This is a transcription of handwritten minutes found in a binder, done in 2018. No typewritten version is known, and in this era, it seemed typical to take minutes by hand and then type up an official version. Therefore, this version should be considered unofficial. They are transcribed as literally as possible, all marks like "(?)" are original. A full line of dashes indicates a new page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st 1985-1986 MnStF Board of Directors meeting Page 1 of 2 Wednesday April 3, 1985, ~9:00pm(?) At Minglewood (Messer, Messer & Marschall) 1935 Lincoln Ave - St. P. New Board 1985-1986 elected Mar. 23, 1985 Jan Appelbaum, Don Bailey, David Cargo, Scott Imes, Virginia Nelson 1 Officers 2 Confirm Denise Nelson / Maxicon "theft" 3 (Alert board to possibility of extra media/etc. at Minicon 4 Affirm Rune/Einblatt/Audioblatt editorial query 5 Peter Larsen's friend who wants to donated Radio Schak model 1, disc, T.V. keyboard (Meeting scheduled for Sun. 3-31-85 1:30pm WAS cancelled due to snow storm - maybe Wed. 4-3-85?) NEXT MEETING! 3552 Colfax A.S. Monday, April 15th at Gin Nelson's 8:15 - 8:30? per Mark R. 4-13-85 (*Denise's notice sent to Longo residence returned as "undeliverable as addressed" per Rick G. 4-15-85 "Denise said to send her mail to 'Denise Nelson c/o Tom Longo at the P.O. Box'. P.O. Box 7156, Powderhorn Station 55407 (Note - address correction requested) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st 1985-1986 Page 2 of 2 Minnsteff Board of Directors meeting 1984-5 1985-6 (Accepted) Geri S. President Beth Friedman Y Steven B? Vice President(s) David Cummer Y Mark R. *Corresponding Secretary Mark Richards Y Judith B. Recording Secretary Karen Johnson Y Lynn A. Attendance Secretary Lynn Anderson New office Executive Vice President Steven Brust Y Joel H. Treasurer Joel Halpern Y * Mark's schedule is flakey - he wouldn't object to ------------------------------------------------------------------------