This is a scan and OCR of minutes done in 2019. I have corrected OCR errors, but left original errors intact, if any. Everything inside square brackets, (e.g "[sic]") is added by me. ---------------------------------start-------------------------------- Minn-STF Board of Directors -- minutes -- meeting of 30 September 1987 held at Bailey/Bratton home; had present the following: Board: Don Bailey, David Cargo, Rob Ihinger, Karen Johnson, Geri Sullivan Officers: Joel Halpern (Treasurer), Denny Lien (Recording Secretary) Others: Margo Bratton, Eric Heideman, Jeanne Mealy, Mark Richards, Martin Schaeffer, and the crew of the USS Enterprise. ************************************************************************ The Board meeting, scheduled for 7:30 pm, began at 7 pm instead and ran during the commercial breaks of STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. This was the earliest we had ever been early, but as little could get done during the commercials, it eventually became the latest we had ever been early without actually being late, except for Rob, who was. First item on the agenda was STAR TREK quality--found acceptable. David Cargo requested the Board name him Vice President in Charge of Data Processing--mostly as a ploy to get on various freebie lists, out also because he felt it defendable given his volunteer functions. Sullivan so moved; passed 2-0, 2 abstaining, 1 absent. Suggestion that title be instead Vice President in Charge of Data Processing and Castle Construction was, I think, ignored. KJ etc on some problems with Mpls in '73 party at the Brighton worldcon: room far too small, scheduled too early, etc. Board needs to clarify what is optimal procedure in such parties (individual decision vs. group involvement etc.). GS report on Valleycon party: successful. Shared with several other parties. Gin Nelson fronted for supplies and needs to be reimbursed. Overbought on supplies; some will reappear as a Baggycon party at C'ntraction. Heideman reported on Minn-STF Lecture Series. Lecturers and dates as presented in Einblatt etc. Budget modified: some areas reduced; outgo for publicity needs increase. Board approved 5-0. Heideman reported on upcoming Great Midwestern Book Show at Calhoun Square Oct. 10-11. Suggest Minn-STF get a half-table at which to sell Tales of the Unanticipated, Maturity, maybe RUNE or tee-shirts. Is a major small press bookfair ((hence a chance to get rid of our overstock of size small shirts??)). Could also distribute Lecture Series flyers. Could possibly allow sales/displays of Minn-STF- oriented private publishers (SteelDragon, Corrobbee), if thought a good idea and no ethical/legal problem ((Sullivan)). Such problems possible but minor: real question is if we want the publicity ((Halpern)). After discussion, the Captain(s) informed First Officer Heideman that "We wish to project an image of geniality. You will see to it," and voted the $40 for a half-table. Sullivan to get relevant Minn-STF Sales stock to Heideman for table. Heideman reported that Dorn/Hageman/Peterson/Heideman were going to Windycon and volunteered to host a Mpls in 73 party thereat if desired, which Board desired it would be. Sullivan to get Mpls in 73 kits to Heideman, and Lien to pass on to him the zeppelin stickers that Scrivner didn't take to England, if still findable. RUNE: A heart-warming cheer of "Yahhh!" to the editors was moved and seconded, after which the usual confusion about its mailing list, in actuality and/or in theory, presented itself: cutting the mailing list increases interaction because interaction becomes the only way for most to keep getting it (and also because those left, being fewer, must huddle together to maintain body heat?), outside of a core group whose definition is not yet quite defined and which will need constant finetuning: beyond the given of Minn-STF voting members, suggestions of those on Einblatt mailing list, those on Minn-STF Directory, those who have attended one meeting (or two, or three...) within past year. ************************************************************************ "I think RUNE has to establish itself as coming out regularly before we start telling people that they're not getting it."-- Bailey *********************************************************************** Next RUNE deadline is 31 October 1987 for contributions. Should have gotten date in Einblatt; didn't. Should put on Minn-STF Hotline. RUNE budget will be at 28 October Board meeting. Richards: A "semi-project": PBS doing a late October science fiction/ science fact show noted by SF CHRONICLE. Local PBS station may not show unless a sponser [sic] arises. Would Minn-STF be interested? Cost estimated at $400. More details desired: Richards will pursue same. Sullivan: Had been hoped to bring Walt Willis here for Corflu if Corflu bid for Minneapolis in 1989 wins. Willis will not in fact be here, but will be in US for a con in Florida in December 1988. Is there any interest in Minn-STF funding travel for him to Twin Cities? Lien and Sullivan, on request, elaborated for the Younger Generation Of Fans present on the Walt Willis Legend. Feeling (consensus?) expressed that, legendary or not, this would be a bad precedent unless we could Make Use Of Him in some formal manner (con, lectures, etc.). Ihinger, as a recent first-time Minn-STF meeting host still reeling from the shock, suggested present reimbursement of $25 for keeping fifty-odd (some very odd) fen in food and drink for ten or twelve hours seemed a trifle unrealistic. There was much nodding of heads, and an eventual motion passed 4-0 with one abstention (our next host) to raise to $40. Cargo: One Treu [sic] Mailing List now at almost 4,000 names, of which 2300 are in Minnesota. Nearly 900 new attendees at Minicon this year, or almost 50% new (!!!!). Circa 450-500 PR1s returned for obsolete address so far--running about as expected. // Noted that sign-in book and bulletin board have not been showing up at meetings of late. Bailey is about to see (now-carless) Scott Raun and will noodge [sic] him. Bailey moved and all agreed to commend Sullivan for DARE TO BE STUPID. Back cover ooked [sic] at as "The fanzine that contemplates its navel." Next meeting: 29 October 1987 at Joel Halpern's--aim for 7:30 pm. (BUSINESS TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION) STAR TREK and the meeting both being over, we all took shore leave. minutes typed 28 Oct 87 -- Denny Lein [signed] ----------------------------------end---------------------------------