Minn-stf board meeting, Dec 17, 6:30pm, by videoconference. Attending board members: Matt Strait (recording), Linda Lounsbury, Scott Raun Non-attending board members: David Dyer-Bennet, Lilly Watson Others attending: Scott Lohman, Diversicon 32 chair (only present for Diversicon 32 section) == Approve previous meeting's minutes == Approved! == Review TODO list == * (2024-10) Linda will keep working on book donations. All books have been donated. $1257. 40 books to North High, 37 books to Edison High. They all have MNSTF nameplates in them. The librarians also got some Minicon flyers. The club paid direct, no reimbursing necessary. All done for this year. * (2024-10) Matt will get a report from the Quartermaster. Matt will try again after New Year's. * (2024-10) Scott will ask Carol if our account is balanced as of the Oct 31 and Nov 30 statements. This just in! Carol today reports both are balanced. Our checking account balance is $5866. Carol also paid for the storage locker, paid Scott's October meeting stipend, and reimbursed Jeanne for Rune. We also got a bit of money from Give to the Max day: $141. Given our current balance, we probably don't want to move money either to or from Vanguard. DONE: * (2024-10) Matt will invite Scott Lohman to the next meeting, and ask him how it's going. == Review recurring task list == * Definitely would like a report from the Quartermaster. Matt will get on this. * Ask the treasurer for a semi-annual report of our expenses in January. Scott will do this. * Review what address we have on file with the state of Minnesota or whoever else won't use the PO Box. Currently this is Scott and Irene's house. We all would like this to continue. No action is needed. * Send notice to concoms reminding them how voting member status works. Matt will do this. For Diversicon 32, he'll write to Scott to find out who is considered to be on the concom. == Officer reports (offices held by board members) == * Recording (Matt) - everything is fine. * Membership (Scott) - He's a little behind on data entry, but will catch up. * Correspondence (Linda) - She has some mail for Matt. She has an ASCAP letter for Scott, presumably a bill. * Rune (Matt) - has no plans. * archivist (Matt) - still has the archives. Slowly working on them. Found some cool art. * FANPA (DD-B) - not present. * Webmaster (DD-B) - not present * Signers (Linda; con account) - still a signer, although the account is empty. We should decide fairly soon if we're going to try to reuse this account for M59, which requires changing signers, or if we're going to open a new account. == Officer reports (offices held by others) == No other officers are present: * President, VP, 2nd VP (Sharon, Dean, Hershey) * Treasurer, assistant treasurer (Irene, Carol) * Non-treasurer signers (Richard, Dean, Kevin, Emily, Aaron) * Cheer (Carol) * Quartermaster (Jim) == Conventions == * Minicon 58 Everything is going fine. Still need to get some key departments better staffed. * Diversicon 32 Scott Lohman reports: The concom met and he is going to start working on PR1. They have live guests (Lyda Morehouse and Naomi Kritzer), and posthumous guests (Andre Norton and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.). They have adjusted their pricing. They still need to update the website to reflect that. No reg forms are available yet, so it doesn't really yet matter what it says. Hotel is set up. We have the contract on file. Price for function rooms is reduced to $400/day for all rooms together (wow!). Michael Kauper is going to do his astronomy workshop. They are hoping to get permission to go on the roof again. Scott will work on making a advertisement that is formatted quarter-page for both the Minicon program book and standalone flyers. Still Sept 5-7, Crowne Plaza Plymouth. Exciting announcement: he shoes us a flyer from the Upper Midwest Literary Archives. They'd like to archive a full run of Tales of the Unanticipated. Scott and Eric do have full runs to donate. They'll be near the Sherlock Holmes collection underground. * Minicon 59 Trying to get flyers made so that we have a visual style established and don't need a last minute scramble just before M58. No hotel contract yet for this or M60. The chair and hotel head really need to get on that. * Minicon 60 Should really get to inviting author GoHs. * Minneapolis in 2073 No report. In the black, but not too much in the black. == Next meeting == Tuesday Feb 4, 2025, 7pm, by videoconference. == Review new TODO list == * (2024-10) Matt will get a report from the Quartermaster. * (2024-12) Scott will ask Carol if our account is balanced as of the Dec 31 statements. Also he will ask her for a semi-annual report of our income and expenses. * (2024-12) Matt will invite Scott Lohman to the next board meeting. (done) * (2024-12) Matt will send notice to concoms reminding them how voting status works. This includes talking to Scott Lohman to find out who the concom for Diversicon is.