Convivial 3

Minn-StF Fallcon | October 17 - 19, 2008

Convivial 3 is this weekend!

The programming page has the final version of the schedule of events on it.  Some things might be added to the schedule during the convention and of course there’s a slight chance other changes might be made– if so, they’ll be posted and announced at the con.  I’ll try to update the website too if [...]

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Last day to pre-register for Convivial 3

Today is the last day you can pre-register for Convivial 3.  Online registration will be available ’til at least midnight, but I’ll be shutting it off for sure on Sunday morning.  You can also drop off your check and registration form at the Minn-StF meeting today (at the home of Linda Lounsbury, 4125 Dupont Ave [...]

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Pre-registration deadline approaches

I’ve sent out confirmation emails to everyone who is registered for Convivial 3.
If you didn’t receive an email and/or aren’t on the list on the website, you aren’t registered. (If you didn’t receive an email, it’s possible we don’t have an email address for you. Get in touch if you’d like to hear from us [...]

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Mark Your Calendars

Convivial 3 will take place the weekend of October 17 - 19, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Select in Bloomington, Minnesota (same hotel as last year). We have a hotel contract and everything (we find that’s usually a good idea).
You can now pre-register for $30. Act now! Well, we appreciate it when people register early [...]

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