Einblatt January 1997

**SPECIAL "Duck, Here Comes Another Year" JANUARY 1997 Issue of EINBLATT**


31 (Tue): New Year's Eve party at the Courts of Chaos / 2609 3rd Ave. S. (Mpls). Circa 6 pm until next year. There are separate smoking and nonsmoking areas; a no pets floor; a no kids floor; etc. FFI: 872-9793.

JAN 1 (Wed): Hair of the Dog Party. 2 pm on, at home of Larry Sanderson / 519 West 27th Street (Mpls). FFI: Larry at 872-8468, or e-mail to: Larry_Sanderson@msn.com

2 (Thu) and 9 (Thu): Patricia C. Wrede teaches "Writing Credible Science Fiction" from 7-9:30 pm at Open University (repeated on Feb. 25 & March 4). FFI: Open U at 349-9273.

4 (Sat): Minn-STF meeting. 2:30 pm on, at home of Linda Lounsbury and family / 3832 S. 1st Ave. (Mpls). Cat; no smoking; "no shoes in the house, please." FFI: 827-6712.

4 (Sat): Minneapa 333 collation. 3 pm, at the meeting. Copy count 25. FFI: Dean at 827-1775.

10 (Fri): Arcana committee meeting. 7:30 pm at O'Gara's Bar / 164 Snelling Avenue N. (St. Paul). FFI: Eric M. Heideman at 825-9353.

11 (Sat): WorldBuilding Society meets at 1 pm at Gabe's (formerly Boomer's) / 312 Central Ave. SE (Mpls). "Look for the people with the books." Topic: "Are You Being Rough Enough on Your Characters?" FFI: Dan Goodman at 871-5461, or e-mail to: dsg@visi.com

11 (Sat): StippleApa 140 collation. 2 pm, at the home of Jeanne Mealy and John Stanley / 766 Laurel Ave. (St. Paul). Copy count 25. FFI: JM/JS at 225-4323 or Judy at 699-7676.

12 (Sun): Diversicon 5 committee meeting. 2 pm, at home of Jane Strauss / 3026 36th Avenue S. (Mpls). FFI: Jane at 722-1412 or Eric at 825-9353.

15 (Wed): Reading period for submissions to TALES OF THE UNANTICIPATED 18 opens today and runs through Feb. 15. See submission info in earlier issues, or FFI Eric at 825-9353.

16 (Thu): Minn-STF Board of Directors meets at 7 pm at home of Lynn Litterer / 3645 Bloomington Ave. S. (Mpls). FFI: Lynn at 721-9635, or any other Board member.

18 (Sat): Minn-STF meeting. 2:30 pm on, at home of Don Bailey and Margo Bratton / 4736 Pleasant Avenue S. (Mpls). Cats; no smoking. FFI: 825-6549.

19 (Sun): Minicon 32 open meeting. 2 pm, at Radisson South. FFI: Tom at 798-5011; Cat at 729-1473; voice mail at 333-7533; or e-mail to: request@minicon32.mnstf.org

26 (Sun): Second Foundation meeting. 2 pm, at home of David Christenson / 3728 Longfellow Ave. S. (Mpls). Topic: The Works of Terry Bisson. FFI: David at 722-9764 or Eric at 825-9353. This is also Second Foundation's 14th Anniversary meeting.

26 (Sun): Ladies' Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society meeting 2 pm on at home of Terry A. Garey / 3149 Park Avenue S. (Mpls). Cats; no smoking; "no children under 12, please." FFI: 824-5157.

26 (Sun): Gaylaxians meet from 4 pm at home of Penny Ebbits / 5153 27th Avenue S. (Mpls). This is a potluck: bring stuff. Topic: Minicon plans fine-tuning; newsletter writing; general hanging out. FFI: Penny at 729-9015.

