This is an OCR of board minutes done in 2021, then cleaned up manually. Original errors, if any, are retained and marked with "[sic]". Original underlines are indicated by surrounding words with underscores. ================================================================================ Minn-STF Minutes Conquer the Universe -- December 29, 1973 Meeting at Chuck Holst's place Business meeting called to order at 3:35 p.m. by Chuck Holst. Mark Hanson asked for deletions and corrections to previous minutes, but was ignored. Dick Tatge and Frank Stodolka reported that Minn-STF had received several Christmas cards this year, none of which they had remembered to bring along to the meeting. Chuck Holst announced that (1) we had received a card from Bob Bloch, and (2) several of the University of Kansas sf films were being shown in town soon; check the Minn-STF bulletin board for details. Frank Stodolka announced that we now had a Minn-STF calendar. Mark Hansen got the floor again and moved that Secretary Denny Lien be impeached. Denny Lien seconded. Someone called for a speedy trial, but was ignored. Chuck Holst announced that under an ancient and honorable Minn-STF tradition which he had just invented, anyone calling for and succeeding in the impeachment of an officer had to take over the job. Someone else suggested that Lien be impeached, tried, and convicted; then renominated and reappointed--he or she was ignored. (There was a lot of ignoring going around.) Hark Hansen explained why: in the previous minutes, Lien had twice referred to Mark Hanson as "Mark Hanselo," thereby insulting both himself and Bruce Hanselo. Furthermore, Lien had listed a movie upcoming as at walker Art Center as being shown instead at Xanadu Film Society, possibly causing hordes of Buster Keaton fans to be trapped into watching Buster Crabbe instead. Also, he doesn't speell so godd sometymes. Dick Tatge, ignoring the whole mess, suggested that we form a theatre party to go see SLEEPER, and Frank Stodolka cautioned us that he had seen it and thought it only fair. Mark Hansonelo, noting himself again being ignored, cried out that there was a motion on the floor and stamped his foot to gain attention. Al Kuhfeld then pointed out that he had just accidentally squooshed the motion with said foot and that Lien would have to remain secretary. So it goes. Stuart Rosen announced that he is writing and directing an sf play, JUMPDAY, which he feels will be good sf as well as good theatre. Auditions are January 6-7-8 at Lowry Hill Theatre in Trinity Community Church: corner of Bryant Ave. S. and Lincoln (one block north of Franklin). Production will _probably_ run March 1-2-3 and 8-9-10, with Friday and Saturday shows at 8 p.m. and Sunday either an afternoon or evening show. Theatre phone number is 374-2760 and a $1.00 suggested donation may be contributed at the door. More sf plays may be in the works, and JUMPDAY may be also shown elsehwere [sic] in the area, etc. Minn-STF might be interested in a theatre party and/or special presentation; Dick Tatge suggested that we might think about scheduling it for Minicon. Denny Lien (1) asked that people sign the sign-in sheets; and (2) said that he had now compiled figures from past sign-up sheets, so that if anyone wished to know if he/she had attended enough meetings to vote, etc., Just ask. Chuck Holst said that he had already compiled figures from the sheets, and Lien mumbled something about checks and balances. ================================================================================