Einblatt! April 2015


Advance Warning

Minn-StF Meetings: May 2 & 16, locations TBA


The new Minn-StF Board is Kevin Austin, Lydia Nickerson, Scott Raun, Matt Strait & Ann Totusek.

The new Minn-StF President will be Dean Gahlon.

Dreamhaven books will be open Tues-Sat 12N-6:30PM starting Tues, April 14. FFI: http://dreamhavenbooks.com/, http://dreamhaven.livejournal.com/162078.html

Terry Pratchett passed away in his home, with his cat, sleeping on his bed surrounded by his family on 12 March 2015.

The GPS Team Trivia Challenge will be April 11th. FFI: http://geekpartnership.org/events/team-trivia-challenge/

Ann Totusek will be chairing Minicons 51 and 52.

Our president Peer Dudda has set up an e-mail address specifically for his duties - MNstf_Prez@comcast.net.

The Minn-StF Board is soliciting bids for FallCon 2015.

# - Minn-StF Meetings start at 2pm, but there are rarely a lot of people showing up before 4pm. The business meeting will typically be between 5-6pm.

Thanks to recent meeting hosts: Sharon Kahn & Richard Tatge, Chrisi Hansen & Mike Schneider, Ann Totusek, Sidhe Brewing, Erin McKee & David Wilford, Clay Harris & Hershey Lima, Jonathan Adams & Carol Kennedy, Irene & Scott Raun, Emily Stewart & Aaron Vander Giessen, Liz Fish, Bill Christ, Kelly James, Polly Peterson, Rachel Kronick & Eric Forste, Blaisdell Polytechnic, Mark Richards & Peer Dudda, Josh More, Shaun Kelly, Corwin & Dee Brust, Linda Lounsbury, Dean Gahlon & Laura Krentz.


1: Michael Mornard; 2: Jeffrey A. Ahlstrom; 3: Mike Dorn; 9: Julie Johnson; 13: Dave Romm; 16: Carole Vandal, 18: Shannon Leslie, Richard Tatge; 22: Steven Bond, Laurel Winter; 28: Peg Kerr Ihinger; 29: Martin Schafer

Publishing News

Ruth Berman has 2 poems, "Finding Aliens" and "The Words of Mars," in the March 2015 Tales of the Talisman (Vol. 10 No. 3).

Eleanor Arnason: Aqueduct Press eBook reprints of The Sword Smith; To the Resurrection Station; and Daughter of the Bear King should all be available by April.

Lois McMaster Bujold: Shards of Honor (Baen tp reprint) is scheduled for November.

Neil Gaiman: the HarperCollins/ Morrow edition of Trigger Warning (collection) is hc, not tp as we had it in Jan. EINBLATT; tp will be out in October. Gaiman's The Sleeper and the Spindle will be a HarperCollins hc in September and a UK Bloomsbury tp in October. Reprints (tp and eb) of Chu's First Day of School (with Adam Rex) are due April from Harper; UK tp reprint of Neverwhere is due June from Headline.

Neil Gaiman in the 21st Century (ed. Tara Prescott) is due in May as a McFarland tp.

MaryJanice Davidson, "Widower's Walk," is in Dead But Not Forgotten (ed. Charlene Harris).

Marissa Lingen, "Surfacing," appeared in Lightspeed for March 2015.

Poems by Ruth Berman ("Spending Time" and "Time Travel Vocabulary Problems") and Terry A. Garey ("Afterlife") are in the January Dreams and Nightmares (#100).

David E. Romm has an article in the December New York Review of Science Fiction on "The Songs of Shockwave Radio Theater: A Journey." It's also online at http://tinyurl.com/rommsongs.

Local Publishers: The Oathbreaker's Shadow by Amy McCulloch (Llewellyn/Flux tp) is out now; and The Shock of Night by Patrick W. Carr (Bethany House tp) is due October.

Steve Brust will be an instructor at the Viable Paradise writers' workshop in October at Martha's Vineyard.

The Bestsellers list in the February Locus includes Hawk by Brust (#7 hc) and The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Gaiman (#4 tp). No locals/ex-locals appeared in the March Locus lists.

The Locus 2014 "Recommended Reading List" includes Hawk by Brust (Novels: Fantasy); "A Year and a Day in Old Theradane" (Novelettes) by Scott Lynch; and "The Scrivner" by Arnason (Short Stories).

pb=mass market paperback. hc=hardcover. tp=trade paperback nf=nonfiction. coll=collection. anth=anthology. r=reissue


Apr 2-5. Minicon 50, Bloomington, MN. GoHs: Jane Yolen, Larry Niven, Brandon Sanderson, Michael Whelan, Adam Stemple & Tom Doherty. FFI: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon50/

May 22-24. MantiCon 2015, Bloomington, MN. GoHs: David Weber, Timothy Zahn, Eric Flint. FFI: http://www.manticon.org/

June 26-28. Fourth Street Fantasy, St. Louis Park, MN. www.4thstreetfantasy.com/2015/

Jul 24-26. Diversicon 23. Twin Cities, MN. GoH: Ytasha L Womack. FFI: http://diversicon.org

Aug 19-23. Sasquan, Worldcon 2015. Spokane, WA. FFI: http://sasquan.org/

Oct 9-11. JOFCon Minneapolis 2015. St. Louis Park, MN. FFI: http://jofconmsp2015.blogspot.com/

Aug 17-21, 2016. MidAmeriCon II, Worldcon 2016. FFI: http://midamericon2.org/

Ongoing Information

Board of Directors: Kevin Austin, Lydia Nickerson, Scott Raun, Matt Strait & Ann Totusek - board@mnstf.org. Mn-STF meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Saturday every month, Board meeting minutes are posted at http://www.mnstf.org/records/board-minutes/, check there for the next board meeting.

Minn-STF web site at: www.mnstf.org/. Minicon web site at: www.mnstf.org/minicon/.

Gamesday Players: Board & card gaming almost every Friday evening. FFI: Richard Tatge at 612-827-3228.

Filk Circle: open to all who like to participate in music with f/sf lyrics. 4th Sunday at 5pm. FFI: Rich Brown, 651-646-2159, rab@freemars.org

PRINT FANDOM LIVES! Stipple-Apa is a healthy general-interest publication with members in six countries. Local collations are every six weeks. Chat with fellow fans the classic way. FFI: Jeanne Mealy, 651-771-7226

Einblatt from July 95 to date is on the web at www.mnstf.org/einblatt/. Einblatt is distributed via e-mailing-list - sign up at the website (here). The Dead-tree Einblatt is available by subscription. Cost is $10, payable by check mailed to the Minn-StF PO Box, check or cash handed to YrHumbleEinblattEd (as of December 2009, Scott Raun), or PayPal to webmaster@minicon.org.

This Einblatt was edited by Scott Raun with the assistance of Denny Lien (publishing news) and Kevin Austin(conventions).

Einblatt is a monthly publication of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, devoted to news of the local SF community. E-mail same to einblatt@mnstf.org, or send to Scott Raun, 3928 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407; or call him at 612-822-0451. Email submissions most preferred, no phone calls after 10pm. // Next Einblatt! Deadline: 11:59PM April 23rd, 2015.