(Looking for the Millenium Fallcon?)

ditto 12

The Other Convention for Fanzine Fans, Trufans, the Curious and the Brave

The Event

The next ditto will be held in Minneapolis, MN, on October 29-31, 1999. We think it's about time. ditto started out as an another annual convention for that subset of fandom interested in fanzines. Though that's still one of the ties that bind us, ditto is also a great weekend to spend with fans from all over the country, many of whom have been in fandom for decades. It's homey, completely unpretentious, and a lot of fun. dittos have ranged in size from 60-odd people in Chicago (and they were odd indeed) to the El Paso convention when all 13 of us fit in the elevator.

If fanzine fandom has a relaxacon, ditto is it. We'll have a bit of programming, there'll be much good food and drink, and lots of conversation with people who know that Rex Rotary is not a super villian. And, this year only, ditto will serve as Minn-stf's Millenium Fallcon, a tandem act that worked perfectly, twice, for ditto and CFG's Octocon, and ought to be at least as much fun here in the Twin Cities. We think fannish cross-pollination leads to interesting people having fascinating conversations, which is pretty much the point. We aim to run a convention that's fun for both Minn-stfers and the ditto crowd.

The Hotel

Our venue for ditto 12 is the Radisson Metrodome, 615 Washington Av SE, MPLS, MN 55414. That's right on the U of M campus, and across the street from one of the better Chinese restaurants in the Twin Cities. The hospitality suite is splendid with lots of room--the windows even open! The room rate is $84 per night, and please book now! The hotel extended our room block expiry date for another 2 weeks, but rooms are going quickly! If you don't hurry, there won't be room at the inn. The convention is the same weekend as the University's Homecoming, and since we're right on campus, the hotel will sell out. Our room rate will be gone by October 14. Tell 'em you're with DITTO. The hotel's phone is (612) 379-8888, and their fax number is (612) 379-8436. The toll-free reservations number is: (800) 333-3333.

The Details

Print the registration form and send it in! Convention memberships are $30/person, with kid's memberships at $10 for those 13 and younger. Please make checks payable to ditto 12. At-the-door rates will be $40 adult/$15 kid, so register by 15 OCT 99. Mail 'em to Karen Cooper, ditto 12, 101 E. Minnehaha Pky, MPLS, MN, 55419. You can call Karen with ideas, questions, comments, and gossip at 612-823-1497, or e-mail her at karenc@visi.com.

We're having Sunday Brunch! Cost is not yet determined, but it will be under $15.00/per person, and probably way less. Just let us know if you'd like to attend and we'll settle up when you get here.

Who's Planning to be There?

The Attendees List is available here.

The Con Committee

ditto 12 is being brought to you by these guys: Karen Cooper, Jeff Schalles, Martin Schafer, Dean Gahlon, David Emerson, Sharon Kahn.

Should be a good time. Y'all come. Here's why.

Credit where it's due Dept: This page owes its life to the very kind and careful help of Bob Webber, who should be given a standing ovation. Outa yer chairs, people! Thanks, Bob. All content is the responsibility of Karen Cooper.