Minicon Meeting Minutes: December 16, 2001
Location: Laura Jean's place
Minutes prepared by Sharon Kahn

Convenor: Laura Jean Fish
Attendees: David Schroth, Sharon Kahn, Magenta Griffith, Larry Sanderson, Scott Raun, Bill Christ, Michael Burgess, Charmaine Burgess, Susan Levy Haskell. I think that Corwin Brust and Mike Von Maltzen were also there, but arrived later (not written down in my notes).

New Dept. Heads
Publications: David Schroth

Dept Heads Reports

Larry Sanderson (Registration): Larry wants to know where the small copy printer is. Just a few registrations have come in so far in response to PR 1. It's still a little early. We should be in a position to predict attendance by early January. Last year we got about 10% of our registration at the door, which was higher than we expected. Current numbers are:

Charmaine (Treasurer): Scott (Hotel) has a piece of paper that Charmaine needs. It was not clear to the scribe what that paper is, but both of them seemed to understand it and agreed that Scott would get said paper to Charmaine.

Scott (Hotel): We should get the registration code for our room block onto the website. This is the code that people need to use if they want to register online. The code is MSF. Part of our contract with the hotel includes 8 "free Executive King upgrades." Much discussion ensued over how these upgrades should be used - the general consensus was that it would be nice to find a way to use them that would encourage lots of fun parties without upsetting people by appearing to show favortism or to raise the legal question of the con giving "gifts of monetary value" to some attendees but not others. No decision was reached.

Susan Levy Haskell (Liaison liason): She would like all liaisons to submit their budgets to treasury - how much will airfaire, room and meals cost? What is the duration of stay for each guest? Corwin is still the liaison for Rick Berry.

Michael (Parties): It is a priority to keep room parties in close proximity to each other. Still working on space allocation for all party needs.

David Schroth (Pubs): Needs submissions for PR2 by December 29. Are we having a Masquerade Ball? Beach Party? Needs to be in PR2 so people come prepared.