28 (Tue): Deadline to get information in the Feb. EINBLATT is 7:00:00 pm tonight, though as always a few days earlier is appreciated. Last minute info can go to me (Denny Lien) at 824-5157.

FEB 1 (Sat): Minnesota Imaginative Fiction Writers' Alliance (MIFWA) meeting. 2 pm at the Walker (Mpls Public) Library / 2880 Hennepin Ave. S. (Mpls). Topic: "Rejection Slips -- (B.Y.O.S.)." Public is invited, as usual. FFI: Eric M. Heideman at 825-9353.

1 (Sat): MinnSTF meeting. 2:30 pm, at place TBA. This is the first of two annual nominations meetings for the MinnSTF Board of Directors; the second will be at the Feb. 15th meeting (the annual Pool Party at the Radisson), with the annual voting meeting on March 1st. FFI: any MinnSTF Board member or Membership Secretary Laura Krentz (827-1775).

FEB Foresight: MinnSTF 1 & 15; Minicon 32 cmt 2 & 16; Einblatt deadline 25th

Not Yet Set

Rivendell meeting (topic: OWL IN LOVE) date for Jan. not yet set: check Hotline or 292-8887 FFI.

Change of Address

John Houghton / PO Box 3304 / Framingham MA 01705-3304 // 508-229-0558 (and a new e-mail address): john_houghton@cca-int.com


2: Don Blyly; Ann Neset; Amber Tatge; Thorin Tatge; 4: David Messer; 5: Claire Lenander; 6: Thomas Juntunen; 7: Margo Bratton; 9: Greg Ketter; 11: Victor Raymond; 15: Bruce Schneier; 17: Giovanna Fregni; 18: Pamela Dyer-Bennet; 20: Kij Johnson; 24: Keith Hauer-Lowe; John Houghton; 26: John Slade; 30: Linda Lounsbury.

Publishing News

Local publisher

TALES OF THE UNANTICIPATED 17 now available at usual outlets, featuring an interview with Joan Slonczewski and following works by Minnesotans or ex-locals: fiction by H. Correges LeBlanc and by Eric M. Heideman; art by Suzanne Clarke, Giovanna Fregni, Rodger Gerberding, Beth Hansen, and Cindy Rako; misc. prose by Heideman and by Laurel Winter. $4 in stores; $5 via mail.


Memory by Lois McMaster Bujold is #2 hardcover on Dec. LOCUS Bestsellers list, and is #4 on Barnes & Noble/B.Dalton list and #7 on the Waldenbooks list. The Baen pb reprint of Cetaganda, also by Bujold, is #1 paperback on the LOCUS list and #9 on B&N/B.Dalton list for the same month.

Steven Brust and Emma Bull, Freedom and Necessity, March hardcover from Tor

Emma Bull, Finder, February trade paperback reprint from Tor

Kara Dalkey, Buapur, April hardcover from Tor


Clifford Simak, The Civilisation Game, February hardcover from Severn House in England


Jack Zipes (ed.), Beauty and the Beast and Other Classic French Fairy Tales, March paperback from Penguin/Signet Classics

Special Announcement

After 87 months of EINBLATT, I'm approaching burnout. If you've always wanted a chance at editing this, contact me and/or the Board. Most of my burnout arises from the physical production--folding, stickering, and postage metering--and the associated tasks of getting labels, verifying information on them, keeping the postage meter fed, etc. If someone wants to take over that half of the job from me, we can work something out. Or take over the whole thing -- also fine.


Sympathies to Jeff Berry on the 29 November death of his father, to Rex Bryant on the 15 December death of his mother, and to family and friends of Joni Stopa, who died on 4 December.


Local and/or with locals as guests (check LOCUS or call me for more details)

Supercon 4 (Jan. 24-26). GoH: Steve Barnes. Rochester MN. $25 to: Box 14355 / Dinkytown Station / Minneapolis MN 55414. FFI: Charles Piehl at 871-0557; or e-mail to: underhill@spacestar.net

Boskone 34 (Feb. 14-16). GoH: John M. Ford, Ron Walotsky. $34 to 19 Jan. to: Boskone 34 / Box 809 / Framingham MA 01701-0203.

