This is an OCR'd scan of minutes found in a binder done in 2017. OCR errors have been fixed where noticed, but original errors have been retained. ================================================================================ Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc. January 20, 1986 Attending: No record was made of the attendees. Regular Board members are Jan Appelbaum, Don Bailey, David Cargo, Scott Imes, and Virginia Nelson. Agenda: Rune Continuing report on Denise Nelson case Doug Friauf Geri Sullivan request for money Gin Nelson: Lecture series Scott Raun confirmation as Membership Secretary Margo Bratton's confirmation as Minn-stf hotline keeper Minn-stf library Next meeting Elections Denise Nelson Now have firm trial date for Denise's appeal: April 4, 1986 at 9:30 a.m., the Friday after Minicon. Location: room C-1656 at the Hennepin County Government Center. Do we want to go ahead with fraud/embezzlement charges? Note: what is statute of limitations on this? Don, Gin, Rob Ihinger, and (maybe) Rick Gellman will attend the hearing. Doug Friauf Doug submitted a receipt for $80.20 for Nasfic/Mpls. in '73 party supplies. Reim- bursement has been authorized already. He and Joel can coordinate payment. He would like some financial help from the Board to upgrade the room he shares with Greg Ketter to a suite so he wont have to scrounge around for room for Mpls. in '73 parties. Quick concensus of the Board is no; we haven't paid for room space before and we see no reason to start now. Geri Sullivan Geri would like to be authorized to spend up to $30.00 for a Mpls. in '73 party at Corflu, in Washington D.C.. Unanimous in favor. Gin Nelson/Lecture Series The organizational meeting for the Minn-stf lecture series is February 4, 1986 at 8 p.m. at the French House. No one has made any promises to anyone yet. Scott Raun Scott has volunteered to be the membership secretary. Unanimous agreement with Gin abstaining. Margo Bratton Margo has volunteered to take over the Minn-stf hotline from David Cummer, who is burnt out on it. Unanimous agreement with Don abstaining. (Editor's note: keeping up a fine tradition, eh?) Minn-stf Library Caryl Dixon has asked us to move the library prior to Minicon as Dave Romm is moving in shortly thereafter. Don said he might be able to take it. Geri Sullivan would like it, but doesn't have space. The bush will continue to be beaten. Elections Voting will be held at Don and Margo's on March 8, 1986. Nominating meetings are February 8 and 22. Rune After a concerted effort to delay the matter, the subject of Rune was brought up. A few minutes were taken to peruse the two proposals (Mike Butler, and Erik Biever/Dan Goodman). After much whispering and dithering, the next Rune editor will be Mike Butler, but the Board wants him to come back at the next meeting with firmer expense figures. Ten- tative upper limit of $3,000 per year set. Also thinking about Dan and Erik's idea of a literary zine, paid for (at least partly) by subscription, say $1.00 per issue. Erik complained about no Board meeting held separately to consider Rune, and no discus- sion as to zine philosophy. Mike said that on behalf of Erik and Dan, he doesn't think its fair that they be limited to only annual issues. Geri said that she would have been more confortable has there been more open discussion before the Board went off and made a decision. Don pointed out that they hadn't realized they were going to make a decision until they did; Don apologized. Jan said he hadn't realized they had a con- sensus until they conferred in private. Mike would like to hear Dan and Erik's philosophy--he has a reputation as a hotshot and they have a reputation as hard workers. Geri pointed out that indeed an annual doesn't seem enough. ["Dan and" struck out in pencil and written in "Dan didn't attend"] Erik suggested that editors be invited to Board meetings concerned with Rune (particularly if it is felt that they're screwing up), Erik would want cartoons as well as illos. Emphasis on literary material. Expect other people to educate him about other stuff. Feels (in programming) he has a history of not discriminating against stuff he's less interested in. Many years on outside as fringefan--feels he has a better under- standing of what the outsider doesn't know. Jokes should be explained. Material should be in English, not academese. Would like a series of articles on local sf re- lated organizations; how to start your own club. Ideas that might be worth looking into; Rune personals. Mike thought that was an, um, interesting idea. Feels it's impor- tant for Rune editor to stay in touch with community--to be accessible. (Editor's note: I'm not entirely sure if this was Erik or Dan speaking--the notes aren't clear.) Mike's turn. This is supposed to be fun, remember? Minicon comes but once a year, but fanzines are forever. ["Wants" struck out in pencil and "(Mike) will settle for" written in] an entertaining bit of fluff that comes out often enough that people don't forget about it between issues. Looking for good, clear, en- tertaining stuff, not necessarily only by locals. Beth Friedman (stand-in recording secretary) announced that if anyone had anything else to say she would need more paper. (This unsuccessful bid to end the meeting was foiled by her being provided a sheet of paper.) David Cargo pointed out there is a real dichotomy that has fostered the desire for two types of fanzines: fluff versus serious. There is a diversity of needs and audience. He would like to have two zines that meet both these needs rather than one that doesn't. He wants the literary annual to come out at Minicon. Scott Imes told Erik he needs cost proposal for literary zine. Erik tossed it back to the Board--what are the parameters? Thrashed around a bit. Will charge around $1 to $2 per zine, $1,000 total cost per issue estimate. David said a literary zine is nice for tax purposes--educational and informative. Erik wants to know maximum amount of money Board is willing to give. Joel isn't available for Treasury information, bu tDon gave $1,000 as a wild ballpark figure. Annual or semi-annual, whatever they can afford for that amount. Don encouraged Mike and Erik/Dan to solicit information/articles from each other. M.K. Digre and Erik will have one last Rune published, and it should come out before Minicon. (Editorls note: the collation has been announced for Wednesday, February 12, 1986.) Next Meeting Next Board meeting will be February 10, 1986 at 8:30 p.m. at David Cargo's, 3040 Harriet Ave. S., Minneapolis. These minutes were taken by Beth Friedman, and typoed and printed by Karen Johnson, the usual Recording Secretary/Scribe, who has little time to get these ready for the next Board meeting and therefore won't be proofreading this. Karen