Einblatt! May 1999


Updated 28 April 1999

Advance Warning

June 5 & 19: Minn-StF Meetings

June 5: Neil Stephenson & David Feintuch autograph at Uncle Hugo's

Publishing News

Nebula Award Stories 33 ed. Connie Wilis (Harcourt Brace hc and tp) includes Terry A. Garey's Rhysling-winning poem "Spotting UFOs While Canning Tomatoes."

May Asimov's contains a Phillip C. Jennings story, "Old Glory."

Laurel Winter has sold two more poems to Asimov's: "Time Travel Verb Tenses" and "Aunt Lily in Hyperspace."

The lead interview in the April Locus is with Neil Gaiman.

Neil Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors and Jack Cady's The Night We Buried Road Dog (the latter from local publisher DreamHaven Press) are on the preliminary 1998 Stoker Awards ballot for best collections.

Stardust by Neil Gaiman is #1 hardcover on the April Locus bestsellers list; it's also #2 on the B&N/B. Dalton list and #7 on Waldenbooks list.

Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors is tied for #7 on the Locus list and is #5 on the Amazon.com list.

Gaiman's Neverwhere is #3 paperback on the Locus list and #7 on the Amazon.com list.

Stones by the Water ,by Ruth Berman in Hadrosaur Tales, vol. 6, 1998. (a small-press publication, David L. Summers, ed., PO Box 8468, Las Cruces NM 88006).

"The Unicorn with Silver Shoes by Ella Young, 1932, by Ruth Berman, upcoming in August issue of "F&SF" on the Curiosities page.


Apr 30-May 2: DemiCon X, Des Moines IA, GOHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson, Tina "NeNe" Thomas, Bill Broughton, Rusty Hevelin www.netins.net/showcase/dmsfs/demicon.html

May 7-9: X-CON 17 Olympia Resort & Spa, Oconomowoc WI; rms $81. GoH: Kevin D. Randle. AGoH: Jim Groat. FGoH: Maria Pavlac. Memb: $25 to 4/1/99, $40 at door. Info: X-Con Ltd., Box 334, S. Milwaukee WI 53172-0334; e-mail: xconlimitd@aol.com

May 7-9: Marcon 34, Columbus, OH. GoHs: Richard Biggs, Jeffrey (Kosh) Willerth, David Drake, Erin McKee, Tom Savini, Jolly Roger Blackburn, Steve Jackson, Syntax. http://www.marcon.org/

May 21-23: KEYCON 16 Winnipeg MB, Canada. GOHs: David Drake, Den Beauvais, Al Jastrum, Michael Sheard. Memb: $50 at door. Info: www.icenter.net/~stornel/keycon/Keycon.htm

May 28-30: ConQuesT 30, Kansas City, MO. GoHs: David Drake, Esther Friesner, Robert "J.R." Daniels, Samantha "Star" Straf, Wilson "Bob" Tucker. home.unicom.net/~sfreader/ConQuesT.htm

May 28-31: WISCON 23 Madison WI. GoHs: Mary Doria Russell, Terri Windling. Info: WisCon, c/o SF3, Box 1624, Madison WI 53701; 608-233-8850; e-mail: wiscon.concom@lists.best.com; website: www.sf3.org/wiscon

June 4-6: Concussion 4, Omaha NE. GOHs: Connie Willis, Tracy Hickman, April Lee, Charles Piehl, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Robert Reed straylight.unl.edu/concussion

June 11-13: Duckon VIII, Rosemont IL GOHs: Frederik Pohl, Gene Wolfe, Ellisa Mitchell, Steve Collins, Graham & Gordon Leathers, Jymn Magon, Hal Clement, Barry B Longyear wwa.com/~duckon

June 24-27: Midwestcon 50, Cincinnati OH

July 2-4: CONvergence, Minneapolis MN. GOHs: Forrest J. Ackerman, Harry Knowles, Gary Russell; Featured guests: Pam Keesey, Father Geek, Gordon Purcell. FFI: PO Box 13208, Dinkytown Station, Mpls, MN 55414. www.convergence-con.org/, converge99@aol.com, 612-996-9224.

