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Postmortem Comments from People Whose Symbol is Not Recorded

facilitated by a Person whose name is lost in the mists of time

and reported by Katie, whose last name I did not write down


What I liked best this year

Lack of negativity. Good vibes.

Service orientation.

The music parties.

Free alcohol and parties!

Outstanding programming, good guests!

"Nothing. I didn't see much of the convention." However, this person achieved personal goals, so not all was lost.

"I survived."

Connections with people

There were no major problems and the minor ones were solved.

What Needed Improvement?

Communication, both within the concom and between the concom and the public.

Email is a fine thing for departments, but they need to respond!

Handicapped parking sucked. We need more handicapped parking.

Who is responsible for what? We need a mission statement.

The pocket program. Enough said.

Well, maybe not enough said. The pocket program.

There were room parties in cabana suites which were not open late or not open every day.

Gaming was ignored.

There was a missing box of registrations.

Registration confirmations did not go out in a timely fashion.

Relationships with GoH's need work especially in the communication department.

Confirmation of hotel rooms was abysmally late.

Volunteers were not contacted so that they could work.

Programming did not get in touch with program participants as well as they should have. People got put on program items for which they did not volunteer.

There were mechanical problems with the hot tub.

Programming needs signs outside of the rooms stating what is going on inside. [Janet Moe of Tech Support can do this]

Double booked programming participants.

Internal communication was not good.

Pre-con meetings are boring. They need to be more fun.

A suggestion for a Minicon Mission statement: "To have a good time!"

Bring back more and more clearly marked recycling receptacles.

Pre-con meetings need to be reorganized.

What worked well?


Hot pots for coffee

Milk machines (but we need juice).

Dark Star worked well. The musician end of it worked well, but there were too many comps this year.

There was a greater variety of pop and beer in the consuite.

Filk went well.

The quality of programming was very good.

The beer was very good.

The drum jam worked in the Verandah room.

If you could change one thing, what would it be?

A more appropriate room for the Minnesota Munchie Movement.

Better coordination on food between 3M and parties.

Smaller - less people.

Programming on Monday or Thursday.

Keep the "day before" the con.

The Pocket Program book. (I guess enough wasn't said.)

The convention should be larger or smaller. How big and how long the con is to be is a decision for the board or the exec.

The committee should have a good time, as should the attendees.

Minicon has reached a steady state size, it has reached the Minnesota SF fan population and information has saturated that population.

The Minnesota Munchie Movement did have fun. (Um, don't change this.)

Need to notice the good things, need to hear when people say good things.

What should never be changed?

All of it.

The feel of it.

The diversity, there is so much available.

The location of the consuite.

The time: Easter Weekend.

Nothing is immune to change; things should change

Fannishness and community.


Always bringing in new people, especially young people.