These minutes were found in a binder, scanned and OCR'd in 2017. OCR errors have been corrected. Original errors have been retained. ================================================================================ Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors, Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc. February 10, 1986 "Did we remember to vote Mike the Rune editor?" "I think we did that when we gave him a budget." Attending Directors: Jan Appelbaum, Don Bailey, David Cargo, Scott Imes, Virginia Nelson. Others Attending: Joel Halpern (Minn-STF treasurer), Mike Butler, Polly Peterson, Joyce Scrivner, Mike Donn, Lee Reynolds, Eric Heideman, Rob Ihinger, and Karen Johnson (Recording Secretary). Agenda: Corrections to Minutes Minn-STF election Tom Longo and Denise Nelson Elise Krueger Minn-STF library Next meeting Fallcon Lecture series Literary zine Rune David Cargo Resolved: The Board thanks Mark Richards for giving the second Post Office box key to Kay Drache (for Minicon registration) and suggests that to collect his thanks he should do so real soon. Item 1: Corrections to previous meeting minutes: Point of information: Dan Good- man was not at the last meeting, only Eric Heideman. Mike Butler said he wanted a correction of a quote of his to "Would settle for an entertaining bit of fluff..." (RE Rune). Item 2: Minn-STF election. The election was announced and nominations taken at the February 8 meeting. The voting will be at the March 8 meeting at Pamela and David Dyer-Bennet's home, not at Don Bailey's home. He and Margo do host the March 22 meeting, but no one is voting on anything there that we know of. Item 3: Tom and Denise. Scott Imes showed the Board a letter from Tom Longo that was sent to John Robey. He asked Rob Ihinger if this was enough to get a court injunction against Tom to keep Tom away from Minicon and Minn-STF. Also, is it worth it to do this? Rob said we should be able to get a court order. Scott thought such an order would likely deter Torn from doing anything at Minicon. Someone (no record of who) thought it might encourage Tom instead. Getting the injunction will require paperwork on Rob's part, and affadavits from people like Rick Gellman (for evidence). Estimated $300 total to pay for Rob gathering information and going to a court, and having the papers served to Tom. The Board adjourned to another room for discussion, then returned and announced they will pursue a restraining order on Tom. Nothing new was said about the Denise Nelson case. Item 4: Elise Krueger (please correct this spelling if it is wrong) requested $30 for a Mpls. in 73 party at Wiscon. All members of the Board approved this expense (David Cargo slipped and forgot to abstain). Item 5: Minn-STF library. Caryl Dixon needs the room the library is currently kept in cleared out by Minicon. No one has volunteered a place for it yet. Joyce Scrivner volunteered storage space for the interim. Saturday, March 15 proposed as a moving date to transfer the library to Joyce's home. Karen Johnson will talk to Caryl about boxing up the books beforehand. Boxes are sought from everyone. $30 approved by the Board to cover supplies for the movers. $10 to go to Caryl, $20 to Joyce. David will ask Judy Cilcain if we can use her van to transport the books. Also, Mike Butler asked what policy is on incoming zines to Rune; are they turned over to the library? Previous editors have intended to give zines to the library. No policy on this. With library going into storage, what can we say? Item 6: Next Board meeting scheduled for Monday, February 24, 1986 at David Cargo's house. Last meeting of the 1985/86 Board. 8:30 pm. Item 7: Fallcon. Joyce needs seed money. $500 okayed by Board, with Don abstaining. Fallcon dates are Sept. 5,6,7. Joyce said Bob Shaw and wife will fly here from Worldcon in Atlanta, then go to Birmingham, Alabama the following weekend. The outgoing flight cost will be shared with the Birmingham fan group. Item 8: Lecture series. Polly presented a proposal for a Minn-STF lecture series to be held the the Heritage Hall in the downtown Minneapolis Public Library. It would be scheduled between cons, and would include local authors. The group propose a 3-lecture series in May on Tuesday evenings, plus another in the fall. Theme for the spring series would be "Creating Imaginary Worlds? Looking to invite Barry Lon- gyear, Ruth Berman, the Liavek authors, with Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Poul Anderson as alternates. Anticipated expenses: $50 payment to local authors; add two nights in a hotel plus travel up to $500 for out of town authors. Want a program book (either one for all three lectures, or one for each lecture), estimated at $700 to $1200 for the two series proposed. $2600 total year expense for the two series. $3700 maxi- mum. Don wanted to see what our total financial spending has been so far this year before making a decision. Joel gave a brief outline of our financial position. Don proposed doing a spring series and see how it goes before authorizing money for a fall series. Give $1000 for them to work with. What if alternates are needed and expenses go up? Don says they'll have to reexamine their budget, and Scott added they'll have to ap- proach the "new" Board for more money. Don, Scott, and David approved expense of up to $1000 for a spring lecture series, Gin and Jan abstained. Item 9: Literary zine. Eric Heideman has proposed doing a literary zine to be issued once a year at Minicon time. Don liked the idea. Joel said it cost too much. Board approved expense of up to $1000 for the zine. (Jan abstained becauase he wasn't at the meeting any longer.) The title is to be determined (since Eric wanted to retain rights to the title he was going to use, and the Board found this unacceptable consider- ing this is a Minn-STF zine). The issue will be out by Minicon 1987. (Then the Board skipped to the Rune topic in the middle of their discussion and thoroughly confused the Scribe. This is not polite.) Item 10: Rune. Mike Butler had financial figures, thought they might be high. Wanted Board to pick figures before properly appointing him editor. Much discussion of cost, ways to cut cost, wondering what cost will be. Joel proposed figures for one issued at this Minicon, two issues at 16-page count during year (three issues total). $1000 publishing, $500 mailing. That was upped to $1500 publishing, $750 mailing. More discussion. Difficulty is in estimated cost when the print run, copy size, and mailing cost are not known exactly. Board approved $2250 total for three issues (with Jan abstaining again). Item 11: David Cargo asked if Minn-STF wanted to have anything to do with donat- ing money for a new space shuttle? General response was no, let people do it on their own. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Submitted for your approval (a Board meeting in the Twilight Zone), Recording Secretary