Minicon 35 Meetings

Minicon meetings are open to the public. We encourage people who are interested in working on Minicon to attend if they can.

We're meeting the third Saturday of every month at DreamHaven books, 912 W. Lake Street. Starting time for all meetings is 1:00 pm.

Beginning in February, we will be meeting more often. The April 15th meeting is one week before Minicon.

Meeting Schedule for Minicon 35

Minicon meetings will also be announced in Einblatt

If you are interested in helping make Minicon happen, please fill out a volunteer form.

[Minn-StF] [Minicon] [Minicon 35]
Minicon: PO Box 8297 Lake Street Station Minneapolis, MN 55408

Contact Us

Last Updated: November 29, 1999