This is an OCR of officially typed minutes, found in a binder in 2021, followed by a transcription of handwritten notes, found in a binder in 2018. The official minutes and handwritten notes are separated by a full line of equal signs. The handwritten version is transcribed as literally as possible. A full line of dashes indicates a new page. The original is word-processed with a variable width font. This version approximately duplicates the formatting. Errors in the official minutes are marked with "[sic]". Unmarked errors may be OCR failures, despite attempts to correct those. Italics are indicated by surrounding words with slashes. ================================================================================ Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors, Minnesota Science Fiction Society, a Minnesota Non-Profit Organization February 19, 1987 Meeting held at Don Bailey's home. Directors attending: Don Bailey, David Cargo, David Dyer-Bennet, Scott Imes, Geri Sullivan Officers attending: Joel Halpern (Treasurer), Karen Johnson (Recording Secretary), Scott Raun (Membership Secretary) Others attending: Rob Ihinger, Gin Nelson, Eric Heideman Agenda: Minicon video room - Joel Minn-Stf finances - Joel Longo update - Don Stapler update - Geri By-laws change proposal - Don Speakers fees for Minicon guests - Scott Lecture series - Cash registers - Joel TOTU update - Eric No corrections to last minutes. Item 1 Stapler report - Rob. He hasn't bought the stapler yet. He can get a 20% discount at a particular store. Will do so tomorrow (the Board approved). Item 2 Cash register report. Joel has contacted many dealers. Most sell new ma- chines at an average price of $450. He's looking at used machines. Needs to coordi- nate shopping with Karen Johnson. He figures used machines will be fine since we don't use them very much. Item 3 Longo update. Denise didn't show up for the trial. Don did a great job of testifying. The judge even ordered an extra $200 against Denise to pay attorney fees. (We won the judgment.) We can record the findings so that the debt will survive bankruptcy and last up to 20 years. The total judgment is now $575, plus $200 attor- ney fees, plus interest, plus a filing fee of $6. Item 4 Speakers fees for Minicon. Scott Imes explained that since Minicon will have a scientist guest of honor in 1988, we may need to pay a speaker's fee. He pro- posed the Board tell the Minicon concom in advance to expect this and to budget for it, or that the board approve a fee as an unusual expense. Some discussion. The con- com should discuss this also. Tabled until next meeting. Item 5 Finances. Joel can't present a balance sheet due to lack of information. (Sec. note: the 1986 Minicon profit hasn't been finalized and returned to Minn-Stf yet.) Rough look at situation for 1986: spent approx. $9,000 took in approx. $6,000 overspent approx. $3,000 1987 projections are for spending approximately $3,700 more than we will take in. This means reserves would go below $10,000. Joel is unhappy about how finances were handled in 1986. He feels obligated to warn the Board of what they are doing and how things will go in 1987. Geri proposed that $1,000 allocated for binding Minneapas be unauthorized and taken off the books. Nothing has happened with this project for some time. The Board ap- proved unanimously. Geri will inform B.J. Friedman (head of project). Geri also suggested that people think about other ways of saving money: watching what we spend on mailing PRs for Minicon, such as mailing PR1 to everyone, but PR2 only to those who register, and to those who ask for it. DD-B suggested we just be careful and perhaps implement a pruning policy on the One True Mailing List. Geri suggested not remailing PRs returned by the Post Office. Scott recommended Joel give a budget lecture to the next Board. Item 6 TOTU report. Eric expects Minn-Stf to "kick in" $500 per issue, regularly. He plans to raise the remaining amount of money needed to print it. He now requests $500 for issue #3. Joel says all money for #2 was spent, and we advanced him money from issue #3 for issue #2, to be covered by income from issue #3. Some confusion about expectation of monies from the club. Currently Joel expects TOTU 1987 ex- penses of approximately $750, and income of $150. This leaves us in the hole, so to speak. To be researched and discussed later. Item 7 Video room - Gin Nelson. Minicon has a problem with the video room. A major, legal problem. It was brought to the Executive Committee's attention that the video room was currently set up to operate illegally. Essentially, as we run it, for pur- poses of copyright law we are breaking the law. This includes a jail term. This has been discussed by the concom and the Exec. Joel wants the Board to say "we can't break the law" to the concom. Some concom are saying the Exec. has no authority to say "no" to the video room as it is currently set up. Well, that's saying "no" to U.S. copyright law. The law says we do not have right to a public presentation of videos. Immediate family, yes. Fraternal organizations, no. Two lawyers have been checked with about this. This doesn't mean no video room; it does mean handling copyrighted material properly and legally. The board directed the Exec. to resolve this problem in a law-abiding manner. Item 8 Lecture series. Coming from last year's successful series, the organizing group wants to do another in the fall of 1987. They are looking for approval from the Board to start work on the series, and maybe later ask for money. They believe the series is an important activity of Minn-Stf. $1000 spent last year. Board response was to go ahead and plan, but keep in mind that the budget will be tight and there is the possibility of no money available. Think of financial options. Item 9 TOTU again. Eric learned the manuscript made a detour to England. 