Not The June 1998 Einblatt!

The June Einblatt has been severely delayed due to computer problems with the new editors' machine. However, I have learned when the Minn-StF meetings are, and am putting up this interim page to help disseminate that information.

20 June Minn-StF meeting, 2pm on, at the home of Doug Wickstrom, 3300 Louisiana Avenue North, in Crystal. Cats, smoking on the patio. 533-6721 for information.

Cross street is 36th Avenue North, exit from MN 100 west (about) 8 blocks, or US 169 east (about) 12 blocks. Plenty of parking on both sides of the street, feel free to use the driveway, as well. And the city did get the street paved.

4 July Minn-StF Meeting, 2pm on, at Steve & Liz's, 3248 Portland Ave. S., Mpls. Current plans are for setting up some grills out back for dinner. It'll be a bring-your-own-dead-flesh thing, with drinks and munchies provided. Some of us will be walking over to the park for fireworks in the evening.

The second July meeting is still open

David Dyer-Bennet <>
Last modified: Wed Jun 17 10:33:44 1998