Not a Hoax! Not a Dream! Not an Imaginary Story! It's...


October 24-26, 1997

Want to have a great time at something that's NOT a convention? It's easy!

STEP 1: Are you coming from out of town? Find yourself a place to stay. First ask any Twin Cities fans you might know if they have room to put you up. If you don't already know someone with available "crash space," there are some fans (click here) who have graciously volunteered space in their homes. As an alternative, check out our list of hotels.

STEP 2: Show up at any of the events listed in our not-a-program.

STEP 3: Contribute what you can to the festivities. Bring musical instruments. Bring photos of long-ago fannish events. Bring a keen mind and a selection of interesting conversation topics. Bring edibles and/or drinkables or party favors: contact the individual party hosts (see schedule)to see what they need. Or dig into those pockets when the hat is passed, and help keep ReinCONation from going more broke than it already is.

STEP 4: Now you're having fun!

It's Just That Simple!

Take the not-a-tour! Let us drive you around the Twin Cities and show you where famous sites in Minn-stf history used to be! The Minnesota Technolog office, where Minn-stf was founded; the original Uncle Hugo's, now part of a record store; the fabled Bozo Bus Building; and all those former Minicon hotels that are now parking lots!

What about ReinCONation 7, to be held in 1998? We were wondering the same thing, so we asked our Magic 8 Ball. It said:


So our not-a-committee will be accepting ideas for ReinCONation 7. Here's your chance to help make ReinCONation what you want it to be. (Or not!)

For further information, send email to not-a-chairperson David Emerson (

Want to see the original Not-A-ReinCONation page?

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ReinCONation is sponsored by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc.

This page last updated 10/7/97.