90% of the pasteup is done. It will be out by Minicon. Check to the printer didn't make it, so it was rewritten to Eric who has the money now. Looking for a local printer. Item 10 Proposed by-laws change. Don is concerned that the Minicon concom is tending to pick local guests of honor, and this isn't correction itself even though there has been much previous discussion among the committee about this. He wants to see a change in the Minn-Stf by-laws that would limit local guests of honor positions to one per year (maximum). Also, anyone on the committee should pay the committee (regular) registration rate instead of any other rate they may be entitled to (as a pro or whatever). Scott Imes suggested a requirement of one guest over 50 years of age per convention. Pointed out to everyone that it is the Board that votes on changes to by- laws, not the general membership. (This is being checked.) Basically this is a con- cern that Minicon is too inwardly focused. Rob and Geri agreed. Mike made a point that concom might better accept a /resolution/ from the Board that the concom look at why they choose guests and try not to pick so many locals. Rob pointed out that the concom is solely responsible for choosing guests, and the concern should be brought to them, just as Rob's desire that older writers be invited since they might not be around much longer. Geri proposed tabling the discussion until the next meeting. Agreed. Item 11 The Board approved Mpls in 73 money ($30) for Corflu in April (Geri han- dling). The next meeting will be held on March 21 at the Board voting meeting at Don Bailey's. Meeting adjourned at 10.03 [sic] PM. Karen Johnson Recording Secretary ================================================================================ (12th) MnStF Board Meeting Page 1 of 5 Thu. 2-19-87 8:30pm at Don Bailey & Margo Bratton's 8:30pm+ Attending Board = Don Bailey, David Cargo, David Dyer-Bennet - Minicon Exec Scott Imes - Minicon Exec, Geri Sullivan + Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary. Mike Dorn - (Lecture Series) Scott Raun - MnStF directory Joel Halpern - Treasurer Rob Ihinger - MnStF attorney Eric Heideman - ToTu editor. Gin Nelson - Minicon exec. Agenda: Minicon video room Longo updated. -Rob Library update. Cash register update Totu (Tales of the Unanticipated) update - Treasury update - Minicon speakers fees - SKI MnStF lecture series - Mike ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12th) 1986-1987 Page 2 of 5 MNSTF Thu., Feb. 19, 1987 - 8:30pm + At Don & Margos. Library update - Don B. - Nothing new --- Stapler " - Rob. I ($96 + tax = better price he can get) Board says do it. Rob will buy black --- Cash register update - Joel H. -Joel is working on it - mixed results. Expects results this month, if not Joel will plan to rent --- Longo update Tom - nothing new Denise - The court date went well; Don B. Testified wonderfully; Denise didn't show up; court awarded us all we had $575. - plus $200. - more for attorney fees. Judge found fraud breech of fiduciary responsibility & suggested we record the findings by the court of fraud & breech of fiduciary responsibility --- Minicon speakers fees - Scott Imes SKI wishes to alert us to possibility that we can possibly expect to be charged a speaker's fee if we wish to have people like a science guest of honor. SKI wants board to OK Minicon planning to spend money for a speaker's fee, if necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12th) 1986-1987 Page 3 of 5 MNSTF Board Meeting Thu., Feb. 19, 1987 - 8:30pm + At Don & Margos. Treasury Report - Joel < $9,000 spent last year (1986) < $6,000 income last year (1986) -> $3,300 more spent than received as income last year. For 1987 - not including Rob's 1986/7 attorney fees - not including binding Minneapa $3,500. more budgeted to be spen than expected in as income ($250. - for Mpls. in '73 parties) if expenses & income as above --^, $10,000 would be left as reserves in accounts (not counting $1,000 held in bonds as last use savings) --- Minneapa binding - board (all 5) Geri S. to tell Beth F.: Cancel the $ for the project - if we get a complete set of Minneapa & someone still wants to bind them, that person can come back to the existant board & ask for binding money. --- ToTu budget discussed --- Other budgets discussed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12th) 1986-1987 Page 4 of 5 MNSTF Board Meeting Thu., Feb. 19, 1987 - 8:30pm + At Don & Margo's. Minicon Video Room - Joel Halpern Public Presentation = Any showing to people other than your immediate family & close personal friends. MnSTF board directs the Minicon Exec. to resolve video room issue in a law-abiding manner. --- MnStF Lecture Series - Mike Dorn Spring 1986 (May) - MnStF had 3 lecturers at the public library. Mike wants to have an organizational meeting for a 1987 lecture series. Wants board's OK (NOT a request for money at this time). Board says DO IT, but keep the "delicate" financial condition of MnStF in mind Mar. 9th 7:30pm. at Mike Dorn's (= Gerri & Herman's old address) --- ToTu (Tales of the Unanticipated) - Eric Heideman 90% done with issue #2 paste up Issue #2 due out by Minicon Fuller report next meeting --- Proposed by-law change - Don Bailey Wants to restrict GoH spots for locals to one per Minicon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12th) 1986-1987 Page 5 of 5 MnStF Board Meeting Thu. 2-19-87 8:30pm + At Don & Margo's. Mpls. approved $30.00 for Geri Sullivan to host Mpls. in '73 party at Corflu Next meeting = 9:00pm or whenever agreed on by new board - on Mar. 21st at Don Bailey's after the board election that day Scott Raun will prepare & and distribute ballots. Meeting Ajourned. 10:05pm. ================================================================================