Einblatt! January 2004


Advance Warning

Feb 7, 21: Minn-StF Nominations Meetings.


2: Don Blyly, Ann Neset, Thorin Tatge, Patrick Nielsen Hayden; 4: David Messer; 5: Claire Lenander; 6: Thomas Juntunen; 7: Margo Bratton; 9: Greg Ketter; 11: Victor Raymond; 12: Seth Breidbart; 15: Bruce Schneier; 17: Giovanna Fregni, Andrew Bertke; 18: Pamela Dyer-Bennet; 20: Kij Johnson; 23: Rachel Bendtsen; 24: Keith Hauer-Lowe; John Houghton, Katie Jennie; 26: John Slade; 30: Linda Lounsbury.


Dreamhaven Books will be sponsoring 12 months of the dead-tree edition of Einblatt. Thanks, Greg!

TV Bookshelf is now showing on the St. Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN), on Thursdays at 8 p.m.

Publishing News

Ruth Berman has a review-essay in the November 2003 issue of Science Fiction Studies (a journal published by DePauw U), "The Wizardry of Oz," reviewing Michael Patrick Hearn's Centennial Annotated Wizard, Katharine Rogers' biography of Baum, Ranjit S. Dighe's The Historian's Wizard of Oz, and Mark Swartz' Oz Before the Rainbow.

Lois Lowrey will receive the 2004 Kerlan Award at a Saturday morning brunch on April 10, 2004.

Hilary Moon Murphy has a story, "Nine-Fingered Mama," in New Voices In Science Fiction, ed. Mike Resnick (DAW pb, 2003)

pb=mass market paperback. hc=hardcover. tp=trade paperback nf=nonfiction. coll=collection. anth=anthology. r=reissue


January 23-25: Supercon XI, Austin, Minnesota. Best little relaxacon in southeastern Minnesota. $35 until December 31, 2003. FFI: http://supercon.info/

Jan 23-25, Confusion XXX, Troy, MI. GOHs: Bruce Sterling, Julie Bell, Geri Sullivan, Ron Westrum, Robert J. Sawyer. FFI: http://www.stilyagi.org/cons/2004

Jan 29-Feb 1, Capricon XXIV, Arlington Heights, IL. GOHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson, Kimberly Reck, Bryan Palaszewski. FFI: http://www.capricon.org

Feb 13-15, Boskone 41, Boston, MA. GOHs: Stephen Baxter, Richard Hescox, Betsy Mitchell, Brenda & Bill Sutton. FFI: http://www.nesfa.org/boskone

Mar 5-7, Congenial (relaxacon), Racine, WI. http://www.congenial.org/

Mar 5-7, MarsCon 2004, Bloomington, MN. GoHs: John M. Ford, Dr. Demento, Richard Biggs, Davina, David E Romm, the Great Luke Ski. Adult $42, Child $15 to 1/31; Adult $55, Child $25 ATD. Supporting $20. FFI: http://www.marscon.org

Apr 9-11, 2004. Minicon 39. GoHs: Walter Jon Williams, Sharyn November, Deb Geisler. $35 to 10/31, $45 to 3/8, $70 ATD. Child $15, Supporting $15. FFI: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon/minicon39/

Jul 30-Aug 2, Mythcon 35, Ann Arbor, MI. University of Michigan. GoHs: Neil Gaiman, Charles A. Huttar. FFI: www.mythsoc.org

Ongoing Information

Board of Directors: Kevin Austin, Laura Jean Fish, Dean Gahlon, Scott Raun, and Larry Sanderson. Email board@mnstf.org - which also includes Polly Peterson, the Recording Secretary. Mn-STF meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Saturday every month, Board meetings are typically the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Minn-STF web site at: www.mnstf.org/. Minicon web site at: www.mnstf.org/minicon/.

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 612-827-3228.

Filk Circle: open to all who like to participate in music with f/sf lyrics. 4th Saturday at 5pm: 3236 Cedar Ave South; FFI: 612-721-6076. Cats.

Artists and Writers: Get your art and thoughts in print in Stipple-Apa, small-and-cozy general-interest publication. FFI: Jeanne Mealy 651-771-7226

Einblatt is posted on Usenet groups rec.arts.sf.fandom, rec.arts.sf.announce and mn.sf // Einblatt from July 95 to date is on the web at www.mnstf.org/einblatt/. Einblatt is distributed via e-mailing-list - send e-mail to einblatt-list-subscribe@mnstf.org.

This Einblatt was edited by Scott Raun with the assistance of Denny Lien (publishing news) and Mike Pins (conventions).

Einblatt is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local SF community. E-mail same to einblatt@mnstf.org, or send to Scott Raun, 3928 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407; or call him at 612-822-0451. Email submissions most preferred, no phone calls after 10pm. // Next Einblatt! Deadline: 11:59PM December 25th, 2003 sharp!