By Betsy Lundsten
Volunteers Head

We want you to volunteer for Minicon for the same reason that we want you to come to Minicon in the first place--because it's fun. Minicon is going to be different next year (in more ways than we knew when we started saying that!) and we'd like to tell you about how that will affect the volunteers department. We're going to be doing old things differently and we're going to be doing a few new things altogether (partially due to our great new location at the Hilton!), and we'd really like it if you had the time, the energy, and the desire to help make Minicon happen this year.

If this sounds like almost more fun than you can stand to have, great! Please fill out a volunteer form and we'll put you to work. If it doesn't sound like fun, we'll miss you, but Minicon will still happen (and we'd rather you had fun than that you volunteered because you felt you had to).

Acrobat/PDF of All-In-One Registration/Volunteer form (suitable for printing)

Registration form

[Minn-StF] [Minicon] [Minicon 34]

Revised:   October 1, 1998
  by Laurel Krahn / webmaster@minicon34.mnstf.org