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To: MINICON 32 & 33

From: Bob Stinson (Brotherhood of the Mist)

Re: Current MINICON policies.

I have attended 17 of the last 19 MINICON's. This would have been my 18th year of attendance but I have chosen not to attend Minicon 32 because of my experiences last year and the new policies this year. The way I feel at this time, I may well have attended my last MINICON! I was ask by a member of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society to express in writing my reasons for this decision. Her are my reasons:

1. Your room policy sucks!!! Those of us who have been long time supporters and attendees should be allowed to reserve rooms at the Radisson South for the next MINICON before we leave the current MINICON. We have been the backbone of the growth of this event over the years. What is wrong with new people (first timers) staying at other hotels? If they are at the present con, they have a chance to reserve a room for the next year, same as I would. If they don't know if they are coming next year, that's their problem, not mine. They should Make a decision!.

2. The past two years I have sponsored/co-sponsored an open room party (in a suite) but only reserved a suite one of those years (Brotherhood of the Mist Wake for Bert Lehto in 95 and a Remembrance party in 96). The way rooms reservations and suite assignments were to be made this year, I felt that I wasn't wanted and my efforts to be a good host weren't appreciated. At previous cons, The Brotherhood of the Mist was known and appreciated for our contributions to creating a lively con suite. I no longer feel that we are.

3. The con is getting too big and out of hand. For the first time last year, I felt uncomfortable walking around the halls. Saturday night, some of the costuming finally crossed the line between fun and perversion. Sado-masochism is not science fiction and the sado-masochistic costuming is inappropriate. I was accompanied by two young girls, ages 12 and 14 (who have attended MINICON for at least 3 years) and their aunt and uncle (new fans in their 20's). I was embarrassed to have young fans/new fans see such a display. Don't get me wrong, I am no prude. I come to MINICON because of the diversity and some f the strange people that I have met and who have become my friends. There is, however, a point at which a line needs to be drawn or anarchy prevails. I see this issue in the same light as the need for "peace bonding" of weapons.

When I returned home last year I sat down and ask myself if I enjoyed my self and the answer was not enough for the money I had spent. Between air fare from Detroit to Minneapolis and back, room rental, party expenses, art purchased, items purchased in the Hucksters room and food - I had spent over $900. If I do not feel comfortable walking around the con and can not have a room/suite to hold a room party, why am I spending all that money for a weekend I did not enjoy? I am not questioning what it cost me to attend and hold a room party, I am pointing out that the experiences that originally attracted me to MINICON are being lost in the mad push to put on ever larger cons.

While this letter reflects my personal views, I have discussed my views with other who are long time attendees and they feel as I do. At least two of them have also decided not to attend this year for much the same reasons. You state in the Winter 1997 Progress Report that there is an annual turn over of about 400 attendees. Have you ever considered contacting them to find out why they did not return? You may learn more valuable information about attendee satisfaction from those who choose not to return than from those who do.

(sig) Bob Stinson

Bob Stinson

69068 Beebe Street #76

Richmond, MI, 48062