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MidWest Side Story

Production Schedule

Auditions: Very Soon. In November and December.

Rehearsals: Begin in January about once a week, February same or two times if its not going that well. March three times a week. The weeks before MiniCon, as much as it needs at that point. It really depends on how well it is going.

Workshop: rehearsals will be combinations of workshop and rehearsal of the play. that means people will be getting training in music, acting and getting comfortable on stage as well as coming up with a production. The workshop part could be optional for more skilled actor/singers.

Mon, 10 Nov 1997 13:07:32 -0600

Casting and crew call MidWest Side Story

Dear Fans,

This is a general call to find people who would like to participate in the staging of the play Midwest Side Story, a fannish musical to be presented on the main stage at MiniCon 33. It is based on West Side Story which was based on Romeo and Juliet: both are love stories about people from opposing clans/gangs/worlds. The script of Midwest Side Story was written in '76 or so and the plot revolves around the theme of Fanzine fans vs. Convention fans. We think this theme is still relevent!

We need:

Actors/Singers -- There are four central characters: Tony and Maria and their older siblings. These parts are juicy parts that involve singing and acting. We will also need, a bit later on, about ten more actors for various sized roles. We could like to get the four main characters involved and committed soon, since the play revolves around them.

We need:

Crew members for non-acting parts: a stage manager; someone to do set design and construction (these two may be different people); a theater lights technician (competent would be fine, artistic would be better); costumers, gophers, and other helpers.

In both areas: we need competent, reliable, talented people. Perhaps you or someone you know might be interested?

This is a really nifty play and we expect putting it together to be a *lot* of fun. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested.

(612) 822-9172

Barb Jensen and David Emerson