July 30-Aug. 2: Mythcon XXX(30)--combined with Bree Moot 4, Milwaukee, WI. $35 till 9/15/98. At-the-door is about $60. Several Mpls/StP folks working on concom. FFI: David Lenander or Jo Ann Johnson 651-292-8887, 293 Selby Ave. St. Paul 55102. d-lena@tc.umn.edu. www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/m391/d-lena/BreeMoot.html

Aug 6-8: Diversicon 7, Holiday Inn Express, 1010 W. Bandana Blvd., St Paul. GoHs: Julia Ecklar & Karen Rose Cercone; Special Guest: Nalo Hopkinson. $27 Adult, $22 Child through July 4. PO Box 8036, Lake Street Station, Mpls MN 55408. FFI: diversicon@SFMinnesota.com, Eric, 612-825-9353

Oct. 22-24: Arcana 29. GoH: Ramsey Campbell. $20 to Labor Day 1999, $30 At the Door. Arcana, PO Box 8036, Lake Street Station, Minneapolis, MN 55408; 612-825-9353.

Nov 4-7:WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION 1999/VOYAGES Rhode Island Convention Ctr., Providence RI. GoHs: Patricia A. McKillip, Charles de Lint, Robert Silverberg. AGoHs: Leo & Diane Dillon. Special Guest: Samuel R. Delany. TM: John M. Ford. Memb: $100 (1/1/99 through 5/31/99), then $125 beginning 6/1/99 (limit 850); $35 supp.; payment to MCFI. Info: World Fantasy Convention, Box 1010, Framingham MA 01701; fax (617) 776-3243; e-mail: wfc@mcfi.org; website: www.mcfi.org/wfc


1: Joel Rosenberg; 3: David Cargo; 8: Thomas Keeley; Todd McInroy; 11: Malcolm Heath; Michael Pins; 12: Carol Anndy Farwell; 13: Carol Kennedy, Ragnar Riley; 15: Jo Ann Johnson; 19: Scott Imes; 24: Mike Heinsohn; 25: Doc Bonewits


The new board is Don Bailey, Dean Gahlon, Polly Peterson, Martin Schafer and Geri Sullivan. New officers as of publication are: President, Margo Bratton; Executive Vice President, Steven Brust; Corresponding Secretary, David Schroth; Membership Secretary, Laura Krentz; Treasurer, Linda Lounsbury; VP/DP, Julie Johnson; Einblatt Editor, Scott Raun; Hotline Editor, Elizabeth Bendtsen; TOTU Editor, Eric Heideman.

Additional officers not listed last month: Vice President, Doug Wickstrom; Recording Secretary, Mitch Pockrandt

Ongoing Information

Board of Directors: Don Bailey, Dean Gahlon, Polly Peterson, Martin Schafer, and Geri Sullivan. Email board@mnstf.org. Mn-STF meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Saturday every month.

Minn-STF Hotline: Provides latest information and accepts messages: (612) 824-5559; web site at: http://www.mnstf.org/. Minicon web site at: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon/.

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 827-3228.

Filk Circle: open to all who like to participate in music with f/sf lyrics. 4th Sunday at 5pm: 3236 Cedar Ave South; FFI: 721-6076. Cats.

Einblatt is posted on Usenet groups rec.arts.sf.fandom & alt.fandom.misc & mn.general // Einblatt from July 95 to date is on the web at http://www.mnstf.org/einblatt/. Einblatt is distributed via e-mailing-list – send e-mail to einblatt-list-subscribe@mnstf.org.

This Einblatt was edited by Scott Raun with the assistance of Denny Lien (publishing news) and Mike Pins (conventions).

Einblatt is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local SF community. E-mail same to einblatt@mnstf.org, or send to Scott Raun, 3928 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407; or call him at (612) 822-0451. Email submissions most preferred, no phone calls after 10pm. // Next Einblatt! Deadline: midnight May 27, 1999 sharp!