Minicon 32 (March 28-30). GoH: C.J. Cherryh, Tom Lopez, Tom Doherty, Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Algis Budrys, Michael Swanwick, possible others TBA. Radisson South, Sofitel, and Holiday Inn (Bloomington). $30 adult / $12 child to 14 Feb. FFI: Minicon 32 / PO Box 8297 / Lake Street Station / Minneapolis MN 55408; or hotline at (612) 824-5559; or voice mail at: (612) 333-7533; or e-mail to: request@minicon32.mnstf.org or get e-mail FAQ at: info@minicon.mnstf.org . Hotel info from: hotel@minicon32.mnstf.org . See also Web site at: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon32 (and see also: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon33 )

Conversion (May 16-18). GoH: Nick Pollotta, Reed Waller. Deerfield IL. $25 to 1 April to: PO Box 257795 / Chicago IL 60625-7795; or FFI: converge1@aol.com

WisCon 21 (May 23-26). GoH: Melissa Scott. $30 adult / $20 child to 1 March to: PO Box 1624 / Madison WI 53701-1624. FFI: (608) 233-8850 or www.sf3.org/wiscon/

DucKon 6 (June 6-8). GoH include Artist Guest Erin McKee. Oakbrook Hyatt (800-233-1234). $30 to 1 May to: DucKon 6 / PO Box 4843 / Wheaton IL 60189.

Diversicon 5 (July 25-27). GoH: Tanya Huff plus (posthumous) Mary Shelley & Bram Stoker. Special Guest: Pam Keesey. Radisson South (Bloomington). $25 adult/$20 child to 4 July; then $35/30. FFI: Box 8036 / Lake Street Station / Mpls MN 55408-8036; or phone to (612) 825-9353; or e-mail to: 75257.2607@compuserve.com

Arcana 1997 (Sept. 26-28). GoH: Neil Gaiman. $20 to 1 Sept. to: PO Box 8036 / Lake Street Station / Minneapolis MN 55408; or Kathy at (612) 484-2575 FFI.

Archon 21 (Oct. 3-5). GoH include Lois McMaster Bujold. Collinsville IL. FFI (314) 326-3026.

LosCon 24 (Nov. 28-30). GoH include Fan Guest Geri Sullivan. Los Angeles. $25 to LosCon 24 / c/o Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society / 11513 Burbank Blvd / North Hollywood CA 91601.

Ongoing Information

Minn-STF Hotline: Provides latest information and accepts messages: (612) 824-5559.

Minicon Voice Mail at (612) 333-7533; also Web site at: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon32

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 827-3228.

Shockwave (and) Sound Affects. Local sf radio shows. Saturdays at 6-6:30/6:30-7 on KFAI-FM (90.3).

EINBLATT also posted on Usenet groups rec.arts.sf.fandom (and) alt.fandom.misc (and) mn.general EINBLATT from July 95 to date also archived at this Web address: http://www.mnstf.org/einblatt/

Local sf/fantasy computer bulletin boards include: Fire Opal 822-4812 Sysop: Scott Raun Terraboard 825-0926 Sysop: David Dyer-Bennet Mostly Harmless telnet://harmless.winternet.com Login: BBS Sysop: TomKat Keeley

EINBLATT is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local sf community. Send same to Denny Lien / 3149 Park Ave. S. / Minneapolis MN 55407; or call me at (612) 824-5157 or 624-0503 (work). E-mail can now go to: einblatt@mnstf.org ((or)) to me at: d-lien@tc.umn.edu

Next deadline is 7 pm sharp on Tuesday, January 28th, 1997.

David Dyer-Bennet <ddb@ddb.com>
Last modified: Fri Dec 27 18:14:11 1996