiNSTF board meeting Tuesday June 25, 5:30pm, by videoconference. Attending board members: Matt Strait (recording), Scott Raun, Lilly Watson, Linda Lounsbury. Non-attending board members: DD-B. Matt had asked to postpone this meeting, originally scheduled for June 11, to June 25. Everyone agreed. == Approve previous meeting's minutes == Scott, Matt and DD-B have approved by e-mail. And now we approve them here. == Review TODO list == The remaining TODO list is: * (2024-01) Linda will look into how much "officers and directors liability insurance" costs. Linda just sent us a quote. We'll all look at it. * (2024-04) Linda will talk to Linda about continuing her officer posts. She accepts. DONE: * (2024-04) Scott will ask Carol if our bank account is balanced up to the latest month -- done, we're good through 4/30 and have $2263 in checking with $260 of checks outstanding. * (2024-04) Scott will check with Irene, Carol and Dean about continuing at their various officer/signer posts -- all said yes. * (2024-04) Scott will do the assumed name and SoS annual registration. * (2024-04) Scott will do the taxes. Done, with a copy of the return sent to the Minnstf archivist. * (2024-04) Lilly will talk to Richard about if he wants to continue being a signer. Richard agrees. * (2024-04) Matt will send bills for past due accounts. * (2024-04) Matt will talk to Hershey, Aaron and Jim Porter about continuing their officer posts. Hershey agrees to continue as 2nd VP and co-correspondence secretary. Aaron confirms that he'll keep administering Vanguard. Jim agrees to continue as quartermaster. == Review recurring task list == Scott reported June 10 that he had renewed the mnstf.org and minicon.org domains. * Ask the treasurer for a semi-annual report of our expenses: Scott will do this. * Send notice to concoms reminding them how voting member status works: Matt will do this. == Assign officers for 2024/2025 == Here are the officers for 2023-2024. The only one confirmed for 2024-2025 is President Sharon. We should contact all the rest to confirm they are continuing, or we should nominate replacements. This includes signers. President: Sharon Kahn - CONFIRMED First Vice President: Dean Gahlon - CONFIRMED Second Vice President: Hershey Harris - CONFIRMED Treasurer: Irene Raun - CONFIRMED Assistant treasurer: Carol Kennedy - CONFIRMED For-profit bank - main account signers: Carol Kennedy (primary) - CONFIRMED, Irene Raun - CONFIRMED, Richard Tatge - CONFIRMED, Dean Gahlon - CONFIRMED For-profit bank - convention account signers: Kevin Austin (primary), Emily Stewart (primary), Matt Strait - This account expired, so this is gone Credit union - membership controllers: Matt Strait - CONFIRMED, Irene Raun - CONFIRMED Credit union - convention account: Matt Strait - CONFIRMED, Linda Lounsbury - CONFIRMED Investment account - signers: Aaron Vander Giessen (with web powers) - CONFIRMED, Carol Kennedy - CONFIRMED, Irene Raun - CONFIRMED Correspondence Secretary: Hershey Harris - CONFIRMED, and Linda Lounsbury - CONFIRMED Membership Secretary: Scott Raun - CONFIRMED Recording Secretary: Matthew Strait - CONFIRMED Cheer Secretary: Carol Kennedy - CONFIRMED Rune Editor: Matthew Strait - CONFIRMED Archivist: Matthew Strait (includes web archives) - CONFIRMED Quartermaster: Jim Porter - CONFIRMED Director of the Fan Photo Archive: David Dyer-Bennet - CONFIRMED Webmaster: David Dyer-Bennet - CONFIRMED == Officer reports (offices held by board members) == * Recording (Matt) - all is well on the western front. * Membership (Scott) - all caught up with data entry. * Correspondence (Linda) - has some stuff from NESFA for Matt and also from ASCAP, who still think we owe them money. They think we owe them $62. Scott says that Carol is waiting on new bank statements from Linda, and Carol got them today. Scott says that Carol has sent the check to ASCAP. * Rune (Matt) - Not doing anything. * Archivist (Matt) - Working on reconstituting the archives at his new house. * FANPA (DD-B) - not present * Webmaster (DD-B) - not present * Signers (Linda; con account) - Still waiting for one check to clear. Once it clears, Minicon 57 books are closed. It's to an artist we know, for $13.. Linda will follow up. == Officer reports (offices held by others) == None of officers are present: * President, VP, 2nd VP (Sharon, Dean, Hershey) * Treasurer, assistant treasurer (Irene, Carol) * Non-treasurer signers (Richard, Dean, Kevin, Emily, Aaron) * Cheer (Carol) * Quartermaster (Jim) == Finances == Aaron reports that the most recent Vanguard transactions are: $3000 to US Bank on 8/03/2023 $3000 to US Bank on 12/01/2023 Current Value (as of Friday 5/3, close of market): $29,273. == Conventions == * Minicon 57. Books nearly closed. No other lingering issues that Matt knows about. * Minicon 58. Working on setting up concom meetings. Have a full enough slate of GoH. All set up. * Minicon 59. No update. Still have one guest of honor. * Minneapolis in 2073. Will throw a party at NASFiC in a few weeks. == Book donations == Our annual expenses without book donations or a fallcon that loses money are about $5000. Minicon 57 has just made $8500. So let's do a book donation with a budget of $1300. Linda will get on it. == Next meeting == 3pm, Scott's house, Aug 3. == Review new TODO list == * (2024-04) Linda will talk to Linda about continuing her officer posts. * (2024-06) Scott will ask Carol if our bank account is balanced up to the end of June. * (2024-06) Scott will ask Carol for a report on our expenses so far this year. * (2024-06) Matt will send notice to concoms reminding them how voting member status works. * (2024-06) We'll all look at Linda's quote for "officers and directors liability insurance". * (2024-06) Matt will update the officer's list online. * (2024-06) Linda will start working on book donations.